There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 769: Fate of the nation, everyone is responsible!

Dugu invincible came to the shore of Yanhu Lake, and after seeing Lin Nan, he knelt on the ground!

"Help? What do you say?"

Lin Nan frowned and glanced at Dugu Invincible!

"Huh? It's you. I used to thank you for helping us block the enemy, saving me once and letting Momo be born safely!"

After seeing Dugu invincible, Liu Ruqing's eyes lit up and quickly stepped forward and helped him up!

"you are?"

Dugu Invincible raised his head suspiciously and looked at Liu Ruqing with suspicious eyes in his eyes. He shook his head and said: "Madam, you have admitted the wrong person. I have never seen you! It is impossible to save you!"


Liu Ruqing secretly laughed while covering her mouth!

After the era is restarted, unless Lin Nan returns the memory to everyone, otherwise, people will not know what happened before the restart of the era, which is equivalent to living a life again, but they don't know that the experience of the previous life is the same as this one!

"Of course you don't remember, but it's okay. I just need to remember. By the way, old man, are you coming to our Lin Nan for something?"

"Madam, I don't have time to tell you now!"

Dugu Wudi was anxious, his gaze fell on Lin Nan's face, and solemnly said: "Senior Lin, the big thing is not good! People from the Gaowu world arrived in Tianhai City and said they would behead your head. If you still don't Appear, the entire Tianhai City will be reduced to rubble!"

"Those people in the Gaowu world also said that if you don't show up for a day, you will destroy the entire China!"

"Now the experts in the Chinese martial arts world have all gone to Tianhai City, hoping to stop those people in the high martial arts world! The strength of those people is too strong. Someone standing in the air and cutting down with a sword can destroy a skyscraper. I beg You come forward, if you don’t come forward, the entire Tianhai City will probably be over!"

Dugu Invincible said, his face flushed with excitement, and the old tears ran!

As the patron saint of China, he has never seen him before,

Lin Nan frowned and asked, "Gao Wujie? Is it the Ji family?"

Lin Nan felt a little depressed. He was planning to have a barbecue with his wife and children and enjoy life, but something like this happened!

"Is it really that serious? Tianhai City is going to end?"

Liu Ruqing asked in surprise, a little bit unbelievable!

"It's true, ma'am! If Mr. Lin doesn't show up yet, the entire Tianhai City will be over. After a day, China is in danger!" Dugu Wudi's eyes were red.

"Lin Nan, can you help me once?"

Liu Ruqing also turned her head and looked towards Lin Nan!

For Lin Nan, the earth is just an ordinary star, but for Liu Ruqing, the earth is her homeland, and China is her motherland!

As a Chinese, it is impossible for Liu Ruqing to stand and watch, her motherland is destroyed!

"Since you have spoken, of course I will do it!"

Lin Nan smiled faintly, stepped forward and scratched Liu Ruqing's little nose, and said, "He Mo'er and Ling'er are here waiting for me to come back, and I will come when I go!"

"Okay, be careful on the way!"

Liu Ruqing spit out her little tongue!

Lin Nan smiled and said: "Haha! No one can hurt me this day, just a few ants!"

Seeing that Lin Nan was so confident, Dugu Wudi was a little relieved. I don’t know why. After Lin Nan promised him, Dugu Wudi’s heart felt more stable. It seems that after Lin Nan agreed to him, the group of experts in the Gaowu world were simply not a problem!

"Let's go!"

Lin Nan said lightly.

"Thank you senior! Thank you senior!"

Dugu was so excited that he took out an ancient sword and prepared to return to Tianhai City!

"Too much trouble! I'll take you a ride!"

Upon seeing this, Lin Nan shook his head lightly, then grabbed with one hand and pulled Dugu Invincible over!

Dugu Invincible only felt that he could not resist at all. Although Lin Nan had no malice against him, a cold sweat was still flowing out of Dugu Invincible's heart!

But the next moment, an even more horrifying scene appeared!

He had just reached Lin Nan's side, before he could stand firm, he saw Lin Nan take a small step, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed, and he took a closer look!

A skyscraper in front of you is appearing in front of you. Wang Chongxian, Qianjue Zhenren, Ying Long, and others, a total of more than a dozen top powerhouses, are engaged in a fierce battle with the Ji family!

It is not so much a battle, as it is a unilateral crush. On the Ji family's side, only one person was dispatched, but Wang Chongxian, Qianjue Zhenren, Yinglong Venerable, etc., can no longer resist!

In just one hour, seven or eight people were killed and injured, and Wang Chongxian, Qianjue Zhenren, Ying Long and others were also seriously injured in varying degrees!

"Okay, the third child, it's almost okay, don't play anymore! It's just an hour, and the godslayer hasn't appeared yet, we should do it!"

Above Tianhai City, Ji Tianji said lightly.

"Big brother, I will play again for the last time. I can't think of this low-level planet. There are people like this. They are not afraid of death. We want to destroy those skyscrapers. They actually stopped them. It is really a mantis arm as a car. Not bad!"

The old vulture Ji Tianxing grinned!

"It's been a long time since it's been so happy, your courage is really commendable! It's more courageous than that god-killer!"

Directly in front of the vulture old man Ji Tianxing, Wang Zhongxian, Qianjue Zhenren, Yinglong Venerable and others stood there like plants of strong pine, forming a wall of people, blocking the skyscrapers!

Everyone is ready to resist the Ji family with flesh and blood!

"Huh! Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country! I won't take a step back!" Wang Chongxian said loudly.

He was already seriously injured, but still did not shrink back, ready to drain the last drop of blood here in Tianhai City!

"Haha! Interesting, there are still hot-blooded people in this country? In that case, I will fulfill you, and then go to kill the godslayer!" The vulture old man Ji Tianxing sneered twice!

"If you want to block, just continue to block this sword and try it!"

When the voice fell, the long sword in the hands of the vulture old man Ji Tianxing lightly swung!


In the air, a sword aura appeared, with a magnificent momentum, like a galaxy flowing backwards, it was cut down towards a skyscraper ahead!

It seems to be an understatement, but with one sword, you can cut off a skyscraper!

"Haha! Brother Wang, I did not accept you before, but now I do. Brother Wang, you have played three times for China for the country and the people, but you never asked for anything in return! Today I have the honor to fight side by side with Brother Wang. It is truly an honor to die without regrets!"

True person Qian Jue raised his head to the sky and laughed, stepped forward, looking at the sword qi from the front, preparing to die generously!

"Two seniors! The people of China will never forget you!"

Venerable Ying Long's eyes were splitting, blood and tears welled up in his eyes, and he closed his eyes. As the leader of the dragon group, he couldn't leave. He could only coexist and die with Tianhai City!

Just when that majestic sword aura was about to kill everyone!

"Kang Dang!"

There was a loud noise!

In front of everyone, there seemed to be an invisible wall of air. The sword qi cut by the vulture old man Ji Tianxing was completely blocked by the air wall, and he couldn't make any further progress!

"what happened?"

Wang Zhongxian, Qianjue Zhenren, Ying Long and the others raised their heads and looked forward, only to see a young man walking out of the sky!

"Senior Lin!"

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