There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 793: Kneel for three days and three nights, spare your life!

"In that case, keep your eyes open and wait and see!"

Su Ming sneered!

Without saying more, he took a step forward, and the air in his arms was agitated, bursting out a majestic force!

A powerful force smashed down towards the gate of the City Lord's Mansion!


The gate of the entire City Lord's Mansion trembles violently in an instant. Under Su Ming's blow, he originally thought that he could smash the gate of the City Lord's Mansion directly!


What Su Ming didn't expect was that at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, a bright light burst out!

This is the defensive circle of the City Lord's Mansion, which can withstand external attacks. Su Ming's attack fell this time, and it happened to hit the defensive power of the circle, so it did not shake the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

However, the huge movement shocked everyone in the city lord's mansion!

"Who are you?"

"How dare you come to the city lord's mansion?

A large group of guards from the City Lord's Mansion rushed out!


Su Ming's face sank. This was different from what he had expected. He originally thought that a single blow could smash the gate of the City Lord's Mansion and give the opponent a slap in the face, but this slap in the face failed?

Face slapped!

Su Ming was angry and raised his hand to sweep!

The guards of this group of City Lord's Mansion could not stop Su Ming's blow and were all knocked into the air!

"I don't believe it anymore, the gate of this district can block my way!"

Su Ming sneered, with a flash of brilliance on her body, she actually took out a golden long sword. This sword is three feet three minutes long and three inches wide. The sword has a cold light on its body, killing intent and cold. Biting!


Su Ming screamed, and the golden long sword in his hand was cut down, a huge sword aura that was one hundred feet long and three feet wide, cut down in the air, shocked the passers-by and looked over here!

"Who is this? You dare to attack the gate of the City Lord's Mansion?"

"Is this person tired of life?"

"Could it be the remnants of Huangfu Canglan's escape? He who came back for revenge?"

"I don't think so much!"

"Look at this person's dress, he has the Su family's superb clothes, he must be from the Su family!"

"Huh? Is there really a sign of the Su family? Are they really from the Su family?"

The casual cultivators gathered here, seeing this scene, talked a lot, and all looked at it curiously!

Although Lin Nan is already the city lord of Huangfeng City, to the people in Huangfeng City, this new city lord is still very mysterious!


The sword that Su Ming slashed out was so powerful that it could almost split the sky!

At this moment, even if there is a Martial God in front of Su Ming, Su Ming is confident that he can kill him at will!

after all.

He is the reincarnation of Wuzu, should be invincible, just a door, how could it block his way?

"Drive me!"

Accompanied by Su Ming's violent shout, the huge sword aura of hundreds of meters directly hit the gate of the city lord's mansion!

However, the gate of the city lord's mansion did not move, not even a slight tremor, as if a steel giant was gently scratched with a feather!

"No! Impossible! This is absolutely impossible. This sword of mine is forged from sacred iron. It is indestructible and can cut the stars, but it can't open a door? This is absolutely impossible!"

Su Ming roared angrily, hard to accept in his heart!

He didn't believe it at all, he was cut down with a single sword, and he couldn't cut open the door of this mere flash?

If it had been before, the gate of the City Lord's Mansion would have been smashed by Su Ming's first blow!

However, now the lord of Huangfeng City is Lin Nan!

When entering the City Lord's Mansion, Lin Nan had already spent a little time transforming the entire City Lord's Mansion!

For Lin Nan, all this is just a matter of moving his fingers!


Not to mention Su Ming, even if it was Su Ming's previous life, Wu Zu personally came to the scene, or came to a great emperor of the immortal world, there was no way to blast the gate of the city lord mansion!

Just because in the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, contains the power of the law of the Emperor of Heaven!

How can Su Ming be blown away?

What a joke!

"You said big words at the beginning. Now you can't cut the gate of the City Lord's Mansion. Are you blushing? Are you embarrassed?"

Leng Yan was amused, pursed his lips and laughed!

"Su Ming, I told you a long time ago, you are not as good as Lin Nan, telling you not to come here to insult yourself, you will come over if you are not obedient? If you are blocked according to the family, I will be your cousin, why don't you Obedient?"

Su Qiong also spoke coldly.

The words of the two came into Su Ming's ears, and he was ashamed and angrily heard!

"This gate has been imposed a magic circle, I am not strong enough, is there any problem if I can't open it? If Lin Nan inside appears, I can definitely kill him!"

Su Ming furiously said.

"Is it?"

At this moment, a faint voice came, very calm and calm!


The cold face was overjoyed, and looked towards the gate of the City Lord's Mansion with surprises!

"Lin Nan?"

Su Qiong also raised his head and looked at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion with some expectation!

"Welcome the city lord!"

The guards of the city lord's mansion all backed a dozen steps, stepped aside, and all lowered their heads and bowed, waiting for Lin Nan to appear!

However, Lin Nan did not come forward. He is still in the back garden of the City Lord's Mansion, hundreds of kilometers away from the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, playing games with his wife and children!

How can I care about Su Ming?


After taking out a second of effort, Lin Nan flicked his hand lightly, and a sharp glow came, like a rocket piercing the void!


This delicate light directly hit Su Ming's body!


Su Ming trembled all over, and could no longer withstand the terrifying pressure, his whole body was like a star on his back, his knees bent!


Kneeled on the ground with a cry!

"Take a rest today, don't kill, kneel for three days and three nights, and spare your life!"

A calm voice came and fell in Su Ming's ears, causing him to tremble, like being struck by lightning, and like being judged by someone, so Su Ming could not accept it at all!

He didn't expect that he came full of confidence, ready to defeat Lin Nan and accept him as his servant!

But he didn't even enter the gate of the city lord's mansion, and he didn't even see Lin Nan's face, so he was crushed to the ground, and he had to kneel for three days and three nights to leave a life?

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Su Ming's heart was burning with anger, embarrassed, but helpless, she could only helplessly look at the people around him, pointing at himself!

"Hey! He is another one who is not eye-opening. What is wrong to challenge the majesty of the city lord?"

"That's right! Looking at him just now, his tail is up to the sky. Isn't he kneeling here now?"

"It's boring!"

"It's gone, I'm going home for dinner!"

After a few comments by the passers-by, they felt meaningless, so they spread out like birds and beasts!

"Su Ming, I said, you are not his opponent, now, do you believe it?" Su Qiong stood there, looking down at Su Ming, and asked calmly.

Su Ming lowered his head, his heart was full of humiliation and unwillingness. He was a man for two lives and a martial ancestor in his previous life. He has never suffered such humiliation!

But today, he was kneeling here, and there was no resistance in his heart, all of which made Su Ming rush to despair!

Leng Yan ignored Su Ming. From Lin Nan's first sentence, he looked forward to the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, hoping that Lin Nan would appear!

After waiting for a while, a familiar figure appeared at the entrance of the City Lord's Mansion!

"Lengyan, it's been a long time, the master let you in!" Lin Canghai smiled.

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