There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 742: You are wrong, you don't understand my teacher!

Before leaving, Lin Nan ordered Leng Yan to deal with the Ding family thoroughly!

Since Lin Nan once ordered to destroy the Ding family, there is no room for change!

The emperor made a decree, speak and speak!

"Leng Yan, the Ding family's affairs are left to you! I don't want anyone from the Ding family in the three northern provinces to appear again!" Lin Nan said coldly.

"I know the teacher!"

Leng Yan bowed to Lin Nan!

Lin Nan nodded slightly, and then led Liu Ruqing away from the door of Ding's house!

Leng Yan returned to the Ding's hall, Su Qiong still did not leave, but was waiting here!

"Your master, really let me go?"

Su Qiong was a little surprised, it was hard for her to imagine, because Lin Nan let her go because of Liu Ruqing's words!

You know, if you want something about Ji Chen, it is the best way to kill all the insiders without being known by outsiders!

"The teacher keeps saying everything, every word, every word, never regrets it!"

Leng Yan said proudly.

As a disciple of Lin Nan, over time, there is also a deep sense of pride in her heart!

Su Qiong glanced at Leng Yan in surprise, her eyes filled with incomprehension!

"But, you really don’t know the Gaowu world or Ji Chen! Although Ji Chen is not a top genius in the Gaowu world, he is also a rare figure. Among the younger generation, he can match There are not many of Ji Chen's at all!"

Su Qiong frowned!

"Furthermore, how powerful the Ji family is. Not only do they control seven or eight empires in the common world, they are also a famous ancient tribe in the high martial world. Some of their ancestors have ascended to the immortal world and become immortals, and their background is several times deeper than that of the Su family. !"

"Your teacher killed Ji Chen, I'm afraid it won't be long before there will be someone in the Ji family, and there will be a planet!"

"After all, Ji Chen is a descendant that the ancestors of the Ji family like very much!"

Su Qiong frowned and explained.

I don't know why, after seeing Lin Nan, Leng Yan and others, who were not afraid of the appearance of the Gaowu world, the more Su Qiong couldn't help but wanted to explain it to them!

"So what? No matter how many people come, the teacher can suppress them all!" Leng Yan raised his arrogant head!

For her, Lin Nan is invincible!

"No matter how many people come?" Su Qiong shook his head!

"Do you know how big the Gaowu Realm is? It is more than a hundred times larger than your stars! There are countless populations, just a few mundane empires controlled by the Ji family, and the total population, you are more than your Huaxia population, you How can the Ji family contend?"

"No matter how good your teacher is, can you face the entire Ji family alone?" Su Qiong said while shaking his head!


Leng Yan didn't even think about it, so he answered!


Hearing Leng Yan's words, a deep disappointment flashed across Su Qiong's face, and she sighed!

"You still don't understand the Gaowu world!"

"You are wrong, you don't understand my teacher!"

The cold face cast a faint look at Su Qiong!

‘In that case, I have nothing to say! When you lose, you will know how terrifying it is to offend the Ji family! ’

‘Anyway, what I should say, I’ve already said it, it’s your business whether you listen or not! ’

Su Qiong thought to himself.

The words turn!

"By the way, with your strength, if you want, you can pass through that heavenly gate and enter the Gaowu world!"

"Enter the Gaowu world?" Leng Yan hesitated!

"Yes! The cultivation environment of the high martial arts world is many times stronger than that of the earth, and its aura is rich. Your planet has entered the Age of Domination, and there is almost no chance to practice! If you enter the high martial arts world, ascetic monks like you , The carp will surely jump over the dragon gate and become a dragon and phoenix in one fell swoop!" Su Qiong nodded.

"That's why, the elders of the high martial arts world are willing to spend a lot of resources to open the heavenly gates of the stars in the wild galaxies, because once you ascetic monks enter the high martial arts world, you will be one of the best talents in the world. !"

"If you are willing to join the Su family, I can be your guarantor! How?"

Su Qiong stretched out an olive branch to Lin Nan, without any effect, now she couldn't help but wanted to win over her cold face!

Seeing Leng Yan, do not answer!

"You don't need to answer me immediately. If you enter the gate of heaven, you can go to Su's house to find me at any time!"

Su Qiong showed a friendly smile.

At the same time, she took out a bag woven with gold and silver threads around her waist, which looked extremely luxurious, and the lines and workmanship on it were top-notch!

"In this storage bag, there is a token of the Su family in it. Take it, it can be unimpeded within certain Su family's sphere of influence!"

"Storage bags?"

Leng Yan hesitated a little, did not pick up what Su Qiong handed over!

"I forgot to explain to you. This is a kind of space magic weapon. Don’t look at it as being the size of a palm, but in fact, inside, the space is huge. My storage bag is enough to hold the entire warehouse. If you don’t believe me, you Reach in and take a look!" Su Qiong explained with a smile.

After Leng Yan took Su Qiong's storage bag, he leaned in and took a look at his spiritual thoughts, and was shocked!

"so amazing!"

Leng Yan was very surprised!

"Hehe, there are more magical things in the Gaowu world, you think about it, I'll go back to the Gaowu world first, if you have fate, we will see you in the Gaowu world!" Su Qiong smiled lightly. After that, turn around and leave!

Leng Yan looked at the direction Su Qiong was leaving, startled!

"Gao Wujie..."

Leng Yan murmured.

She didn't know how long it took before she discovered that in the hall of Ding's house, besides Ji Chen's body, there seemed to be another person!

Leng Yan turned her head and glanced over!

Ding Zhe was shrinking in the corner, trembling all over, looking at Leng Yan in horror, terrified to the extreme!

"Don't... don't kill me..."

With Ding Zhe's fear, a stench came, and he was incontinent because of being too scared!

"Huh! Not promising!"

Leng Yan snorted and slapped Ding Zhe to death on the spot!


At this time, Lin Nan had already brought Liu Ruqing and Ling'er back to the coffee shop in Tianhai City!

The entire cafe has been repaired by Lin Canghai, and all the broken tables and chairs have been completely renewed and restored to be exactly the same as before!

As soon as Liu Ruqing walked into the coffee shop, he saw a little girl who was carved and carved in front of him. He happily ran over and hugged Liu Ruqing's thigh!

"Ma Ma!"

"Ma Ma! Great, Mo Er saw Ma Ma again!"

"Mama, do you know? Mo'er for a long time...a long time...a long time...I haven't seen you for a long time, Moer missed you, does Mama miss Moer?"

Lin Momo said milkily, making Liu Ruqing stiff in place, her body trembling slightly!

"Mo... Mo'er?"

Liu Ruqing lowered her head, looking at the little girl who held her thigh tightly, raised her head and raised her head, looking at her innocently!

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