There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 768: Senior Lin, help!

The sound instantly spread over the entire sky of Tianhai City, and all ordinary people in Tianhai City were panicked!

Everyone raised their heads in horror and looked to the sky, but unfortunately they couldn't see anything!


"Destroy the country?"

Venerable Ying Long trembled all over!

He thought of a terrible consequence. With the news from the Gaowu world, the area of ​​the entire earth is not as big as an empire over there!

Huaxia is no more than a prefecture and county in the Gaowu world. If these people really do, the entire China is in danger!

"What to do? Senior Lin... really escaped?"

The heart of Venerable Ying Long was extremely cold. In his heart, Lin Nan was firmly seated on the throne of the first person in the underground world!

However, after the arrival of the Gaowu world, even Lin Nan has fled. He can no longer think of who can be the opponent of this group of people?

"Senior Lin may have really escaped! People in the high martial arts world are far more powerful than us, and news has been sent back from the underground world. When the gods go to the high martial arts world, they will follow the inner strength martial artists of our world. The status of the earth is about the same!"

"And Mr. Lin is equivalent to a master's cultivation base, but suddenly a **** realm, even an earth immortal, came to him. How is Mr. Lin an opponent?"

An old man spoke.

He looked sad, his facial features were all screwed together!

His name is Wang Zhongxian, he has been practicing in Zhongnan Mountain and has lived for hundreds of years, and he has reached the realm of heavenly immortality!

Over the years, he has not asked about world affairs, hidden in the mountains and old forests, and has never been born before!

"Fine! It's human nature to be greedy for life and fear of death. Even Lin Nan is just an ordinary person. When facing an impossible enemy, there is nothing wrong with fleeing!"

"I waited for the oath back then to be both the guardians of China. Today China is in trouble. Lin Nan can escape, but we can't go. We will live and die with China!"

Beside him, another old man with three strands of long beard, who looked like an immortal wind, sighed!

He comes from the Wudang Mountains and is a descendant of Tai Chi, named Qianjue Zhenren!

"Let's go, even if we are going to die, we have to stand in front. It is impossible to let these innocent people die. I already swore it back then!"

"Mr Thousand Jue, at the beginning of China’s national crisis, you also went out to save the country. Later, you repelled the foreign enemies. You have succeeded in retreating rather than lingering in the glory and wealth of the ordinary world. I would rather retreat to the mountains. I admire this temperament. Forget you, but the people of the dragon group will remember forever!"

Venerable Ying Long knelt on one knee and bowed to the real person Qianjue!

Majestic Qian Jue shook his head, and a trace of resoluteness flashed across his old face!

"Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of a country! The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, let alone us?"

Just when everyone was talking.

"Well, a quarter of an hour has passed, and the godslayer has not yet appeared. According to what the old man said just now, destroy one of your tall buildings!"

Over Tianhai City, the voice of the Ji family came!

The voice fell to the ground.


There was a loud noise, and another tall building collapsed, arousing smoke and dust in the sky, and the ground trembled violently, like an earthquake!


True person Qian Jue sighed lightly and said: "Let's do it. If we don't stop it, this prosperous Tianhai City will be reduced to rubble!"

"Let's go!"

Wang Chongxian also nodded, he stepped out, stepping on the void, behind his steps, one after another lotus blossoms!

"this is……"

"Lotus grows every step of the way?"

The pupils of the real person Qian Jue shrank suddenly, and raised his head in horror, looking in the direction where Wang Zhongxian was leaving, and couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Unexpectedly, Brother Wang has reached this state. The lotus grows every step of the way. According to legend, it is to surpass the gods to gain the Tao! Could it be that Brother Wang has realized the Tao and has reached that state?"

"It's just touching a threshold! If you get over this calamity this time, the old man is also ready to go to the Gaowu world to take a look!"

Wang Chongxian said lightly.

"In this case, I can only fight hard. If I can retreat from this battle, I also want to go to Gaowu Realm with Brother Wang to take a look!" Chen Jue Qian nodded likewise.

But the surrounding atmosphere was lifeless!

Everyone knows that it is difficult for them to survive today, and it is almost impossible to be the opponent of the group of people in the Gaowu world!

"Let's go!" Wang Zhongxian said.

"it is good!"

True person Qian Jue nodded slightly, and stepped out in the same step, walking side by side with Wang Zhongxian, turning around and said: "Dugu brother, we are waiting for you on it!"


"Wait, Senior Lin may not have escaped!"

Dugu Wudi suddenly spoke, his voice attracted everyone, and his heart moved towards Dugu Wudi!

"What do you mean?"

Venerable Ying Long asked suspiciously.

Dugu Wudi pointed to a notice on the door of the cafe and smiled and said, "Look at this, because the owner of the cafe is going home, therefore, the cafe is temporarily closed for a week, and will be open normally after a week!"


Everyone discovered that there was a notice on the door of the cafe!

The notes that the dragon flies and the phoenix dances are vigorous and powerful. At first glance, it is from the hands of the martial artist!

This notice was written by Lin Canghai!

"I know where Mr. Lin is now. He didn't escape, but didn't know what happened in Tianhai City... Now there must be someone to go to Jiangnan to inform Mr. Lin!" Venerable Ying Long was overjoyed.

"Senior Dugu, this is where you can fly with a sword, and the speed is faster than an airplane. Why don't you go to the south of the Yangtze River? Would you please come here?"

"Okay! Hold on, I'll be back!"

Dugu Wudi nodded, and said no more!

A long rainbow rushed towards the night, cut through the sky, and flew towards the south of the Yangtze River!


At this time, Lin Nan's family was having a picnic by the lakeside of Yanhu Lake. On the green grass, there were dining tables and ingredients!

Lin Nan is handling the food by himself, Lin Canghai is helping!

Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo, and Ling'er sat at the dining table expectantly, watching Lin Nan do it with a smile!

"Baba, hurry up, Mo'er is hungry, you see my belly is hungry!"

Lin Momo gently tapped the tabletop, urging.

"Okay, don't worry, the staple food will be ready later, and I will serve you a plate of fragrant phoenix wings!"

Lin Nan smiled softly and put the freshly roasted phoenix wings on a plate. The smell of roasted meat poured into his nose, making people unable to help their index fingers move, and swallowed!

"Ling'er, this is for you!"

Lin Momo is very generous, and put the biggest grilled wing directly on Ling'er's plate!

Ling'er blinked her big eyes and swallowed!


At this moment, a long rainbow descended from the sky!

"Senior Lin, help!"

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