There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 767: Your Emperor has knelt down!

Someone from the Gaowu world came and went to Tianhai City to prepare to kill the godslayer. It was posted on the forum of the underground world!

As soon as the news came out, the entire forum was alarmed and people were talking about it!

"real or fake?"

"Yeah, what the **** is going on? Didn't the **** killers stay on the earth without leaving? How could they provoke the people of the Gaowu world?"

Many people expressed disbelief and felt that this matter was groundless!

But at this moment.

Someone uploaded a video. This video was not thought to be taken, but a surveillance video outside of Tianmen!

The scenes in the surveillance video, the details of bringing Ji's family to the Gaowu world, are all shot!

After seeing the screen clearly, everyone on the Underground World Forum looked strange!

"It turned out to be true?"

"Godkiller is really a troublesome spirit, staying on the earth well, can you provoke people from the high martial world?" Some trumpets ridiculed.

"Hey, the people in the Gaowu world are strong and powerful, this time the godslayer is probably dead, right?" A grandmaster of the Japanese country sneered a few times, and quickly replied on the underground world forum.

If we say that whoever hates Linnan the most on the whole earth, he is definitely ranked first in the Japanese nation!

"This time, the killing of gods will undoubtedly die! Everyone already knows what place Gaowu Realm is? On the Gaowu Realm side, our Tianxian giants are just ordinary cultivators, and The cultivation system over there is even more perfect!"

"The experts in the high martial world have shot, and there are still more than a dozen people. The godslayer is dead!"

"Haha! Great, God bless my great Japanese empire, once the godkiller dies, the emperor's shame can be washed away!"

Many of the warriors of the Japanese country are all alive and excited!

"You said this person, why is this troublesome?"

"Huaxia people have been like this since ancient times, they deserve it!"

"This nasty guy is finally dying!"

"Hey! Are there any warriors in Tianhai City? Now go to the Godslayer's cafe to see, this pesky guy is not dead!"

A group of trumpets from the Japanese martial arts circles responded sarcastically on the forum.

Soon, the warriors of Huaxia launched a counterattack on the forum:

"Senior Lin is an evergreen tree in the Chinese martial arts world. It is invincible in the world. What if a strong man in the high martial arts world comes? Don't forget that since Mr. Lin turned out, he has been invincible all the way!"

"In the mere Gaowu world, what's the matter?"

"The country of bullets, dare to be called big?"

"Your emperor, when he knelt down, I never saw you so arrogant!"

Seeing this kind of reply, a group of warriors in the country immediately fry the pot!

"what did you say?"

"Dare you say it again!"

Although in the forum, separated by the Internet, the warriors between the two countries have a kind of tension, and the smell of gunpowder on the forum is very strong!

"How about saying it again?"

"Your emperor has knelt down!"

There is a funny reply from the warriors of China!

"The strong man in the high martial arts world will definitely kill Lin Nan today!" The warriors of the Japanese country were so angry!

"But what about it? Your emperor has knelt down!" The warrior of China replied.

"Lin Nan will definitely die, because of his behavior, his actions are worthy of death, he will definitely not survive tomorrow!" The warrior of the Japanese country continued.

"Your emperor has knelt down!"

The warrior of China replied untouchably.

"Humph! Wait until the death of the godslayer, let's see how long you will be arrogant!"

A ghost and **** of the Wa country, reply with his authentication ID number.

Immediately, there was a large group of warriors from the Japanese Kingdom, as if they had seen hope, they all left messages below!

"It's Lord Dotsujin!"

"Master Dotsushin is right. The godslayer will die today, and the shame of His Majesty the Emperor will also disappear with the wind!"

"Master Tuzushen, these Chinese people are too annoying, please use the giant-level privileges to block these reply trumpets!"

"Don't worry, I will block these people!"

Dozushen moved quickly, and immediately used his privileges to ban all the Chinese warriors who had just replied, and it was forbidden to reply!

In the forums of the underground world, anyone who is a giant has this kind of title privilege and can control some speech!

Seeing that the warriors of China were titled, the warriors of the Japanese country immediately clamored again!

"Hahaha! Have you seen it, do you continue to reply?"

"Can't reply? You have been blocked, right?"

"Scream with us, you are still too tender, we have Lord Tatsujin to come forward, shut up all of you!"

Just when this group of warriors in the country was clamoring.

At the bottom of this post, a brand new reply appeared:

"Your emperor has knelt down!"


All the warriors in the Japanese country were about to vomit blood in anger. Just now, Lord Tuzushen sealed a large number of trumpets. Why did this happen again?

Looking towards this iD, I found that the person's iD was hidden, but behind the iD, it has a super certification, which was replied by a Chinese giant!

"My friend, what do you mean? The warriors below are fighting. As a super strong, do you want to insult the Emperor?"

Master Tuzushen replied coldly.

"Tsuzu God, do you believe me if I change my account and say the same thing to you?"

This hidden iD replied again!

"What do you mean?"

Totsushin was taken aback, and the warriors of the country were also puzzled!

Just the next second.

Below the post, a large reply appeared:

"Your emperor has knelt down!"

"Your emperor has knelt down!"

"Your emperor has knelt down!"

"Your emperor has knelt down!"


There are more than twenty consecutive accounts, all of which are super-certified accounts, and each of them hides iDs, but without exception, the identities of these iDs are all giants!

"Damn it!"

Tujin was about to vomit blood!

However, the other party's account is the same as his account level. He has no right to delete the other party's reply. He can only hold the tablet angrily, and his eyes are full of chill!

"Humph! Just wait, wait until the godslayer is dead, and see if you can still laugh!"

After saying these words, Dotsushen squeezed the tablet hard with both hands!

On the underground forum, a group of warriors in the Japanese country were almost mad, beaten their chests and yelled, but they were helpless!

at the same time.

These martial arts giants in China have gathered in another discussion group and started a voice call!

"Let's also leave, and go to Tianhai City!"

Dugu Sword Saint Dugu Wuji spoke.

"Hope is still too late, Lin Nan can't die, if he dies, China will lose a deterrent to the outside world, and it will be no good for both the country and the family!" said the new Dragon Venerable Ying Long.

"So you have to start quickly, because Lin Nan won't be able to hold on!"

After the voice call was over, the super masters of the entire China Xia set out immediately, ahead of Tianhai City!

Not only the super masters of China, but also the super organizations from all over the world will also gather their eyes in Tianhai City!

Gathering in Tianhai City!

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