There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 771: If you talk nonsense again, I will destroy your Ji family together!

Ji Tianji thought in his heart, but shook his head again, putting this absurd idea behind!

'Ha ha! How could we be ants? For people in this world, we are like gods. The feeling just now is just an illusion! ’

"Okay! Lest there be too many dreams in the night, let's start together, kill this person, avenge the third brother, and bring his head back to the family, which is an explanation to the ancestor!"

Ji Tianji said coldly.

In his tone, killing intent was boiling, the first to take the lead!

"Get up!"

Ji Tianji snorted softly, and opened his mouth to spit out a nine-story pagoda, rising in the sky against the storm, and instantly grew into a skyscraper-like pagoda!


If you look up from the streets of Tianhai City, you will definitely find this pagoda standing there, traversing the entire sky, covering the sky and the sun, it is very spectacular!

"Suppress me!"

Ji Tianji chuckled, the pagoda looked like a mountain, pressed down towards Linnan's Tianling Cap, like a comet hitting the earth, the momentum was amazing!


The air is trembling. This is the terrifying sound made by the air being penetrated by Ji Tianji's pagoda. If Ben Lei exploded over Tianhai City!

"Break it for me!"

Lin Nan raised his hand lightly, facing the direction of Ji Tianji's pagoda, and snapped his finger!


An unpretentious light struck towards the pagoda and hit the tower directly!


A loud noise came, shaking the earth, Ji Tianji's magic weapon exploded directly in the sky, turning into a dust, and the inner Dao pattern was completely wiped out!


Ji Tianji and his magic weapon were connected with each other. Now that the magic weapon has been destroyed, his whole body has also spouted a mouthful of blood, and suffered heavy losses!

"This... how is this possible! My pagoda is forged with more than a dozen divine materials. With a single blow, the earth in a radius of a hundred miles can be turned into ashes. I use my own essence and blood. I sacrificed it for 1,500 years, 1,500 years of hard work! It was destroyed by you like this!"

In Ji Tianji's heart, it was as if a stormy sea was set off. He couldn't believe it at all, and he felt like he was dreaming!

"Big Brother!"

"Brother, how are you?"

When everyone in the Ji family saw this scene, they all gathered and looked at Ji Tianji himself in horror!

"You dare to destroy my magic weapon, boy, you are looking for death!"

After Ji Tianji reacted, he shouted angrily, his eyes filled with killing intent!

I originally thought that the trip to the earth was very simple. Just behead Lin Nan, take his head back, avenge Ji Chen, and give the ancestor an explanation!

Who would have thought that not only was there no revenge here, but the third younger brother Ji Tianxing also fell, and his pagoda was also crushed by the person in front of him!

"Your nonsense is too much!"

Lin Nan stood in the air with his hands on his back, and gave Ji Tianji a light glance!

"I have lost enough time. My wife and daughter are still at home waiting for me to go back to the barbecue. Let's make a quick decision!"

Lin Nan said calmly.

At the moment when Lin Nan's voice landed, Ji Tianji and others only felt that the **** of death had come, and Lin Nan's words seemed to be sentenced, and their death date had arrived!


Feeling that Lin Nan is about to make a move, Ji Tianji sternly shouted:

"Hurry up! Escape from this place, as long as he returns to the Gaowu world, he can't help us, run away!"

Everyone in the Ji family was stunned, and only then did they react. Without hesitation, they turned and fled!

"Swish swish!"

Over Tianhai City, a dozen white waves appeared in an instant!

The speed of Ji Tianji and others directly broke through the sound barrier, which was comparable to the speed of a rocket taking off and flew towards Kunlun Mountain!

"Want to go?"

Lin Nan chuckled and waved a big hand. In the direction where Ji Tianji and others fled, an invisible wall appeared, blocking the front, making them slam their heads on it, as if hitting a real wall!




There was a loud noise, a dozen after another!

After Ji Tianji and others hit this invisible wall, they only felt dizzy, their body staggered in the air, and almost fell thousands of meters in the sky!

When everyone in the Ji family came back to their senses, they realized that they had not escaped from Tianhai City at all, but appeared in the sky above the suburbs, unable to leave a step at all!

At this moment.

Lin Nan was already like a killer, stepping on the void, pacing gently, walking slowly from the sky above the center of Tianhai!

"It's over..."

Seeing Lin Nan coming, Ji Tianji's face paled for a while!

A huge palm fell from the sky and pressed toward the Ji family!


The whole piece of void shuddered slightly, and the power of a blood pulse surged and flickered in the air!


Lin Nan gave a light sigh, but Ji Tianji and the others were overjoyed. They knelt in the air and bowed their heads in a certain direction.

"The ancestors have appeared, the ancestors have appeared!"

"Ancestor, help!"

"My ancestor, please save us, we can't hold on anymore, this son is too powerful!"

Everyone in the Ji family seemed to have grabbed a straw!

Just as they prayed and pleaded, a blood mist appeared in the void, and a huge figure appeared in the blood mist!

He looks very solemn, wearing a Taoist robe, his face is like gold paper, he is not angry, his eyes are looking down forward like a god!

"Okay, I have seen all of this. I didn't expect you to be so useless. Even the natives on a low-level star can't deal with it. After returning to the family, they have faced each other for three hundred years. The cultivation level will not break through a small realm, and you are not allowed to leave the family. !"

The phantom of Ji family ancestor said with majesty.


Ji Tianji and others did not dare to neglect, and respectfully bowed to the phantom of the ancestor of the Ji family!


The ancestor of the Ji family snorted coldly, his gaze fell on Lin Nan's body, and said: "I'm very surprised, on a low-level star, there is such a strong person as you! Did you kill Ji Chen? "

"Are you the ancestor of the Ji family?"

Lin Nan stood in the air, watching a hint of playfulness burst out from the corner of his mouth!

"Presumptuous! How dare you not answer when the ancestor asked you something?"

A middle-aged man from the Ji family shouted sharply.

Since the appearance of the ancestor of the Ji family, he seems to have forgotten his situation!

Lin Nan glanced at this person indifferently, with a sharp shot in his eyes, directly piercing this person, turning it into nothingness!


Ji Tianji and the others couldn't help taking a breath, and looked at Lin Nan in horror!

In particular, there were a few people who wanted to speak like this middle-aged man, but now they are afraid for a while. If they speak, are they already dead?

"Young man, you are so bold, you dare to block my face and kill my Ji family?" Ji family ancestor said coldly.

His expression was indifferent, and he couldn't see any anger, but that voice was cold and deep into his bones!

"If you kill, you will kill. If you talk nonsense, I will kill your Ji family together! Believe it or not?"

Lin Nan smiled lightly!

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