There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 748: Ok? She has no soul?


Liu Ruqing ran over quickly, picked up Lin Momo, and kissed him viciously in her arms!

"Does Ma Ma think of Mo'er?"

Lin Momo was very excited, stretched out two pink hands and hugged Liu Ruqing's neck!

"Of course, Mama remembers it!"

Liu Ruqing smiled very happily!

But the next moment, she found that Ling'er was standing there blankly, holding ice cream in her hand and lowering her head slightly, looking very disappointed!

"Mo'er, you see Ling'er doesn't have a mother, it's so pitiful, would you be jealous if your mother treats Ling'er like you were?" Liu Ruqing scratched Lin Momo's little nose and asked in a low voice.

"Huh! Mo'er won't be jealous! If anyone bullies Ling'er in the future, Mo'er will magnify the dog and bite him!"

Lin Momo snorted, looking like a little queen!


Liu Ruqing smiled with relief, slowly squatted down, came to Ling'er's side, and hugged Ling'er too!

"Aunt Ruqing?"

Linger looked at Liu Ruqing with some surprise!

"Ling'er, starting today, I will cover you! Mua!"

Lin Momo gave Ling'er a kiss on the cheek!

"Ah? Will there be any delicious ice cream after that?"

Ling'er was a little dazed, and looked down at the ice cream in his hand!

"Don't worry, the ice cream is full!"

Lin Momo was like a little adult, and patted her chest proudly!

"Puff! Hahaha!"

Seeing the appearance of the two little girls, Liu Ruqing couldn't help laughing!

Seeing this scene, Leng Yan walked to Lin Nan and bowed and said: "Teacher, Madam, has everything remembered?"

"Yes! I took her through the places we had visited, and all the memories I have returned to her!"

Lin Nan nodded slightly, but his eyes did not leave Liu Ruqing and Lin Momo's mother and daughter!

For Lin Nan, these two people are the two most important people in his life!

Even if the Dao of Heaven dared to dismantle them, Lin Nan would take action to smash the Dao of Heaven!

As the emperor of heaven now, he is fearless!

"Congratulations teacher!"

Leng Yan was overjoyed after hearing this!

"Congratulations Master!"

Lin Canghai also bowed deeply to Lin Nan, congratulations!

"Huh? You two, seem to be a little different?"

Lin Nan's eyes were very venomous, and he could see the state between the two at once, it seemed that there was something different!

Leng Yan's pretty face flushed slightly, while Lin Canghai's gaze was a bit dodging!

Lin Nan smiled profoundly when he saw this, but did not reveal it!

"I am a very enlightened person, there will be no prejudices, as long as you..."

Lin Nan's words were only halfway through!

Leng Yan quickly said, "Teacher, I want to leave the earth for a while and go to the Gaowu world to experience!"

"Oh? Are you going to Gaowu Realm?"

Lin Nan glanced at the cold face lightly, and his heart was very calm, without any fluctuations!

"Yes, teacher!"

Leng Yan nodded solemnly, and talked to Lin Nan about the underground world, including the sensation caused by the Gaowu world on the earth, almost everyone in the underground world paid attention to this matter!

After all, the cultivation environment and resources of the Gaowu world are better than those of the earth, and there are even greater opportunities there!

"If you want to go, go! Remember, as a half of my disciple, don't lose my face!" Lin Nan nodded gently!


Leng Yan bowed to Lin Nan deeply, feeling a little excited!

She thought it would take a lot of talking before Lin Nan could agree!

But unexpectedly, Lin Nan didn't even mean to hinder him at all, and directly agreed!

"Teacher, the Gaowu world has all appeared, why not see the Yin Ruins before?" Leng Yan asked strangely.

"The Yin Ruins are different from the Gaowu Realm. They are not on the same plane! The Yin Ruins appeared because of the birth of Mo'er, which led to the lack of spiritual energy in the world, and then the space cracks occurred, which made the space between the Yin Ruins and the earth appear distorted. !"

"As for the Gaowu Realm, it is a person from that plane who actively opened the space channel to connect to the earth. It is different!"

Lin Nan shook his head and casually explained a few words!

"That's it!"

Leng Yan nodded without understanding, and continued to ask:

"But the disciple heard that some powerful warriors, after entering the steps of the heavenly gate, will be crushed by a horrible pressure, and their flesh and blood will be crushed and killed! Among them are strong earth immortals, but there are also ordinary people. Obstructed entering the Gaowu world, what is going on?"

"Isn't it true that the higher the strength, the better the opportunity to enter the Gaowu world? But why can even ordinary people enter?"

Lin Nan smiled softly and shook his head!

"you are wrong!"

"The so-called Tianmen is to choose people with talents for cultivation, not for strong ones! If you have talent for cultivation, you can naturally enter it through that channel. If you don't have talent for cultivation, even if you are a god, you will die. on the spot!"

After listening to Lin Nan's explanation, Leng Yan suddenly realized!

"That's it!"

Leng Yan nodded, and then asked, "Teacher, are the disciples talented in cultivation?"

"If you were not, would I accept you as a disciple?"

Lin Nan faintly gave a cold look!

"The disciple understands!"

Leng Yan nodded in embarrassment!

At this moment, Liu Ruqing's voice sounded!

"Lin Nan, come here!"

"what's up?"

Lin Nan smiled lightly and walked in the direction of Liu Ruqing!

"I have accepted Ling'er as a goddaughter. From now on, Ling'er is also a member of our family! You must not bully her!" Liu Ruqing said seriously.

"Oh? God-daughter?" Lin Nan was a little surprised!

"What's wrong? Do you still dare to have an opinion?"

Liu Ruqing stood there, looking at the corner of Lin Nan's eyes!


Lin Nan coughed dryly and shook his head: "Well, in that case, I will recognize Ling'er as a goddaughter!"

"But before that, I need to check Ling'er carefully. After all, I am the Emperor of Heaven. If I don't check carefully, I might have trouble in the future!"

Lin Nan's expression is a bit solemn!

As the Emperor of Heaven, his words and deeds may affect the entire universe, not to mention accepting a goddaughter. It is not something that can be done in a word, it will have a great causal relationship!

It is basically impossible for an emperor to have children. This is also one of the reasons. Heaven does not allow it!

And Lin Nan is above the realm of heaven, and there is an extra goddaughter, which will also produce a causal cycle!

"it is good!"

Seeing that Lin Nan was so solemn, Liu Ruqing did not refute, but agreed with empathy!

Lin Nan gently raised his hand, pointed it out, and a brilliant light flooded into Ling'er's eyebrows. Lin Nan's spiritual thoughts directly sank into Ling'er's sea of ​​consciousness!

At the same time, Ling'er's whole person was unreservedly exposed to Lin Nan's spiritual knowledge, even the deepest thoughts in his heart could not be hidden!

The next moment, Lin Nan suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Ling'er in surprise!

"Huh? She has no soul?"

Lin Nan's face condensed!

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