There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 750: Obey orders, the emperor--!

Seeing that dark shadow, claiming to be the emperor of heaven, everyone present, all looked at Lin Nan in surprise!

"Lin Nan? Is this you?"

Liu Ruqing also turned back abruptly and glanced at Lin Nan!

"this is not me!"

Lin Nan looked at the dark shadow with a solemn expression, but couldn't see anything!

This is only Ling'er's memory, just a picture, without any breath, just an image, it is impossible to know who the person in the dark shadow is!

"But I know one thing! This person has coveted the position of the Emperor of Heaven. I am afraid that it will not be a day or two. Maybe soon, he will do it again! The last time I was in the depths of the underworld, setting up a situation to trap me is just the beginning, I am afraid There is a bigger conspiracy waiting for me!" Lin Nan said solemnly.

"That's the bad guy! He took Mo'er away!"

Lin Momo seemed to recognize this person, waved a small fist, and made a look like he was about to hit someone!

At this time, in the picture, one of the young boys muttered, "What is the Emperor of Heaven? Can I fill my stomach?"

"Of course! But I need someone's help!"

The black shadow nodded slightly, his tone was very kind!

"Who is it?"

The children in the ruined temple can fill up their stomachs, all of them are interested!

"As long as you go with me and are willing to voluntarily dedicate your soul to me, I will let your group of friends fill up their stomachs and eat and drink in this life, how about it?" Heiying's eyes condensed and fell on Ling'er. Body!

Hearing this, everyone present was overjoyed!


"I don't have to worry about eating and drinking in this life! It's really great!"

"Ling'er, promise him quickly!"

Even Ling'er's good friend, with an excited expression, squeezed Ling'er's arm tightly!

"But if people don't have a soul, won't they die?" Ling'er frowned!

"Don't worry, you will definitely not die. You are only entrusting your soul with me temporarily, how about? Hurry up and promise me, as long as you nod your head, your friends will be able to eat food immediately, and it will last forever. Prosperity and wealth, no worries about food and drink!" The shadow said temptingly.

"Ling'er, what are you waiting for?"

"Yeah! Hurry up and promise him!"

"You were originally a wild girl. We adopted you and provided you with food, but didn't let you starve to death. Why don't you agree?"

"Yes! Now it's your turn to repay your favor, Linger promised soon!"

This group of young girls all surrounded Ling'er, eagerly persuading!

Even the girl who just divided her half of her buns had a fierce expression on her face!

"Ling'er, don't you agree? I have taken a fancy to the son of the Zhou family. As long as I am prosperous and wealthy forever, the son of the Zhou family will love me!" The girl firmly grasped Ling'er's delicate arm!

"Ah, you hurt me!"

Linger wanted to shake off the little girl's arm, but found that she couldn't do it anyway!

Listening to the noise in her ears, Ling'er had no choice but to agree!

"Well, I promise you that I will dedicate my soul to you!"

Linger covered her ears and closed her eyes. She didn't know why, but the friends who had been in love with each other not long ago have now become like this!


The voice in the shadows is a little bit happy!

The next moment, he waved his hand, and the whole temple instantly became jeweled and precious. The stone statues of Buddha were all made of pure gold. The original dead grass piled up into mountains, and now it has become piled up mountains of gold and silver jewelry!


"Gold! Pearl! Night Pearl! Ruby! Sapphire!"

"Get rich, get rich!"

Everyone in the temple, flushed with excitement, rushed into the treasure in front of them!

Ling'er was taken away by the dark shadow and disappeared into the ruined temple!

When the picture appeared again, Ling'er had appeared in the depths of a palace, and the black figure was sitting there high, looking down at Ling'er below!

The entire palace was built according to the specifications of the Emperor's Palace!

The throne of the Emperor of Heaven at the highest point is extremely luxurious. Compared with the throne in Lin Nan's Palace of Emperor of Heaven, it is even better!

Seeing this scene, Lin Nan's expression was extremely indifferent!

"Unexpectedly! Part of the soul of that person's daughter escaped into the well of reincarnation, and the other part was reincarnated as this little girl!"

"This is unexpected!"

The shadow whispered to himself, without the slightest concealment!

"However, it happens that this little girl is still useful at least as a chess piece! If it is placed on the earth, it may also disturb some of that person's attention!"


However, Lin Nan was shocked when he heard this!

Linger turned out to be the reincarnation of Lin Momo's soul!

"Lin Nan?"

Liu Ruqing looked at Lin Nan incomprehensibly, her beautiful eyes were full of shock!

"Little guy, you dedicated your soul to me in exchange for your friend's glory and wealth!"

The black shadow on the throne stood up and looked down at Lin Momo ahead!

"um, yes!"

Ling'er nodded gently, but in her heart, she was still considering those little friends!

"Haha! Well, in that case, I will take your soul now! You must not resist at all, otherwise, I will go back and kill all your friends!"

The black shadow grinned, unexpectedly so smoothly!

"Don't worry, I promised you, I won't regret it!"

Ling'er's small face was full of pride, and since she agreed, she won't regret it!

"Okay! As expected of that person's daughter!"

The shadow nodded slightly, and then pointed out, landing on Ling'er's eyebrows!


The surrounding void shuddered slightly, and saw countless avenue runes surging, floating and sinking in the void, shining with light blue light, like stars, dots!

"Get up!"

The black shadow snorted, and at the center of Ling'er's eyebrows, a little girl exactly like him appeared, and was taken away by the black shadow!

After the soul was taken away, Ling'er looked around blankly, her eyes filled with doubts and incomprehension!

"After seven thousand years, send her to Earth! At this time, that person should almost be on Earth!"

The shadow looked at Ling'er with a sneer at the corner of his mouth!

"But my lord, how did this little girl deal with these seven thousand years?"

A **** general wearing a golden armor knelt on the ground and kowtowed in the direction of the shadow!

"There are still seven thousand years, tut! Let her wander outside, anyway, it is that man's daughter, hehe! Let her be an orphan and beggar for 7,000 years!" Soi Ying laughed!

"Oh, God--!"

The Golden Armor God will bow in the direction of the black shadow!

"The Emperor of Heaven? Hahaha! Yes, you are very sensible, I am the Emperor of Heaven!"

Seeing his subordinates so witty, the shadow couldn't help laughing!

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