There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 751: Yama King listens!

"Lin Nan! She is Mo'er! She is Mo'er!"

Liu Ruqing squeezed Lin Nan's arm tightly, and tears flowed out of her eyes like a spring!

During these seven thousand years, Lin Momo was almost aggrieved!

He has been deprived of his soul, his mind is always four or five years old, and his memory disappears every time!

Moreover, he will never grow up. One remains four or five years old. For 7,000 years, Lin Momo was taken to countless stars by that golden armored general!

For the first time, the Golden Armor God will bring Ling'er to a star on a low-level plane!

Here, there are no Jindan cultivators, at most there are some gas refiners. The mortal empire is the master of human society!

This is a small town, Ling'er was abandoned in the heavy rain, letting the pouring rain fall on her body!

So Linger moved her thin body and came to shelter from the rain under one roof!


The door was retreated, and a young woman in Chinese clothes walked out of it. After seeing Ling'er, her eyes lit up!

"Where are the children? Why are you here? Who are your parents?"

"I have no parents, and I don't remember where I came from!"

Ling'er shook his head.

"It turns out to be an orphan, so let's live in our house from today!" The young woman smiled faintly.

From that day on, Ling'er entered the life of this family!

All of this is in the eyes of the Golden Armor God General. He stood at an altitude of several thousand meters, looking down below, with a sneer from the corner of his mouth!

"Huh! Your lord has an order, if you want this little girl to be a beggar for seven thousand years, do you dare to take her in? Then prepare to endure the disaster!"

Soon after, a plague broke out in this family, and dozens of people in the family died overnight!

Only Ling'er was left alone, squatting alone in the yard, and when the people in the town found out that the family had all died and Ling'er was in peace, they treated Ling'er as a monster and sank into the bottom of the lake!

Just at the moment when Ling'er was about to drown, the Golden Armor God will make a move and take him away from this small town!


Seeing this scene, Liu Ruqing on the side was already crying!

Leng Yan clenched her fists tightly, her nails sinking into the flesh!

Lin Canghai's complexion also became very ugly. Only Lin Momo and Ling'er looked at everything in the picture, still with innocent expressions on their faces. They didn't understand why these people did this!

In the next screen, the Golden Armor God will take Ling'er to countless places, and every encounter of Ling'er is very miserable!

Even if someone kindly adopts her, the entire family will suffer annihilation and die!

Over time, Linger's body was branded with the mark of an ominous person!

However, the memory of Ling'er, because there is no soul in the body, it is not long, every once in a while, the memory will disappear without a trace!

"Damn! How can this **** laugh heartlessly? Doesn't she know the pain?"

The golden armor **** will stand on the top of the sky, watching Ling'er squatting in a corner, playing with a yellow dog, he made an innocent smile and his face sank!

"I make you laugh!"

The Golden Armor God will raise his hand, and after the dog screamed, he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground and died!


Ling'er saw the little friend she had just met and died like this. She was very sad and sat where she was crying!

In the next time, Ling'er's encounter, everyone can't stand it!

It is hard to imagine that a little girl has gone through so much and can still bear it!

Everywhere Ling'er went, because of the Golden Armored God General, disasters occurred there, and Ling'er himself was expelled!

A little girl, dressed in tatters, wanders on the ground!

In the end, the Golden Armor God will take action to bring Ling'er to the earth and appear outside an orphanage!

"This child is so beautiful, why not? It's long and cute. There should be many people who want to adopt it?"

The person in charge of the orphanage asked suspiciously.

In front of him, the golden armor **** will be transformed into a middle-aged man, his face is very cold!

"Huh! She is a small catastrophe and killed her parents! Now no one in the family dared to support her, nor dare to give her away, so I had to send her here!" Jin Jia Shenjing coldly snorted Scream.

"If there are relatives, according to the regulations, we cannot adopt..."

The person in charge of the orphanage has not finished a word!

As soon as the Golden Armor God General raised his hand, a bank card fell on the table and said: "There is one billion in it!"

"One billion?"

The person in charge of the orphanage lit up before his eyes and quickly stretched out his hand, holding the bank card tightly in his palm!

"Don't worry, we must treat her well, raise her up, and train her to become a talent, so that she can go to the best school!" The person in charge of the orphanage became breathless!

"Who told you to treat her well?"

The Golden Armor God General sneered, and said with a negative smile: "I want her to be tortured. It is best for everyone in your orphanage to torture her together. Of course, don't let her die, as long as you don’t kill her. She, whatever the means, you can use it!"


The person in charge of the orphanage was a little surprised, looking at the Golden Armor General!

However, for the sake of this billion in cash, the person in charge of the orphanage nodded and agreed. After all, who would have trouble with the money?

"Okay, please rest assured!"

So Ling'er stayed in the orphanage, and from the day she moved in, she was targeted by everyone!

Children who play with Linger will be punished. Over time, no one wants to play with Linger!

Moreover, Ling'er lived in the worst environment, and some people even secretly watered her quilt after she fell asleep!

After waking up, Ling'er was laughed at by everyone!

During the festival, other children have new clothes, and Linger has no gifts, and even gets punished to stand and stand outside the window to watch the children playing games together, but she can only watch outside enviously!

"I want these people to die, I want them to die! Lin Nan!"

Liu Ruqing had already cried out of shape, she didn't expect that a little girl would have been tortured for seven thousand years!

Even an adult will be driven crazy for seven thousand years, let alone a little girl!

Liu Ruqing, who has always been kind-hearted, also has an urge to kill in her heart at this moment!

"Ma Ma, don't cry!"

Lin Momo came over and comforted Liu Ruqing's thigh!

"Aunt Liu, don't be sad!"

Ling'er also said comfortingly, very sensible.

A pair of big watery eyes are filled with innocence, clean and distressing!

"Ling'er! My good daughter!"

Liu Ruqing took Ling'er into her arms!

Although Ling'er and her are not related by blood, they once possessed a trace of Lin Momo's soul in their body, which can be said to be the same person!

At this moment, Liu Ruqing had completely accepted Ling'er in her heart!


"The King of Yama listens to the order!"

Lin Nan sighed all over, and a roar of tigers and dragons broke out!

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