There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 765: Who killed my Ji family? get out!

"Of course it is true, do I have to lie to you?"

Yang Xueqi said proudly.

As for Lin Nan's identity, Luo Chengzhong knew that even those big families in Yanjing needed to favor Lin Nan!

The woman in front of me is actually related to Lin Nan's woman?

Luo Chengzhong was overjoyed and hurriedly said: "So, if Ms. Yang wants to be in the entertainment industry, just tell someone from Luo. Although my Luo family is not involved in the entertainment industry, there is still a bit of weight in China! "

Luo Chengzhong looked at Yang Xueqi, full of joy!

The next moment, Luo Chengzhong's voice sank and said, "Director Zhang!"

"Sanye Luo, I am here!"

Zhang Yimou was taken aback and cried out badly!


Just listen to Luo Chengzhong solemnly said: "Ms. Yang's contract, I bought all! And starting today, my Luo family will also invest in the entertainment industry, as for investment matters, Ms. Yang is solely responsible for it!"

"As for the entire Chinese entertainment industry, if Ms. Yang is banned, I also hope that Director Zhang will not talk nonsense! If I hear any wind, it may not be Ms. Yang that will be banned by then!"

As Luo Chengzhong said, he took a deep look at Zhang Yimou!

"Sanye Luo..."

Zhang Yimou's mouth opened wide in astonishment, with an incredible face!

The entertainment industry is basically capital. The family behind Luo Chengzhong can also be ranked among the top in China. If he has a word, there must be a big boss willing to sell him a face!

At that time, it is not that Yang Xueqi is blocked, but that Zhang Yimou has no place to stand!

Although Zhang Yimou has accumulated many contacts in China over the years, he is far from qualified compared with Luo Chengzhong!

"Do you understand?" Luo Chengzhong looked at Zhang Yimou and said lightly.


After thinking about the relationship, Zhang Yimou took a sip of water and nodded:

"I understand!"

"Just understand, I like smart people!" Luo Chengzhong nodded very satisfied.

So, he set his gaze on Yang Xueqi again, and smiled: "Ms. Yang, what do you think? Are you satisfied?"

"Thank you for your kindness, but sorry, I am no longer interested in the entertainment industry!"

Yang Xueqi smiled faintly, now that she has restored her memory, is her vision of the mere entertainment circle?

After saying this, Yang Xueqi took a step, and walked away from the film and television city!


When Lin Nan and others returned to the cafe in Tianhai City, the top of Kunlun Mountain!

Since the opening of Tianmen, countries have long occupied it, and even transported building materials by plane. Many residences have been built outside Tianmen. In just over a month, a small city has been established in Kunlun Mountain!

A group of warriors, surrounded by a restaurant, are discussing!

These people are real martial arts masters, if they are among ordinary mortals, they are all dragons and phoenixes, but here, they are like ordinary people in a roadside pub!

"Have you heard? Yesterday there were more than a dozen people who successfully entered the Gaowu world!"

"Of course I heard it. It's really enviable. Some seniors have already returned from the Gaowu world. I heard that there is a vast and boundless world, and the cultivation environment is very good. Our gods are here. It's just an ordinary powerhouse!"

"More importantly, ordinary people can enter the high martial arts world! On the contrary, we martial artists, some people can't pass through that heavenly gate!"

Speaking of this, everyone's eyes looked at the Tianmen with some fear!

The altar where the Tianmen is located has long been contaminated with blood!

Every time someone enters the Gaowu world, almost half of them die suddenly after climbing the steps!

Only a small number of people can successfully pass through this white step and enter the interior of the Gaowu world!

This heavenly gate is more like a dragon gate, once a carp crosses it, it will turn into a real dragon!

"I heard that a few days ago, the first batch of giants who entered the Gaowu world came back and brought back news, which was hidden by some countries!"

A middle-aged man whispered.



"What's the situation in Gaowujie?"

Hearing this, the people around all approached with interest, with a look of expectation!

"According to the news, there are many empires in the high martial arts world, and there are many sects, and the cultivation methods are self-contained. The people over there are very strong. The gods used to be only the lowest level characters, let alone Say we are martial arts masters!"

"Any strong man over there, who comes to the earth, can easily rule the world!"

Everyone looked at each other!

"Really so powerful?"


The grandmaster who passed the message nodded solemnly, and said in a deep voice: "So the super giants chose to return to the earth. After all, on the earth, they are supreme beings, but they went to the Gaowu world. But everyone, who wants to stay there?"

"Although in the Gaowu world, you have the best cultivation environment and resources, but you need to have the strength to own those things!"

Everyone nodded.

It is true, no matter where you are, only if you have absolute strength, you will have unlimited resources!

Those super giants in the underground world are supreme on this side of the earth, but in the high martial world, they are just the bottom people!

"By the way, you said, if the godslayer went to the Gaowu Realm..."

A martial arts master suddenly spoke.

"God Killer?"

People were taken aback!

"Haha! Laughing to death, he is indeed strong on Earth, but he goes to the high martial arts world? What do you think is qualified to obtain training resources?"

There was a burst of laughter, and a martial arts master with gray hair and a sneer on his face said amusedly.

"If the godslayer is sure, will he stay on the earth? He has already gone to the high martial world. He probably knew his strength was not good, so he stayed on the earth!"

"It's like, a person has excellent grades since childhood and ranked first in the county's high school!"

"But once you enter the city, you may not be the first, but you can still rank in the top ten!"

"Once this person is less conspicuous compared to people in the whole country!"

"The earth is equivalent to a county town, and the Gaowu world is the whole country, and the God Killer is the number one in that county. Looking at the entire Gaowu world, whose opponent is he?"

The martial arts master who spoke, said sarcastically!

The people around were silent for a while, although they did not speak, they almost acquiesced in this statement!

The God Killer is truly invincible on the earth, no one dares to provoke him, even those big nations dare not to disturb him easily!

However, it is not necessarily in the Gaowu world!


Just as everyone was discussing, suddenly there was a muffled thunder above the sky!

"what happened?"

"What happened? Thunder in broad daylight?"

While everyone was shocked, there was a wave of space in the Tianmen, and a group of people wearing ancient costumes stepped out of the Tianmen!

"It's this world, and Chen'er will fall here!" a middle-aged man said without anger.

Everyone under the Tianmen looked up, and saw the middle-aged man yelled coldly and said, "Who killed my Ji family? Get out!"

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