There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 735: It's him!

The whole earth is almost boiling!

Countless ghosts were all so scared to kneel here, shaking in the direction of the center of the battlefield!

Everything is too horrible, that kind of breath comes, making people fear and surrender from the depths of the soul!

At the same time, the earth exploded continuously, and all the evil things in the seal rushed out!

However, after seeing Lin Nan fought against the Ten Hades, they were all dumbfounded, gathered together in fear, looking at the center of the battlefield in horror!

"What the **** is going on?"

A demon king stood there, trembling in shock!

Back then, he was once the lord of a realm. What a majesty and courage, he slaughtered the creatures of a galaxy when he raised his hand!

Because his practice hurts the heavens and harmony, he was teamed up and sealed in the depths of the underworld for millions of years!

Today the seal was broken, and the demon king appeared, originally full of anger, but after seeing Lin Nan on the battlefield, his anger was completely extinguished!

"Oh my God! This kind of power can simply destroy the world! It is billions of times more terrifying than the person who sealed me back then!"

Another Demon Emperor whispered, looking at Lin Nan's back in the battlefield, he lowered his head in horror!

At this time, in the terrifying power of Lin Nan, there was another Hades who was killed on the spot, **** on the spot!

"Too strong!"

"Is this really an emperor-level figure? How could he be beheaded so easily? Not even the slightest resistance?"

"This emperor-level figure is not fake, is it?"

Seeing this scene, a deep shock flashed in the eyes of all creatures!

"Who is that young man? Why is he... so powerful? Who is he? In what realm is his cultivation level?"

This is what everyone thinks!

However, at this moment, Lin Nan turned his back to everyone, the emperor's law surging in the battlefield, the creatures that rushed out of these seals could not see Lin Nan's true face at all!


Emperor Song made a strong move. This was a shocking blow, a terrifying force that could penetrate the starry sky and destroy a galaxy!

"Lin Nan, go and die!"

Emperor Song roared, bloodshot in his eyes!

He was shocked and horrified, and it was really shocked to the extreme, because in front of his eyes, there were already four or five Hades, don't beheaded on the spot, completely disappeared from time!

In the face of life and death, even the Hades in the underworld, can't calm down and kill his eyes!

"There are ants under heaven, death!"

Lin Nan's expression was indifferent, and between his gestures, he opened and closed, and there was a kind of great luck flowing!


Emperor Song exploded, completely turned into nothingness, another Hades-death!

"This... another dead one?"

"My God! Wouldn't that person want to kill all the emperor existences, right?"

Many of the creatures that rushed out of the seal of the underworld opened their mouths in astonishment, their bodies trembling!

They found that the young man who turned his back to everyone was really terrifying!

From the time they rushed out of the seal, there have been three emperor-level powerhouses who have fallen under his hands, and almost all of them were killed in one shot, without the slightest suspense!

"Lin Nan, you are too much! Why bother to kill? We are all willing to surrender! Don't you give us a way out?"

King Chu Jiang shouted.

He had already retired, begging Lin Nan for mercy!

"Don't you think it's too late to beg for mercy now? And begging for mercy is not in your tone!"

Lin Nan grinned, with a hint of mockery at the corner of his mouth!


King Chu Jiang's face changed drastically, at this time Lin Nan's had already blasted a punch, his energy was surging!

In the pupils of King Chu Jiang's eyes, Lin Nan's fist was reflected, and then his eyes went dark, completely losing consciousness!

King Chujiang-death!

Now, in the entire field, only the king of the five sense organs, the king of Biancheng, the king of Taishan, the king of the city and the dark shadow are left!

"It's over, it's over... The Ten Temples, six dead... I can't escape death..."

The face of the king of five sense organs was pale, and his heart was desperate!

"My lord, save us!"

Taishan King turned his head in horror and looked at the shadow in the chaotic atmosphere!

"My lord, help!"

The king of the five sense organs, the king of Biancheng, and the king of the city also spoke. In their opinion, the only hope now is the mysterious man in the chaotic atmosphere!

"Save you? Why should I save you?"

The black shadow sneered, shook his head, and said, "King Yama, King Lun Zhuan, King Chujiang, they know who I am, but unfortunately they are dead! You guys don't know who I am, why should I save you?"

"What? You...what do you mean?"

King Tarzan was stunned!

"Stupid! Just rely on you few to want to become emperor? Alas!"

Soi Ying sighed lightly, ignored Taishan King and others, and looked back at Lin Nan!

"Lin Nan, you didn't use the well of reincarnation to kill you this time, and you won't be so lucky next time! Hahaha, the Ten Temples Hades is really stupid. If you die, you will die. Anyway, it's not too big for me. Influence!" Sombra laughed!

Lin Nan stood there calmly, with an indifferent expression, calmly looked at the dark shadow, and didn't choose to shoot!

Because Lin Nan knew that it was useless to shoot. This was not a real body, just an incarnation, and there was no useful information at all!


It was as if a balloon had been punctured, the black shadow seemed to be deflated, the chaotic aura melted away, and his whole person disappeared without a trace, and the incarnation died directly, simply and neatly!


"Damn! He lied to us!"

The four great hells, the king of Taishan, the king of the five sense organs, the king of Biancheng, and the king of the city, trembled in anger and roared again and again!

"What are you waiting for, go!"

The city king shouted violently, and the power of his whole body burst out, turning into a long rainbow, the speed almost surpassed the speed of light, and rushed out of the underworld!

However, just halfway through the rush, a faster and fiercer golden light cut through the void!


The head of the city king was cut off by Lin Nan on the spot, and his huge body plunged directly into the underworld, and there was no breath of life!

"City King!"

King Taishan, King Five Senses and King Bian Cheng were pale, with a feeling of sadness!

However, before they were sad, Lin Nan's had already attacked them!

"No... God, we know it was wrong..."

The three of them were terrified, retreating steadily, and regretted to the extreme in their hearts!

If you knew that there was today's fate, and would not dare to calculate Lin Nan for anything, you know, that is the only emperor in the universe!


Lin Nan was not moved at all, slapped down, smashed the dry, and the three of Taishan King, Five Senses King, and Biancheng King couldn't bear it at all. They were annihilated on the spot and completely turned into nothingness!

Since then, the ten halls of the Hades of the Underworld have all been killed by Lin Nan!

No one!

From the depths of the underworld, the creatures that rushed out of the seal, seeing this scene, all knelt to the ground and worshipped Lin Nan!

Lin Nan looked back lightly!

"It's him--!"

When I saw Lin Nan's face, everyone's pupils shrank at the same time!

"Magic Ancestor!"

"Magic Emperor!"



Mingtu at this moment, time seems to have stopped!

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