There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 763: Give your memory back to you!

In the horrified eyes of the assistant director and Qin Ge, after Zhang Yimou rolled in the air for a few times, he sank deeply into the ground like planting rice seedlings!

If you look closely, you will find that Zhang Yimou's knees are deeply plunged into the soil!

"Director Zhang!"

The deputy director and Qin Ge exclaimed in surprise, their eyes widened, as if they had seen a ghost!

And at this moment.

Luo Chengzhong and Zhou Tong were late and came to the scene, and when they saw Zhang Yimou kneeling there, they secretly cried out!

"Lin go first, Luo Family, Hexi Province, Luo Chengzhong is here to apologize for the rebel!"

Luo Chengzhong no longer hesitated, after a loud shout, he knelt down in the direction of the room!


The sound of Luo Chengzhong kneeling on the ground attracted everyone's attention!

The assistant director and Qin Ge finally recovered and looked in Luo Chengzhong's direction!

Even Zhang Yimou turned his head and looked at Luo Chengzhong. He couldn't help but shook his whole body, and said in shock, "San Ye Luo, why are you?"

The man in front of him is Luo Fei's father!

Luo Sanye from Luo Family in Hexi Province is a big boss in Hexi Province!

But today, came to the Zhudian Film and Television City and kneeled in the direction of Lin Nan? All this is beyond Zhang Yimou's cognition!

You know, with the assets of the Luo family in Hexi province, it is more than enough to build ten vertical movie studios!

This is just Luo Jia's assets on the surface. If you add the assets in the dark, I'm afraid it will be enough to build thirty vertical movie studios!

Zhang Yimou can't afford to provoke such a character at all, otherwise Zhang Yimou would not have agreed because Luo Fei wanted to come to the set!

Facing Zhang Yimou's question, Luo Chengzhong did not answer!

I see.

Luo Chengzhong stubbornly lowered his head and looked at the ground under his feet. Sweat gushed from his forehead, and then ran across the tip of his nose, dripping onto the ground, making a ticking sound!

After Luo Chengzhong was there, his whole body was completely wet with sweat!

Lin Nan in the room did not speak, and continued to laugh with Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo and others!

Outside the room, Yang Xueqi, the deputy director, Qin Ge, Zhang Yimou, Luo Chengzhong, Zhou Tong and others did not dare to take a breath, maintaining their current posture, as if they were completely petrified!

Only Yang Xueqi was alone, a little calmer, she raised her neck and secretly looked into the lounge that originally belonged to her!

I saw Lin Nan sitting on the ground, holding Ling'er in his arms and Lin Momo sitting on his neck. Liu Ruqing in front of him was smiling, watching Lin Nan playing with two little loli's!

Lin Momo is very naughty, while Linger is very well-behaved!

"Xueqi, come in, don't be afraid!"

Liu Ruqing saw Yang Xueqi standing at the door, a little timid, and couldn't help beckoning to her!

Only then did Yang Xueqi discover that her cousin Liu Ruqing seemed to have become someone she didn't know!

In the past, Liu Ruqing, although his appearance was no different from that of now, there was absolutely no such unhurriedness between his gestures and gestures!

The current Liu Ruqing, in Yang Xueqi's eyes, is like a phoenix high above, sacred and inviolable!

Although the former Liu Ruqing was equally beautiful, gentle, generous, and pleasant, he definitely didn't have the same breath now!

However, Yang Xueqi didn't know that after Liu Ruqing recovered her memory, her whole person changed a lot!

After all, Liu Ruqing's man is Lin Nan, the only emperor in the entire universe, the strongest in the entire universe!

No matter how ordinary a woman is, she will be affected and touched by Lin Nan's side!

"Xueqi, what are you doing in a daze, come in!"

Liu Ruqing still had a faint smile on her pretty face, beckoning to Yang Xueqi!

"Aunt Xue, hug!"

Lin Momo slipped off Lin Nan's neck, stretched out both hands, and walked towards Yang Xueqi!

Today's Lin Momo looks like a large porcelain doll. Yang Xueqi couldn't help spreading her arms and let Lin Momo jump in!

Holding Lin Momo, walked into the room and closed the door!

The people outside the lounge looked at each other!

"Director Zhang, are you okay?"

Seeing that the door of the lounge was closed, the assistant director dared to move and ran to Zhang Yimou's side, ready to help him!

Zhang Yimou's old face, as white as rice paper, was about to get up!

At this moment, Luo Chengzhong's voice came in his ears!

"Director Zhang, I advise you to keep kneeling!"


Zhang Yimou was taken aback, and looked at Luo Chengzhong in confusion!

"Sanye Luo, what do you mean? He closed the door and can't see the situation here, so let's continue to kneel here?"

"Director Zhang, I will only say it once, if you don't want to die, you'd better keep kneeling!" Luo Chengzhong shook his head.

Seeing Luo Chengzhong's expression like this, Zhang Yimou continued to kneel there, thinking in surprise!

'How is this going? Why even the third master Luo of Hexi Province has this attitude? Didn't this young man just abolish the son of third master Luo? ’

Although thinking like this in his mind, Zhang Yimou didn't dare to act rashly, still kneeling there, waiting quietly!

Time passed by every minute!

Rest in the city.

"Xueqi, I just discussed with Lin Nan, don't you want to know those memories?"

Liu Ruqing took Yang Xueqi's hand and asked with a smile.

Yang Xueqi looked at Liu Ruqing in a daze, her eyes filled with doubts, "Are you telling the truth? You and Lin Nan once had a daughter?"

"Yes! It is difficult to explain what happened at the beginning, but our daughter can grow up safely, thanks to you Xueqi, so Lin Nan will agree to return the memory to you!"

Liu Ruqing nodded gently.

Yang Xueqi hesitated!

"Of course, if you don't want to restore your memory, I won't force you!"

Seeing Yang Xueqi hesitating, Liu Ruqing added!

Yang Xueqi's brows were twisted together, and finally she took a deep breath, a hint of determination flashed in her eyes!

"Well, if I ever had such a part of memory, then it belongs to me. If you can do it, then return the memory to me!" Yang Xueqi said seriously.

"How difficult is this? Now that you are ready, give your memory back to you!" Lin Nan smiled lightly.

The next moment, he raised his hand and pointed slightly!

Yang Xueqi's body shuddered slightly, and countless pictures suddenly appeared in her mind!

Yang Xueqi's originally confused eyes became extremely clear and full of splendor at this moment!

"this is……"

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