There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 772: Turn decay into magic! One thought of tall buildings!

"what did you say?"

The ancestors of the Ji family were taken aback for a moment, and looked at Lin Nan incredible!

"Remember this sentence, if it's okay, just stay in the Gaowu world. If the people of the Ji family dare to step into the earth, there is no need to continue to exist!"

Lin Nan said calmly, and glanced at the ancestor of the Ji family lightly!

"As for you, get out!"

With that, he raised his hand and slapped it out!


The phantom where the ancestors of the Ji family was located, like a mirror shattered, disappeared instantly without a trace!


"Where have you been, ancestor?"

"Ancestor, you can't leave us behind!"

Ji Tianji and others screamed in horror, but there was no response anymore!

Amidst the desperate gazes of everyone in the Ji family, Lin Nan waved a big hand and directly obliterated everyone without being hindered by the slightest!

No one can keep the person he wants to kill!


at the same time.

Gaowujie, Ji's ancestral land.

The mountains and rivers in front are on the horizon, and ancient buildings are everywhere, and the light from a large number of magic circles is shining in the sky!

At a glance, the scenery in the depths of the Ji family's ancestral land is like a fairyland on earth!

Somewhere in the deepest part of the Ji family, a terrifying energy wave suddenly broke out. The majestic air wave, like a tsunami, swept the entire Ji family in an instant!


Accompanied by a scream, it spread throughout the Ji family in an instant!

"what happened?"

"Oh, that's the ancestor's retreat. It seems that an accident has happened!"

"What happened to the ancestor? Could it be that something went wrong with cultivation?"

"It's very possible! The ancestor's cultivation level has broken through to its limit, and it is about to take that step. Maybe something really happened at this critical juncture!"

"Go, go and see!"

Everyone in the Ji family was shocked, and they walked out of the sky, rushing towards the retreat of the ancestors of the Ji family!

However, only the core patriarch and a few elders can enter the retreat of the ancestors of the Ji family!

When everyone entered this ancient temple, they discovered that the ancestor of the Ji family trembled all over, lying on the ground, trembling, as if seeing something terrifying!

"Ancestor, what's wrong with you?"

"He saw me, he saw me!" The ancestor of the Ji family was crazy, shouting constantly, as if he had been greatly stimulated!

Just now, Lin Nan took a shot, not only destroyed the phantom of the Ji family's ancestors, incidentally, even the ancestors of the Gaowu world Ji family's body suffered heavy damage!

The original Ji family ancestor's cultivation base is about to enter the next level!

But Lin Nan's slap directly abolished most of his cultivation base, making him directly a half-waste person, and no longer have the path to cultivation!

"Ancestor, what did you see?"

Everyone in the Ji family was stunned when they saw the appearance of the ancestor!

"Can't say...I can't say..."

The ancestor of the Ji family kept shaking his head. No one had ever seen it before. The ancestor of his family had been so scared, as if he was trapped in a nightmare!

"Quickly...let down the the future, no one is allowed to enter the star called the matter it is anyone, as long as you dare to take a step, you will immediately expel Ji's family!"

Although he was terrified in his heart, the ancestors of the Ji family still did not forget the words of Lin Nan!

"Earth? Isn't that star abandoned? Ji Chen died there. Didn't you send someone..."

"Shut me up!"

The ancestor of the Ji family roared: "Can you not hear what I said? Now! Immediately! Right now! Order! Anyone, any member of the Ji family! No one step into the earth!!!"

The blue veins on the forehead of the ancestors of the Ji family burst out, and the eyeballs protruded, as if they were possessed!

Everyone present opened their mouths in astonishment, completely petrified!

What happened to this?


After obliterating Ji Tianji and others, Wang Chongxian, Qianjue Zhenren, Yinglong Venerable, Dugu Wudi and others all came to the outskirts of Tianhai City and stood behind Lin Nan!

"Thank you, Senior Lin, for taking action to protect Tianhai City and China!"

Everyone bowed deeply to Lin Nan!

"This matter started because of me, there is no need to thank me!" Lin Nan said lightly.

"Oh! What a pity, this prosperous Tianhai City has been destroyed seven or eighty-eight. If it is to be re-established, it will not be possible to restore it in less than ten years!"

Venerable Ying Long turned his head, looked at the devastated Tianhai City, sighed lightly, couldn't help but smile!

Ji's trouble, although solved!

However, for ordinary people in Tianhai City, this disaster has just begun!

So many skyscrapers were destroyed by the people of the Ji family, and it is not a matter of one or two days to rebuild!

Moreover, there are so many ordinary people, companies, and families that are affected, and some may go bankrupt!

Fortunately, as early as after the first building was cut open, the personnel inside these buildings were almost completely complete. There were not many casualties, but reconstruction was very difficult!

Perhaps because of this change, Tianhai City will withdraw from the ranks of international first-tier cities!

"Yes, this city is pretty good, it was destroyed like this, which is a shame!"

Lin Nan turned his head, looked in the direction of Tianhai City, and nodded slightly.

"It will take at least ten years to rebuild Tianhai City. Within these ten years, Tianhai City will not be able to recover!" Venerable Ying Long said helplessly.

"Ten years? Why so long? One second!"

Lin Nan smiled lightly!

I see.

Lin Nan stretched out his right hand, placed it flat in front of him, and then dragged it upward!

"Get up!"

The next thing in front of us completely subverted everyone's worldview!

Originally, those high-rise buildings that collapsed were already in ruins, but after Lin Nan gently raised his hand, the high-rise buildings that collapsed, Daxia, were automatically restored!

Every brick is restored to its original position. In the eyes of everyone, everything that happens in front of you is just like being played upside down in a movie!

"this is……"

"how is this possible!"

Venerable Ying Long widened his eyes, staring at everything in front of him, his jaw dropped to the ground!

Buildings that had collapsed are rising from the ground!

In just one second, the originally dilapidated metropolis was restored to its original appearance in an instant!

If it weren't for Wang Chongxian, True Person Qian Jue, Venerable Yinglong, Dugu Wudi and others, who had seen all this with their own eyes, it would have been impossible to believe it was true!

"Turn the decay into a miracle! A high-rise building is reminiscent of! The means of the fairy family, Senior Lin is really a fairy?"

Wang Chongxian exclaimed!

"If you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe this scene! I am afraid Senior Lin has become a real god?"

True person Qian Jue also exclaimed.

On the other side, all the powerhouses on the earth stood in the end, looking at Lin Nan's back, full of respect!

If it had been the case before, for some people, Lin Nan did not have a cold, even if Lin Nan's reputation is very strong, but in the underground world, most of the reputation is killed, so although everyone fears Lin Nan, they are not considered respectful!

Nowadays, I am both reverent and fearful!

"Fairy? Haha!"

Lin Nan smiled softly, did not say much, turned around and stepped out, leaving the suburbs of Tianhai City!

"Everyone, I am leaving too. Although the city has been restored to its original state, there are many things that I need to deal with!" Venerable Ying Long looked very excited.

Wang Chongxian and Qian Jue, the two real people, looked at each other!

"What is Brother Wang going to do?" Qianjue Zhenren asked.

"Hahaha! The earth no longer needs our protection, the old man is ready to enter the Gaowu world!"

"Okay! I want to walk with my brother!"

Madam Qianjue grinned.

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