There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 734: Kill Yama with a finger!

One of the ten great Yamas of the Underworld, the Yama King is like a chicken, pinched by Lin Nan in his hand, begging for mercy in horror!

"Tiandi, please forgive me... I know I was wrong..."

King Yama is terrified!

"It's good to know that you are wrong!"

Lin Nan nodded slightly, his eyes were indifferent!

"The emperor is forgiving!"

King Yama looked at Lin Nan's eyes, his whole body trembled, and an extremely terrifying chill came from the sky of the heavens!

Lin Nan didn't say a word, pinched Yama King's neck with one hand, and gently applied force!


There was a muffled noise, like an egg being crushed!

The body of King Yama burst open on the spot and turned into a cloud of dark light, including the soul of the soul and the fire, which was directly crushed by Lin Nan and completely turned into nothingness!


There was a huge tremor in the entire underworld. King Yama, one of the ten great Yamas, died, and hundreds of millions of evil ghosts wailed!


Countless blood surging, Ming Tu has completely become Shura Hell!


The other nine kings, seeing this scene, fled in shock, one by one like a bird with a bow!

They are not afraid of changes in the underworld, but Lin Nan is here and has already committed a murderous vow. If they don't leave immediately, I am afraid they will never have the opportunity to leave!

Some people even tore open the space barriers, ready to abandon the earth and escape!

"Want to leave? Even the emperor's daughter, you dare to calculate, don't even want to leave!"

Lin Nan's expression was indifferent to the extreme, and he stretched out a big hand, which is the law of Emperor Dao. The King of Wheels has just rushed out of a million miles, the speed is incredible, almost instantly, he fled to the horizon!

Unfortunately, he Lin Nan is faster!

Lin Nan's big hand, like a mountain of five fingers, grabbed the King of Cycling back!

"The Emperor Don't..."

Lun Zhuan Wang was so scared!

However, before he could finish a word, Lin Nan crushed his body!

"Rolling King——!"

In the distance, the other great Yamas saw this scene, their eyes were splitting, and their scalp was numb!

The ten great Yamas died two of them in a short period of time. They completely became history and ceased to exist. They were killed by the Emperor himself. They were tainted with great cause and effect, and there was no chance of reincarnation!

Lin Nan turned around suddenly, like a tiger, hunting his prey!

This time, he looked for King Qin Guang, who was the furthest away from him, had torn open the gap between Mingtu and the outside world, ready to step out!


The pupils of King Qin Guang's eyes shrank suddenly, his whole body agitated, and the hair on his back stood up!

He jumped directly into the space crack and fled towards the outside world!

It's a pity that Lin Nan's speed is faster, and a sharp glow between his fingers hits through his fingertips, and sinks into it before the space crack heals!


The other Hells of Mingtu only heard a scream from King Qin Guang, and they completely lost their breath!


The remaining seven hells took a breath, and their hearts were terrified to the extreme!

It's really terrifying, Lin Nan can kill the strongest of Underworld with just a click!

Kill Yama with a finger!

"Too powerful! Ask the world, who is his adversary?" The eyes of King Equality were filled with despair!

If he was given another chance, he would not participate in anyway!

It's hard to retreat now!

"What are you still hesitating! Let's shoot together, maybe there is still a chance, if we only know how to escape, we will definitely die!"

The black shadow hidden in the chaotic atmosphere suddenly spoke.

From the very beginning, he had no intention of running away. When he smashed the well of reincarnation from Lin Nan and started hunting the Yama of Ten Temples, he stood aside, watching quietly and coldly!

"Okay! Let's do it together and kill him!"

King Chu Jiang roared, his eyes were red, like a wolf!

Unfortunately, he is facing a tiger!


Emperor Song gave a low voice and started directly!

The seven Yamas teamed up, plus the mysterious people in the chaotic atmosphere, and the eight quasi-emperor-level figures shot, even if it is the land of the world, it will be upset!


The earth quaked trembling, and opened one after another terrifying crack!

In the depths of the underworld, countless prehistoric fierce things have been sealed, including monstrous demons, and demons of the fairy king level. They are sealed in the depths of the underworld, hibernating quietly!

Today, the eight great Zhun emperors fought against Lin Nan. These ancient seals were all broken one by one, and all the sealed objects were released!

"Hahaha! I came out, I came out! Ten million years ago, the person who sealed me back then, I came out again!"

A huge black bone dragon laughed up to the sky, thinking that he was free!

He was extremely heroic and rushed directly into the sky, ready to show his might!

It's a pity that just after he got out of the seal, he felt an aura that made him creepy, and couldn't help but look up, the soul fire in the bone dragon's eyes trembled slightly in fright!

I see.

A young man stood out from the center of the battlefield, and eight other figures besieged him!

The breath of the youth is the most terrifying, just a figure from the back makes this skull dragon feel like it wants to kneel on the ground and worship!

"This is... an emperor's breath?"

The bone dragon opened his mouth!

next moment.


This young man shot, flipped his hand and patted, one of the eight figures turned into a cloud of blood on the spot!

One of the Ten Hades, the King of Equality is dead!

See this scene!

"Fuck! This is an emperor war? Oh my God! I want to return to the seal, let me go back!"

This skull dragon was almost scared to death. Following the path it came, he plunged into the depths of the underworld, unwilling to take another step!

It's really terrifying, who would have thought that just after leaving the seal, you would encounter such a terrifying battle?

Next, another ancient demon broke away from the seal!

"Fifteen million years, the seal is rotten, this king will bring billions of demon ancestors to reorganize the world!"

This ancient demon said proudly.

But the next moment, he was horrified to discover that nine terrifying auras were nearby!

After I looked up, my neck shrank in fright. I didn't let go of a fart. I got into the seal again and set up dozens of seal reinforcements for myself!

"My dear! It's too dangerous outside, I'd better stay inside the seal!"

This ancient demon kept patting his chest, his face pale!


The sky above the earth, roaring constantly!

The ancient seals in the underworld are constantly being reopened, and countless great demons and ghost kings of the last era and ancient seals have been released. However, when they saw this shocking battle, they all shrank back in shock!

Because it was too terrifying, the breath that bloomed during this war was even more terrifying than the people who sealed them back then!

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