There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 746: You finally remembered!

The entire sky garden is extremely luxuriously decorated and designed according to the specifications of the royal palace!

Every year visitors come here, either rich or expensive, and even some nobles and royal families often hold banquets here!

Every time at night, as long as passers-by look up and look in the direction of the sky garden, they can see the extremely bright light, which is very dazzling, like a fairyland!

Lin Nan brought Liu Ruqing directly to the sky garden!

"Remember here? When you had your birthday, I designed the whole proposal to surprise you!"

Lin Nan smiled lightly.

"right here?"

Liu Ruqing was very surprised, because this garden is so beautiful!

Classical architecture, luxurious and generous, and full of the breath of the holy spirit, once you walk in, you can feel as if you are back in ancient times thousands of years ago, and your heart suddenly calms down!

"Yes! Let's go, I'll show you where to propose!"

Lin Nan smiled slightly, took Liu Ruqing's hand, and walked towards the position of the proposal!

The entire sky garden was empty, and Lin Nan had already started to make everyone fall asleep!

At this moment, at this moment, Lin Nan didn't want people to disturb him and Liu Ruqing at all!

In the old building, the two walked all the way, walking on the steps made of basalt, and walking slowly towards the center of the garden!

"Huh? It smells so good!"

Liu Ruqing lightly sniffed the air, feeling a little surprised!

"Guess what the fragrance is?"

Lin Nan asked with a smile.

"It looks like a floral fragrance?"

Liu Ruqing stretched out a finger, pressed her chin, closed her eyes slightly, gently smelled the air in two mouthfuls, and answered affirmatively!

"Guess it!"

Lin Nan nodded!

However, when Liu Ruqing opened her eyes again, she was already in a sea of ​​flowers!

The two of them were still in the sky garden, but on the surrounding steps, stone pillars, and windowsills, endless flowers bloomed everywhere, one after another, extremely tender and beautiful!

A fragrant floral scent came, refreshing and refreshing!

"this is--!"

Liu Ruqing exclaimed, her beautiful eyes were full of surprises!

"What a beautiful flower, so many flowers! Lin Nan, what is going on? How come there are so many flowers? Is this magic?"

Liu Ruqing was extremely surprised, like a cheerful lark, beating gently!

"This is a spell!"

Lin Nan spoke slowly, with a petting smile on his face, and said, "But I am willing to be your magician forever!"

After saying these words, Lin Nan Teaching Materials Flowers walked towards Liu Ruqing, flipped his wrists gently, and a delicate and gorgeous ring box appeared in the palm of his hand. He slowly knelt down on one knee and delivered the ring box!

The Emperor of Heaven has no respect for all things, heaven, and reincarnation throughout his life!

No one can make the Emperor of Heaven kneel down!

However, according to the customs of the earth, Lin Nan is willing to kneel on one knee and propose to Liu Ruqing!


Liu Ruqing's body was stiff in place, and the sudden change made her feel at a loss for a while!

"In the beginning, I once proposed to you! Since you don't remember, I am willing to do it again!"

Lin Nan raised his head, looked at Liu Ruqing's eyes, and said sincerely:

"This DarryRing diamond ring is still the one from that year. I used it to propose to you. Then you took it off and gave it back to me, saying that the day you let me marry you, let me give it to you again. Take it!"

"Thanks to your decision, it has not been lost, and I have been with me through dozens of epochs, and it is still the same!" Lin Nan's face has a gentle smile!

Liu Ruqing's eyes were already wet with tears!

In her mind, a picture appeared!

It was a peaceful and beautiful night, with bright stars, millions of flowers blooming, flowers paving the way, and moonlight as the medium!

In the center of a sea of ​​flowers stood a pair of young men and women. Liu Ruqing finally saw clearly that the woman's face was herself!

And that young man, solemnly attended, proposed in front of everyone!

"Lin Nan!"

Liu Ruqing's tears burst out suddenly, and she remembered all of them!

"I remember! I am your wife! We have a daughter named Lin Momo. We have a cafe in Tianhai City. We have been to many places. We are still on the moon and have a palace!"

"You finally remembered!"

The corner of Lin Nan's mouth was filled with a faint smile!

"woo woo woo woo!"

Liu Ruqing cried with joy and threw herself into Lin Nan's arms!

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Why didn't you tell me earlier, you are really stupid! If you told me earlier, you wouldn't have worked so hard!"

"In fact, it's not hard at all. I can protect you by your side, and I can give up on the whole world! Now that Mo'er is back, I'm afraid she doesn't recognize you, so I will give you back your memory in advance. You won't blame me. !" Lin Nan said softly.

"Originally I was thinking, let you pass the time before you met me quietly!"

"Humph! Meeting you is my best time!"

Liu Ruqing snorted, and took a bite on Lin Nan's shoulder!

"Then I ask you, do you remember when I bit you like this?"

Before Liu Ruqing spoke, Lin Nan withdrew a mana and turned into a mortal body!

Otherwise, Liu Ruqing's mouth will turn into a pool of blood on the spot!

Lin Nan's heavenly emperor's body, there is nothing in the world that can destroy him and live forever!

"Uh...Of course I remember..."

As the Emperor of Heaven, Lin Nan is like a child at this moment!

"Lin Nan, thank you!"

Liu Ruqing suddenly changed her words!

"no need thank me?"

"Thank you for saving my mother, otherwise, with my mother's condition, I am afraid that she would have died long ago!" Liu Ruqing leaned in Lin Nan's arms and muttered softly.

"Since it's your mother, that's my family. I will definitely not make you sad again!" Lin Nan said solemnly.

Liu Ruqing was very moved in her heart, and the two of them cuddled together like this!

I don't know how long it took, Liu Ruqing suddenly said:

"I want to go home, I miss Mo'er!"

"Okay! Let's go back now!"

Lin Nan nodded gently, took Liu Ruqing's waist, and led her out of the sky garden in Dubai!

After the two left, the staff in the sky garden all woke up, looking at the sea of ​​flowers in front of them, they were all surprised to the extreme!

The entire sky garden is full of flowers, full of every corner, it can be called a world miracle!

"Oh my God! What the **** is going on?"

"A lot of flowers, what's the matter? Hanging garden, it's really a hanging garden!"

"This is simply a masterpiece of God!"

People sighed!

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