There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 764: That Mr. Lin is my brother-in-law!

Yang Xueqi's memories before restarting the era, at this moment, all flooded into her mind!

Picture after picture, like a movie, passed in front of her eyes, very clear, everything is so real!

"Xueqi, how do you feel?"

Seeing Yang Xueqi stunned in place, Liu Ruqing asked with some worry.

She was afraid that Yang Xueqi could not bear those memories!

"She's okay, she's very clear-headed, but she has some memories and needs to be digested. That's why she is like this. Don't worry, it won't be a big problem!"

Lin Nan smiled lightly and gave Liu Ruqing a reassurance.

"That's good!"

Liu Ruqing nodded gently, then waited quietly!

About half an hour later, Yang Xueqi woke up, the confused hours in her eyes disappeared without a trace, replaced by a feeling of surprise and surprise!

"It turns's like this... my God..."

"This world... is different from what I imagined!"

"Mo'er! Is it really you, the little girl is still so cute!"

Yang Xueqi glanced away, and after spotting Lin Momo next to her, she held her in her arms and kissed her fiercely!

"Hahaha! Aunt Xue, you finally think of Mo'er!"

Lin Momo laughed and buried her head in Yang Xueqi's arms to act like a baby!

Ling'er stood there pretty pretty, eyes widened, looking at Yang Xueqi curiously!

"Of course, this is amazing, right? There is such a thing? I went back in time? According to the past, isn't it five years ago?" Yang Xueqi's eyes twinkled!

"It's not a return to the past, it's the restart of the era! Everything has started again, but some things have also changed, and it cannot be said to be exactly the same as before!" Lin Nan explained.

"Okay, okay! Lord Tiandi, I don't understand what you said so much. Anyway, I have a memory now, so thank you!"

Yang Xueqi said with a smile, and blinked at Lin Nan, returning to her original character!

Lin Nan ignored her and stood up and said, "We should go back!"

"Huh! Let's go back. Just recovering the memory, you haven't come back for a month, and you don't know where you went! After you go back, you can explain it to me!"

Liu Ruqing snorted softly!

"Leaving Mo'er and Ling'er, we are going home!"

Lin Nan smiled, squatted on the ground, picked up a big cute baby in one hand, and walked out of the rest room!

As soon as I walked out of the rest room, I heard Luo Chengzhong say: "Luo Chengzhong, representing the rebellious son Luo Fei and the rebellious daughter Rowling, ask Mr. Lin!"

At the time of speaking, Luo Chengzhong also slammed his head in Lin Nan's direction!

"That Luo Shao, is that your son?"

Lin Nan stood there without anger.

"Yes, Mr. Lin!"

Luo Chengzhong answered quickly, burying his head very low, not daring to look up!

Zhang Yimou, the deputy director, and Qin Ge stared at everything blankly. They had already determined that Lin Nan was definitely not an ordinary person, but in any case, it was impossible to guess Lin Nan's identity and origin!

"He provoked me, but he has already received his due punishment. As a father, I don't care about him!" Lin Nan said lightly.

Hearing this, Luo Chengzhong seemed to have taken a reassurance pill, his excited old face flushed, and he trembled:

"Thank you Mr. Lin!"

Lin Nan ignored Luo Chengzhong, but took Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo, and Ling'er, stepping out in one step, flying directly into the sky several thousand meters, and disappearing in front of everyone!

"Oh my God!"

"They... flew away?"

Seeing Lin Nan and others, they flew away, and the deputy director and Qin Ge were frightened directly!

Instead, Yang Xueqi, uncharacteristically, stood there quietly, with a slight smile on her lips!

As for Luo Chengzhong, he let out a long sigh of relief, as if collapsed, and sat down on the ground, panting heavily!

"Sanye Luo, what the **** is going on?"

Zhang Yimou dared to stand up, crouched slightly, and looked at Luo Chengzhong respectfully!

"It's nothing. You are not at this level. You don't need to know this. You just need to remember one sentence. When you see Mr. Lin in the future, you can show absolute respect and humility. There can be no place to offend Lin. Sir, otherwise, the gods will be hard to save!"

"It's hard to save gods? Is it such an exaggeration?"

Although this sentence came from Luo Chengzhong, Zhang Yimou still didn't believe it!

Yang Xueqi sneered after hearing a few people talk!

"Haha! You are too dear to gods, right?"

With Lin Nan's origin, let alone a god, even if God comes, the people Lin Nan wants to kill will probably not be saved!

"What do you mean?"

Zhang Yimou frowned when he saw Yang Xueqi speaking!

He is in the entertainment industry and can be regarded as a big-time figure. Yang Xueqi is just a female celebrity who has just become popular. Dare to talk to him like this?

"It means it literally!"

Yang Xueqi said casually, looking careless!

"Yang Xueqi, pay attention to your identity! You are just an actor under me, and I am the director. Are you talking to me with this attitude?" Zhang Yimou said coldly.

"Director Zhang, do you really treat yourself as a person?" Yang Xueqi sneered.

"Say that you are an internationally renowned director, but don’t think I don’t know what you do in private. Those young actresses dare to be angry and dare not say anything. If Ms. Mi introduced me, you might also be right. Let me do it? The last time you ate, you desperately controlled me to drink, really thinking that I didn't know what was in your mind?"

"I used to tolerate you, but now...hehe! Why should I, Yang Xueqi, bear with you? Don't rely on the old and sell the old, you must know your self-respect!"

At this point, Yang Xueqi's face has been completely indifferent!

If it was before, Yang Xueqi was just a little girl, but now she has the memories of the two lives, her aura and vision will be different instantly!

For Zhang Yimou, he can no longer feel any authority!

"what did you say?"

Zhang Yimou's face trembled with anger!

"I want to ban you! I want to ban you! In the future, China's entertainment industry will no longer have a place for you. Even if it is the boss of the Flower Brothers, he will not be able to save you if he speaks himself!"

"Block me? Haha, are you capable of this?" Yang Xueqi shook her head funny, her eyes filled with contempt and disdain!

"How am I not?"

Zhang Yimou glared at Yang Xueqi, with fire bursting into his eyes, and shouted: "In the China Entertainment Industry, half of the country is my final say, and the other half of the country, as long as I speak, who dares not give me face?"

"My word, your acting career in this life is completely over!"

"Sorry! You really don't have this ability, because the Mr. Lin just now is my brother-in-law!" Yang Xueqi grinned.


Hearing Yang Xueqi's words, Luo Chengzhong, who was silent before, suddenly lit up!

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