There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 747: Leng Yan's affection!

On the way back to Tianhai City, Lin Nan took Liu Ruqing and left without tearing the space directly!

But Lin Nan took Liu Ruqing, soaring through the clouds, flying towards Tianhai City from an altitude of several thousand meters while watching the sunrise!

"Xiao Nannan, after you have explained so much, according to the timeline, you only came to the earth one and a half years later, and then you met me, we only have Mo'er, but now Mo'er has already appeared. What's the matter?"

Liu Ruqing looked at Lin Nan suspiciously!

Listening to the familiar name of'Xiao Nannan', Lin Nan smiled lightly and explained: "Mo'er is the same as me, and has not reincarnated, so she is still the same she used to be!"


Liu Ruqing is very strange!

Lin Nan frowned slightly, looked in the direction of the immortal world, pondered for a moment, then said:

"There is a quasi emperor who did not participate in the siege of the year. He gained the Qi of Chaos and was hidden in it, even I deceived it!"

"After I entered the long river of time, he took Mo'er away, trying to use this as a killer to force me to submit! However, I found a strand of Mo'er's remnant soul in the well of Samsara, so I learned everything. Help Mo'er reshape his body!"

Seeing Lin Nan's expression!

Liu Ruqing was a little worried, and said, "If you say so, will that person make a lot of noise in the immortal world? Are you going back to the immortal world again?"

Seeing Liu Ruqing worried, Lin Nan smiled lightly and stroked Liu Ruqing's forehead!

"Don't worry, this person doesn't dare to act rashly for the time being, and I already have some clues to identify a few of them, but I'm still not sure!"

"Moreover, I have passed the news to Ergouzi, and he will thoroughly investigate the matter in the immortal world! Once discovered, this hidden danger will be resolved immediately!"

Seeing Lin Nan said so easily, Liu Ruqing was also relieved!

"Okay! Let's go back first, I want to die!" Liu Ruqing nodded slightly.


And this time.

In the underground world, because of the arrival of Tianmen on the top of Kunlun Mountain, it caused a boil!

Countless people are talking about the fact that the secret service departments of some countries were all disturbed and went to investigate!

"Is it true? Behind that stone gate, is there really a high martial arts world?"

Many people can't believe it, it feels very unreal!

"Of course it's true! This stone gate has been around for more than a week! The martial arts fighters in the underground world have gone to watch it, and many people even want to enter the Tianmen!"

"It's a pity! There is a terrifying pressure around the Tianmen. It's okay not to get close! Once on the steps of the Tianmen, some warriors will burst and die on the spot, which is terrible!" An insider explained.

"So terrible? Why are there so many warriors rushing to it?"

In the Underground World Forum, many trumpets are very puzzled!


An enthusiastic person immediately came out and explained: "According to legend, in the ancient times of the earth, the earth was still very suitable for cultivation! At that time, there were countless cultivators who could cultivate to a higher realm, surpassing the gods!"

"And the cultivators on earth can also enter the high martial world through this kind of heavenly gate!"

"Nowadays, the earth's cultivation resources are scarce, and there is no one who can cultivate! There are even few internal martial artists, the master is the dragon among the people, and the gods can sit in a country! As for the existence of the earth fairy, phoenix and feathers are rare. There are just a few gods in the world!"

"But, if you enter the world of high martial arts, a martial arts master, with a little hard work, can become a god, and it's you, don't you want to try?"

"What? Master of martial arts, have a chance to become a god?"

Hearing this remark, everyone was tempted!

Master of the martial arts, Shou Yuan can live for more than one year at will, but if he becomes an immortal, Shou Yuan will grow ten times as terrible!

To live longer, everyone is willing to take a risk!

"In that case, has anyone successfully entered the heavenly gate?"

There was a martial arts master who was breathing very fast. In a forum post, he typed and asked!

"Of course there is! I heard that there are a total of three super giants, as well as a dozen cultivators with varying strengths, who have successfully entered the Gaowu world!"

This insider answered in the affirmative.

"What do you mean? Practitioners of varying strength?"

"Yes! Among the dozen or so people, there are three earth immortals, seven gods, four martial arts masters, and two inner strength martial artists, an ordinary person with no cultivation level at all!" the insider replied .

"What? And... ordinary people?"

This time, everyone was shocked and couldn't calm down at all!

Can ordinary people enter the gate of heaven? What exactly is going on?

"This probability is amazing! And it seems...this heavenly gate chooses the person to enter, not because of people's strength, but another condition..."

"What conditions?"

"For example: cultivation talent!"


Inside the cafe.

Leng Yan and Lin Canghai, watching the discussion of the people on the Underground World Forum, withdrew from the post!

"Leng Yan, are you really ready to enter the Gaowu world?" Lin Canghai looked at Leng Yan and asked quietly.

Leng Yan took a deep breath and nodded: "Yes! I have decided that although the earth is very good, the cultivation environment of the Gaowu world seems to be more perfect! It is too difficult to stay on the earth to break through. Up!"

"Although you and I are both celestial strengths, this strength is not our cultivation at all, but the teacher gave it casually!"

"Lin Canghai, don't you want to cultivate to a higher level?"

After Leng Yan finished speaking, he fixedly looked at Lin Canghai!

Lin Canghai opened his mouth, then sighed lightly, and said, "Hey!"

"I am a slave to the master, and everything about me, including my life, is bestowed by the master! I have been waiting for my master in this life and will never leave! I will not go to the high martial world, you are the master’s disciple, Of course you can leave the experience!"

"Aren't you going with me?"

Hearing Lin Canghai's words, a faint disappointment flashed through the depths of Leng Yan's eyes!

"Haha! Don't worry, if I have a chance, I will check it out. If you become a master at that time, don't miss me!"

Lin Canghai hit a haha ​​to ease the atmosphere!


Leng Yan snorted, like a **** girl, don't pass his head!

"Huh? Is Aunt Lengyan angry with Uncle Lin?"

Suddenly, a voice of milk and milk came!

Leng Yanqiao blushed and looked towards the source of the sound, and found Lin Momo and Linger, each holding an ice cream in his hand, looking at them faintly!

"Children's family, what do you know?"

Leng Yan glared at him!

"I know a lot, Mo'er is not a three-year-old kid anymore!"

Lin Momo raised his head in a huff!

"We are four and a half years old!"

Linger also added something dumbfounded!

"Four and a half years old is great?"

Leng Yan rolled her eyes, not too lazy to be familiar with these two little Lori who look exactly the same, but from the corner of her eye, she sneaked a glance at Lin Canghai!

For this old man, since he was willing to sacrifice himself last time at the altar in Kunlun Mountain and let Leng Yan escape safely, Leng Yan has the same affection for Lin Canghai!

‘According to his age, he seems to be younger than me, right? But so old! ’Leng Yan's heart is secretly scarred!

At this moment, a voice came!

"Mo'er, see who is back!"

Lin Momo raised his head and looked towards the front door of the coffee shop, and saw Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing standing side by side at the front door of the coffee shop, looking at him with a smile on his face!

"Ma Ma?"

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