There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 741: my daughter?

"Shao Ji?"

Ding Zhe trembled all over and sat down on the ground, couldn't believe it!

Ji Chen died, and died so easily, he was killed by Lin Nan's finger!

There was despair in Ding Zhe's heart. He thought that the rise of the Ding family was just around the corner, and he could find Lin Nan for revenge!

I thought I was hugging a thick thigh, who knew that even Ji Chen was not Lin Nan's opponent!

"You killed Ji Chen?"

Su Qiong finally woke up and looked at Lin Nan, as if looking at a monster, she was shocked to the extreme!

"Why, do you want to avenge him?"

Lin Nan glanced over, and Su Qiong was so frightened that she opened her mouth and couldn't say a word!

"With my strength, how can I avenge him?"

Su Qiong gave a bitter smile, took a deep breath, and explained: "I know you are very strong, but Ji Chen's self-confidence is not unreasonable!"

"The Ji family is in the high martial world, and the power and background are very deep, and Ji Chen, as a member of the Ji family, is very popular with the ancestors of the Ji family! Now you kill him, I am afraid that the Ji family already knows it! Everyone in the Ji family has a jade talisman left at home. Once Ji Chen dies, the jade talisman symbolizing his life should also be broken!"

Su Qiong spoke slowly, carefully observing Lin Nan's expression!

Seeing Lin Nan indifferent, he frowned and said, "Are you really not worried at all?"

"What am I worried about?"

Lin Nan asked lightly.

Su Qiong was stunned for a moment, and took a deep look at Lin Nan and said, "I know your world, but you may not know that your so-called technology is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the real strong!"

"Your weapons will not cause any harm to us! If the Ji family implicates the entire earth because of Ji Chen's death, it is very likely that your earth people will perish! As far as I know, Ji There are more than one or two stars that have been wiped out at home!"

At this point, Su Qiong's words changed!

"However, if you are willing, follow me to leave the earth, enter the Gaowu world, and join our Su family. I can guarantee that your planet is safe and sound, and I can also guarantee your personal safety!"

Su Qiong is not stupid, after Lin Nan raised her hand and killed Ji Chen, she discovered Lin Nan's talent!

If cultivated, Lin Nan will definitely become a super strong in the future!

Lin Nan's talent is no less than that of the holy land and super sect's saints, saints, etc., how many times stronger than inheritance!

Moreover, Lin Nan seemed to be so young, which made him more determined. Su Qiong wanted to win him over!

Even if Lin Nan just killed his fiancé, so what?

"You seem to have forgotten your situation too!"

Lin Nan listened to Su Qiong's words and looked at her with a smile!

Su Qiong's face changed drastically, and he backed away dozens of steps with a groaning sound, retreated to the edge of the Ding's hall, and looked at Lin Nan with extreme fear!

"What...what do you mean? Do you want to kill me too? Crazy! Crazy! Must be crazy! You killed Ji Chen, already offended the Ji family! If you kill me again, the Su family will not let go By yours!"

Because of fear, Su Qiong's voice was deformed!

"You captured my woman and disciple. Isn't it too late to say this?"

Lin Nan sneered.

Already ready to kill Su Qiong!

Although Su Qiong looks extremely beautiful, for Lin Nan, what about the most beautiful woman?

As the Emperor of Heaven, he has seen too many women!

"Wait! Lin Nan, don't kill her!"

When Lin Nan was about to start, Liu Ruqing quickly spoke to dissuade him!

"Teacher, this matter has nothing to do with her!" Leng Yan also said quickly.

"Oh? Wife, what's the matter?"

Lin Nan looked back at Liu Ruqing!

Liu Ruqing stepped forward, took Lin Nan's arm, and said with a smile:

"We were able to be fine, thanks to girl Su Qiong. After that Ji Chen captured us back, he was ready to torture us, but girl Su Qiong stopped Ji Chen, which saved us from suffering!"

"And Ling'er is also taking care of Su Qiong, otherwise, after we are arrested, we won't be so relaxed!"


Lin Nan's expression was a bit unexpected, but he didn't expect it to be like this!

However, since Liu Ruqing had pleaded, Lin Nan did not continue to make Su Qiong shots, nodded and said: "If this is the case, I will spare your life!"

Su Qiong let out a long sigh of relief when the voice fell to the ground!

"Thank you!"

Fortunately, I have kind thoughts in my heart, otherwise, I am afraid that Lin Nan would have been beheaded on the spot!

"By the way, where is Ling'er?" Liu Ruqing asked.

Su Qiong didn't dare to neglect, and said quickly: "In my room, she is safe!"

"Let's go, take us to see her!" Lin Nan said lightly, but his tone couldn't allow Su Qiong to refuse!

Soon, Lin Nan and others saw Ling'er in Su Qiong's room, and she was all fine!

"Uncle Lin, Aunt Liu, have you come to save Ling'er?"

Ling'er sat there very well-behaved. After seeing Lin Nan, he hurried over!

"Ling'er, my aunt will take you home!"

Liu Ruqing smiled and hugged Ling'er in her arms, with a very intimate appearance. She liked this little girl very much in her heart!

Seeing that Ling'er was fine, Lin Nan was about to leave Ding's house in the northern three provinces!

"By the way, my wife, there is an extra person in the family. It may be difficult for you to accept, but what I want to tell you is that the extra person is our daughter!"

Lin Nan explained with a smile, and glanced at Ling'er without leaving a trace!

"Our daughter?"

Liu Ruqing froze in place, looked at Lin Nan suspiciously, and said strangely: "What's the matter? How could it be our daughter? We are not married yet, and there is no... how can we have a daughter?"

"She is not from this era! But she is indeed our daughter, can you remember something?"

Lin Nan explained with a smile.

"my daughter?"

Liu Ruqing's eyes became confused. In her dream, she once saw a little girl and called her mother!

It's a pity that the dream is too vague, I can't see exactly what the little girl in the dream looks like!

After seeing Ling'er, Liu Ruqing only felt a very familiar aura!

After spending these days with Ling'er, Liu Ruqing felt more and more that the person in her dream was Ling'er!

Now, Lin Nan said that he has a daughter?

Liu Ruqing is even more confused!

She has a feeling that she seems to have another life, but she has no memory at all!

Liu Ruqing looked a little tired and closed her eyes!

"Oh! Well, since I can't remember it, it doesn't matter, I will tell you slowly!"

Seeing Liu Ruqing's state, Lin Nan didn't say much, maybe after going, Liu Ruqing will have some impressions when seeing Lin Momo!

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