There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 736: what are you guys saying? Who is he?

"The Demon Ancestor? The Demon Emperor? Dao Ancestor?...What are you talking about? Who is he?"

Many people were stunned when they heard the crowd talking!

"He is the Demon Ancestor! Our only ancestor of the Demon Realm, the saint body is standing in the depths of the Ancestor Mountain of the Demon Realm! Accepting the worship of ten thousand demons is definitely the Demon Ancestor, and only the Demon Ancestor has this kind of strength!"

An ancient demon trembled with excitement, facing Lin Nan's direction, he bowed to worship, extremely sincere and respectful!

The creatures that crawled out of the seal of the underworld all looked at this ancient demon in surprise!


Someone shouted:

"What nonsense? This is clearly Dao Ancestor!"

Everyone looked at this person, and saw that this was an ancient person wearing an ancient battle armor with simple and mysterious patterns carved on it, just like the ancients of the previous era!

Just listen to this person continue:

"At that time, Daozu came to the world and passed down the supreme Taoism! Since then, there is the law in the world, with a great environment for cultivation, how can such a god-like figure be a demon ancestor? You should not slander Dao ancestors for their achievements and slander him as a demon. !"

"Huh! Do I need to lie to you? The golden statue of the Demon Ancestor is in the highest restricted area of ​​the Demon Realm. Three adults have been waiting there for generations!"

This ancient demon gave a cold snort, disdain to explain at all!

He was fortunate to have seen the golden body of the Demon Ancestor in the deepest part of the Ancestor Mountain, remembered the appearance of the golden body of the Demon Ancestor, and branded it in his mind, never daring to forget it!

"Haha! I have been sealed for half an epoch. I have seen half of Dao Ancestor with my own eyes. Although it is only a side face, I cannot admit it wrong. This person is Dao Ancestor!" The monk fought hard and did not accept ancient demons at all. refute!

A man wearing animal skins rushed out carelessly, opening his mouth and yelling:

"Fart! You are all wrong!"

"This is the human ancestor of my human race. Pangu opened the world and held a sky-opening axe. The Great God Pangu himself said that this is the axe given to him by the human ancestor!"

"Besides, the Shennong, Fuxi and Suiren clan have all said that the Human Race taught them Taoism and are the ancestors of the Human Race!"

"And all the great gods in those days left portraits of the human race before they died, and they were enshrined in the human ancestor shrine, and were enshrined and passed down by human incense for generations! Our human ancestors are bright and upright, how can we be the demons of the demons? Nonsense! "

This man wearing animal skins stared coldly at the ancient demon, a giant axe in his hand, making a slight noise!

There is a big disagreement, it is necessary to fight the posture!

"Haha! Your human race is really shameless, open your eyes and talk nonsense! Our demon ancestor, you call it a human ancestor? Do you recognize the ancestor in a random way?" Gu Mo sneered!

Seeing this scene before me, everyone is messed up!

Who said it was true and who said it was false? It is impossible for a person to have so many identities, someone definitely lied!

And who is that young man?

Everyone was discussing fiercely.

Lin Nan released Lin Momo's soul again!

"Baba, that's great, have the bad guys been killed?" Lin Momo asked innocently.

Although her soul stayed in the well of reincarnation for dozens of epochs!

However, since these dozens of epochs, Lin Momo's soul has always been in a state of sleep and travel, and her mind is still like a four or five-year-old girl, and her impression of Lin Nan is still stagnant at the moment when the heaven came to the earth. !

"Not yet, it's just an incarnation of the bad guy, his real body has not died!"

Lin Nan explained.

"Ah? He won't come back again?" Lin Momo was a little scared.

"Don't worry, Mo'er, he can only hide like a mouse in his life, it is impossible to dare to appear in front of me!"

Lin Nan stretched out his hand and touched Lin Momo's little head!

"Great! Mo'er missed her mother, where is her mother?" Lin Momo asked innocently.

Lin Nan sighed helplessly when he saw this, and said, "Mo'er, mom doesn't know you yet. Because something has happened, the world has changed a bit. Don't scare her when you see her. Oh!"

"Ah? Why is this?"

Lin Momo asked puzzledly.

Lin Nan smiled and said: "Okay, it will be fine if you come back, let me reshape your body first!"

When the voice fell to the ground, Lin Nan lightly scratched his fingertips and shaped a body for Lin Momo based on the blood of the Emperor!

Soon, a little girl who was carved and carved in jade appeared in front of Lin Nan, exactly the same as Lin Momo back then!

After Lin Momo's soul entered his body, a lively daughter appeared in Lin Nan's arms!


Lin Momo was very happy, acting like a baby in Lin Nan's arms, and gave Lin Nan a hard kiss on the face!

"Congratulations master, the little master is finally back!"

Lin Canghai's soul, I don't know when he ran out again, congratulating Lin Nan on the side!

As soon as the battle started, Lin Canghai hid far away, and no one targeted him!

After all, in the eyes of the King of Ten Temples, Lin Canghai is just a slave. No one is willing to take action against him, and he will fall into his own identity!

"Uncle Lin, hello!"

Lin Momo greeted Lin Canghai, waving her pink hand!

"little Master!"

Lin Canghai gave a big gift to Lin Momo, not daring to overstep the rules!

Lin Momo can call his uncle, but in Lin Canghai's eyes, Lin Momo will always be the master, and Lin Nan's identity is there, no one can ignore!

"Baba, I want to go home!"

Lin Momo hugged Lin Nan's neck and said milkily.

"Okay, Baba, I will take you home!"

Lin Nan nodded indignantly, his eyes filled with a faint smile. For him, it was not important that the Ten Temple Yama rebelled against him!

It doesn't even matter that the entire underworld is destroyed by a blow!

As long as Lin Momo is in peace, why not even ruin the entire Underworld?

"However, before we leave, there is something to deal with!" Lin Nan said lightly.

"The land of the underworld must not have no owner for a day, otherwise after the death of the creatures of the world, the soul will not return, and the balance of the universe will be messed up! The ten temples of Yama is dead, and the ten temples of Yama must be re-selected!"

Thinking of this, Lin Nan condensed his gaze, looking at those creatures such as the ancient demon, evil spirits, and demon emperor who escaped from the seal!

The people who were still discussing fiercely felt Lin Nan's gaze, and the entire debate came to an abrupt end. They all raised their heads and looked towards where Lin Nan was!

Lin Nan stepped out and came to the sky above the gathering place, looked down below, and said lightly:

"The emperor is going to re-elect the Ten Temples of the Underworld, Yama, who is interested?"

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