There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 773: Humph! I want to be a strong woman!

When Lin Nan returned to Yanhu's villa area, it was already half an hour later!

Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo, Ling'er, Lin Canghai and others are still on the bank of Yanhu Lake. This time Liu Ruqing personally played and took over Lin Nan's job and was grilling for a pair of daughters!

Seeing Lin Nan coming back, Liu Ruqing smiled lightly!

"You are back, how is the situation?"

"It's okay. Most of the Tianhai City was destroyed by the people of Ji's family. Many high-rise buildings collapsed, but I moved my fingers and restored all the collapsed buildings. The people in the Dragon Group are dealing with it, so you don't need to Worried!" Lin Nan also explained with a smile.

He walked forward without leaving a trace, and came to Liu Ruqing's side, roasting food with her!

Liu Ruqing nodded lightly and did not speak. After a few seconds of silence, he said: "Lin Nan, I don't think Mo'er and I have any cultivation skills, not very good!"


Lin Nan looked at Liu Ruqing strangely!

"You are very powerful, but after I recovered my memory, I thought about it a lot! Without you by my side, I would encounter all kinds of dangers, and although you are the emperor of heaven and domineering in the world, I am yours My wife, it turned out to be just an ordinary person!" Liu Ruqing sighed lightly!

These days, she has thought a lot!

"I don't care if you are an ordinary person, as long as it is my God likes, who dares to talk nonsense? I will never let him reincarnate!" Lin Nan said proudly.

"I know you are the emperor of heaven, no one dares to disobey you!"

Liu Ruqing's pretty face was filled with a happy smile.

"But have you ever thought about it, if one day, you are not with Mo'er and Ling'er, what should we do?" Liu Ruqing stared into Lin Nan's eyes!

Lin Nan frowned!

Liu Ruqing continued: "Just like the first time, you went back to the immortal realm to quell the rebellion. It took more than four years to go there, and the last time you left for more than a month. Although the first time you turned away from danger, you came back in time. What danger!"

"But what if there is a third time?"

"You also told me that someone is coveting your position as the Emperor of Heaven. What I think is that if I and Mo'er, Ling'er and others practice well, at least they will have the power to protect themselves, and you don't need to hold your hind legs!" Liu Ruqing said seriously.

"What's wrong? I'm still thinking about letting you spend your life as an ordinary person on Earth, and then taking you back to the fairy world!"

Lin Nan smiled softly, and gently shaved Liu Ruqing's little nose!

"Have you forgotten your financial ideals? Don't you plan to continue reading and then go to Wall Street to show your skills?"

Liu Ruqing shook her head decisively, rolled her eyes at Lin Nan, and said angrily:

"What an ideal is this! I used to be just an ordinary girl with such a big vision, so I think this is the ideal of my life!"

"Now I know you, and my vision has risen from a small earth to the entire universe. Therefore, my ideal now is to be your wife and grow up healthily with Moer and Linger, without becoming your hind legs. ! This is my greatest ideal!"

Liu Ruqing felt that before, she was like a frog at the bottom of a well, with only the head of the well in sight!

Always being guarded by Lin Nan, now that he has broadened his horizons, he naturally hopes to embark on a broader stage!

"Lin Nan, take me to practice together! Humph! I want to be a strong woman!"

Liu Ruqing wrinkled her little nose proudly, waved her small fist at Lin Nan, and glanced at Lin Nan faintly, as if she was a female emperor!

Her temperament has completely changed, and she is no longer the little girl she used to be!


Lin Nan laughed happily, "Okay! As expected of a woman I value, she should have this kind of courage! From now on, I will teach you the knowledge of cultivation!"

At this point, Lin Nan's face condensed!

"However, you need to cultivate well! Because once you walk on this path, you will pursue longevity and the great path. Don’t look back! There is also the woman of the emperor of heaven who cannot lose to others. Once you start to practice, I will take You go to other worlds to experience, the earth here cannot improve your strength. You will leave your parents for a period of time. Have you thought about it?"

"I'm done! Anyway, you can bring me back anytime, right?"

Liu Ruqing jumped into Lin Nan's arms like a cute girl!

The kind of aura that just had just now disappeared without a trace at this moment, no longer exists!

Lin Nan sighed helplessly, the stern expression on his face closed, "I really can't help you!"

"Let's go, let's prepare, I will take you to the Linghuan Realm, where the cultivation system is very perfect and suitable for cultivation!"

If Lin Nan did it, he could directly bestow Liu Ruqing on his cultivation skills!

However, if this were the case, Liu Ruqing would not be able to become a female emperor in her lifetime!

If you want to become enlightened, you must build the foundation yourself, which is why Lin Nan did not grant Liu Ruqing a cultivation base!

The cultivation base given by others is never your own. This is like building a tall building. If the foundation is not yours, the higher you build, the faster it will fall!

Otherwise, Lin Nan directly bestowed Liu Ruqing on her cultivation base, and the whole earth is still not allowed to move, so why bother?

Lin Nan did not bestow Liu Ruqing's cultivation base for her future plans!

Only by practicing on your own, step by step, can you reach the pinnacle of cultivation. This has been the case since ancient times, even Lin Nan himself has no shortcuts!

"Linghuan Realm? What is that place?"

"Just in the center of your galaxy, that is a super star, and countless people ascend to the immortal world every year! As a star on a low-level plane, the spirit world is very good, and even true immortals have been born!" Lin Nan explained with a smile.

"But in the center of the galaxy, far away from home, let's go to the Gaowu world, OK? Isn't there a space channel connecting the earth? I think it's also good!" Liu Ruqing looked at Lin Nan quietly.

Seeing Liu Ruqing's pitiful expression like a cat, Lin Nan nodded helplessly!

"Then go to the high martial arts world, anyway, you have just practiced, it doesn't matter where you go! And Leng Yan also went to the high martial arts world, we can go find her!"

After thinking about it, Lin Nan nodded slightly.

Although the level of the high martial world is lower than that of the spirit world, it is also very vast. There are many sects on it, suitable for experience!

"Hee hee, great!"

Liu Ruqing jumped up happily!

On the side, Lin Momo and Ling'er, two little loli's, stood there, looking at Liu Ruqing and Lin Nan!

"What's wrong with Ma Ma?"

Linger's watery eyes widened, looked at Liu Ruqing in front, and asked strangely.

"I don't know, Yazi who doesn't look too smart!" Lin Momo also shook his head.

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