There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 749: who am I? I am the emperor!

"Ah? No soul? What's the matter!"

Liu Ruqing looked at Lin Nan in surprise, and Lin Momo next to him was also puzzled!

Leng Yan and Lin Canghai felt the anomaly here, and moved closer!

"Teacher? What's the matter?"

Lin Nan's eyes were still lacklustre. Looking at her face exactly like Lin Momo, he said solemnly: "She is just a walking dead!"

"The Walking Dead!"

Everyone exclaimed and looked at Linger!

"How could it be! Ling'er is so cute, how could it be a walking dead?" Liu Ruqing's pretty face was full of shock!

Not only her, but Leng Yan and Lin Canghai couldn't believe it at all!

The time they have been in contact with Ling'er is not very long, but they also know that she is an innocent little girl, very innocent, and there is no scheming, every day's wish is to eat!

Such a little girl is just a walking dead?

"Yes! There is no soul in her body! Even the primordial spirit does not exist, there is a mysterious power that keeps her body moving!"

Lin Nan's brow furrowed, and Lin Nan had seen a man without a soul!

However, it is usually something that is originally inanimate, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, and then turning into a strange monster. After embarking on the road of cultivation, it will not have a soul!

A living person without a soul, even Lin Nan, this is the first time I have seen you!

It stands to reason that if a person has no soul, he must die!

But Ling'er had no soul, and survived without any damage!

"If there is no soul, the fate will be very miserable! But very strange, Ling'er's memory is very messy, and..."

"Ling'er seems a long, long time..."

"I have seen a lot of pictures in her mind... but her memory has been sealed! Moreover, Ling'er should have lived for a long, long time, much more than four or five years old!"

At this point, Lin Nan's expression became more solemn!


"What's the matter? Ling'er has lived a long time, more than four or five years old?"

Everyone was even more puzzled, Ling'er looked like a four or five year old girl!

But what does Lin Nan mean?

"Watch it for yourself!"

Lin Nan waved his hand!


In the entire cafe, the picture suddenly changed, like a 3D projection, and everyone suddenly appeared in another world!

The surrounding scenery has turned into an ancient street, surrounded by bluestone roads, and antique attics, rising from the ground, not modern at all!

There are countless vendors on the street selling!

"Bun! Delicious bun!"

"Sell candied haws, sweet and big candied haws!"

"Sharpen scissors, Qiang chopper!"

Right on the street, a little girl stood there, staring at the buns in the steamer, and couldn't help swallowing her saliva!

"Uncle, I'm so hungry, can you give me a bun?"

The little girl finally couldn't help it, raised her head and looked at the middle-aged man selling buns faintly!

"Little beggar, I think you have been standing here for most of the day, and you want to eat buns, all right! Buy it with money!"

The middle-aged man selling steamed buns glanced indifferently at the little girl in front of the stall!

"But... but I have no money!"

"No money? Go away if you don't have money, don't stop me from doing business!"

With a cold snort, the middle-aged man walked out of the bun shop and slapped the little girl to the ground!

"Huh! This man is too damnable!"

Liu Ruqing trembled with anger when she saw this scene!

The little girl who was pushed is exactly the same as Lin Momo. Knowing that this is Ling'er's memory, Liu Ruqing knows that this is what Ling'er has experienced!

With the effort of speaking, Liu Ruqing wanted to help Ling'er in the past, but it was a pity that Ling'er could not be touched!

"what happened?"

Liu Ruqing asked strangely.

"This is the memory in Ling'er's mind. I used pictures to show it before everyone's eyes, so that you can see it. No matter who it is, you can't change anything in it!" Lin Nan gently shook his head.

I see.

Linger was not discouraged, patted her clothes, and then walked into the crowd with loss, disappearing into everyone's field of vision!

Everyone looked at Ling'er's back and was silent for a while!

"It's so pitiful, Ling'er has experienced such a thing!" Leng Yan couldn't bear it.

"But, something is wrong. Looking at the clothes of these people, shouldn't they be modern clothes? These people are dressed in ancient styles, at least in Tang and Song style..."

Lin Canghai frowned!

Leng Yan shook his head, and said, "Maybe this is not even the earth!"

"What do you mean?"

Except for Lin Nan, the eyes of everyone else fell on Leng Yan's pretty face!

Leng Yan pointed to the distant sky, and saw a few huge birds flying from the sky, on which stood a group of men in battle armor!

"It's really not the earth. In the history of the earth, there is no such creature! There is no human being who can stand on the birds. Could it be that this is the Gaowu world!" Lin Canghai said.

"There are many stars in the universe, and there are people living in them. This is not necessarily the Gaowu world!" Lin Nan shook his head gently.

"Look, the picture has changed again!"

Liu Ruqing pointed to the direction Linger had left!

When the scene where Ling'er was turned around, she turned and entered a ruined temple. In the corner of the ruined temple, there were more than a dozen orphans like Ling'er who were relying on each other to keep warm!

Above these little girls, there are more than a dozen stone statues of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, all with hideous faces!

"Ling'er, come to eat, today we are going to delicious meat buns!"

A little girl walked up with a smile, her smile was as innocent as Ling'er!

"Really? Rou Baozi!"

Ling'er's big eyes lit up, only to see the little girl opposite, she took out a meat bun from her arms, divided it into two halves, and handed half of it to Ling'er!

The two little girls found a haystack and sat down together and ate meat buns. Although there were only half of them, they were extremely happy and happy!

at this time.

Suddenly a violent wind surged outside the ruined temple, and after a flash of lightning fell, a black figure appeared at the door of the ruined temple!

His whole body was wrapped in a black air, and when he glanced at it, he could only see the position of the black shadow's head, two dark holes!

"who are you?"

The older child among this group of children trembled and asked!

He opened his thin arms and stood at the forefront of the crowd, trying to block the shadow in front of him!

The children in the ruined temple hugged each other in horror, their eyes full of fear!

"Hahaha! Who am I? I am the emperor! The only emperor in the world!"

Sombra laughed!

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