There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 792: This time, did you hear clearly?

In Su Qiong's eyes, Su Ming saw contempt, contempt, and disdain, plus a touch of sarcasm!

The reincarnation of the dignified martial ancestor was reincarnated by a woman?

Su Ming's eyes twitched slightly, and said proudly: "Woman, what are you talking about?"

His eyes were like torches, and his momentum was compelling, but Su Qiong was not afraid, looking straight into Su Ming's eyes!

"I said-you, not his opponent!"

Su Qiong smiled!

"This time, do you hear clearly?"

After speaking, Su Qiong took a funny look at Su Ming, and the sarcasm in his eyes became more intense!

Although Su Ming is also very powerful, when facing Su Ming, Su Qiong only feels like facing a nouveau riche, suddenly rich, and despise anyone in the world!

Even if Su Ming uttered every word, he was pretending to be compelling, deliberately!


When facing Lin Nan, Su Qiong felt that Lin Nan's shock, everything was so natural, as if he was born to be like this, every sentence and every action was filled with calmness and calmness!

"Hahaha! Interesting, interesting! In that case, I want you to see how I defeated him!"

Su Ming looked up to the sky and laughed, a flash of pride flashed in his eyes, and said:

"I will not kill this person, I will keep him by my side and be my slave! Woman, you will know how stupid and ignorant you are today, you will never know, I am What kind of existence!"

"Oh, I hope that when you face Lin Nan in the future, you still remember what you said today!"

Su Qiong's pretty face still has a faint smile!

‘Damn it! This woman is so annoying! ’

Su Ming was furious, but he pretended to be indifferent, snorted coldly, and said: "Okay! That being the case, this time in Huangfeng City, you go with me!"


Huangfeng City, City Lord's Mansion.

Seven days have passed since Lin Nan entered the main city hall!

Starting from the first day of the City Lord’s Mansion today, Lin Nan taught Liu Ruqing the cultivation method and let her start practicing!


Lin Nan established a huge spirit gathering array in the city lord's mansion, gathering the heaven and earth aura in the high martial world continuously here!

Cultivating in the Spirit Gathering Array, the speed is not weaker than the fairy world!

"My wife, the hour is here, it's almost time to practice!" Lin Nan couldn't help but remind.

From the morning, Liu Ruqing was wearing short shorts, lying on the sun lounger, as if on vacation, holding a large plate of grapes in her arms, sitting in the shade of the trees and eating!

"Cultivation is so boring! I just meditate wherever I am every day, or I feel spiritual energy, I have a rest today, it's great to play with Moer and Linger!" Liu Ruqing picked off a grape and threw it into his mouth!

Lin Momo and Ling'er both ran away long ago!

A few days ago, I was in the depths of the city lord’s mansion and saw a few wild and ancient animals, and two little loli were whimsical. They actually wanted to build a zoo in the city lord’s mansion!

Moreover, Lin Nan actually agreed!

Just the day before yesterday, a Linghu in the City Lord's Mansion was transformed into a water park by Lin Nan!


Just thinking of Lin Momo, Lin Nan's ear heard Lin Momo's voice!

Lin Momo and Ling'er, holding each other's hands, ran over from a distance, and the two little girls ran up, walking with wind!

"Mo'er, Linger, what's wrong?"

Lin Nan squatted on the ground, holding two adorable babies with one hand on each side!

"Hehe, come and play with us, we are going to play the game of eagle catching chicks!"

"Baba, you come to be an eagle! According to the rules, eagles can't catch chicks, so you are not allowed to catch Moer!" Lin Momo stretched out her little hand and pinched Lin Nan's nose!

"How can anyone play games like this? Why can't the eagle catch the chicks?" Lin Nan asked helplessly.

"Humph! I just say no, if you don't agree, Mo'er won't play with you!"

Lin Momo raised his head proudly, and stopped going to see Lin Nan!

Linger on the other side looked at Lin Momo blankly, feeling a little at a loss!

Lin Momo is a big little devil and secretly winked at Ling'er. Ling'er immediately understood and said weakly: "I...I...I won't play with you!"

After finishing speaking, following Lin Momo's appearance, he moved his little head in another direction!

"Okay! Then I will be an eagle that can't catch a chick!"

Lin Nan shrugged helplessly!

"Puff! Hahahaha!"

Seeing this scene, Liu Ruqing couldn't help but smile forward and backward!

A group of maids in the distance, watching this warm scene, couldn't help but talk secretly!

"Hey, have you noticed that there are some differences between City Master Lin's family and City Master Huangfu's family?"

A maid whispered.

"It's more than a little different? It's totally different. There is no similarity!"

The maid next to her immediately interrupted.

"In the past, City Lord Huangfu had a stern face every day. When I saw him, I was scared to death. Moreover, the ladies of City Lord Huangfu were more temperamental than the other. We who were maids did not do a good job. Locally, you will be punished at will, and you may lose your life at any time!"

"Yes, yes, yes! But this time, the lady of the city lord is different. I brought tea over this morning and accidentally spilled the tea on the lady's shoes. I was so scared that I cried and thought I was dead. Now!" A maid patted her chest, as if she was still afraid!

"But guess what? Madam actually told me I'm sorry, she said she accidentally hit me, my God! I was flattered, not only was it okay, I was comforted by Madam!"

"Then you say, is this City Lord Lin or Huangfu City Lord better?"

"Of course it is City Lord Lin!"

"Yes! Mrs. Lin City Master is the best talker I have ever served. If anyone says that City Master Lin's wife is not good, I will be the first to fight him!"


Just as the Lin Nan family were playing Zhenghuan, the main entrance of the City Lord's Mansion!

"This is the City Lord's Mansion?"

Su Ming stood in front of the City Lord's Mansion, behind him, followed by several Su family elders!

In addition to these people, Leng Yan and Su Qiong were among them!

"Su Ming, my last word of advice, now I regret it, it's still too late!" Su Qiong said coldly.

"You regret it now, it's still too late!"

The corner of Su Ming's mouth, with a faint smile, looked at Su Qiong in front of him!

"Su Qiong, needless to say, there is no one in this world who is my teacher's opponent! He died by himself, you don't need to say more!" said coldly.

"You group of frogs at the bottom of the well have only such a big vision. They don't know my abilities at all, and I have no intention of telling you more. Waiting for me to subdue this City Master Lin, see what you have to say!" Su Ming sneered.

In his eyes, Leng Yan and Su Qiong are just frogs at the bottom of the well. How do they know that he is the reincarnation of Wuzu?

"The frog doesn't know, he is a frog! I thought others were frogs at the bottom of the well, ridiculous, ridiculous!" Leng Yan responded indifferently.

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