There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 794: Who would dare to bother in the future, kill without mercy!


After seeing Lin Canghai, Leng Yan finally landed with a hanging heart!

As long as she sees Lin Canghai, she will feel at ease. She knows that Lin Canghai will not leave Lin Nan, and will almost always be by Lin Nan's side. Lin Canghai's presence here shows that Lin Nan is also in the city lord's mansion!

It seems that the news from the Su family is true!

The teacher really came to the Gaowu world and became the lord of Huangfeng City!

"Madam, come in with you too!"

Lin Canghai's gaze fell on Su Qiong, and he smiled faintly.


Su Qiong nodded, feeling a bit complicated in her heart. She wanted to see Lin Nan a little bit, but she was in awe of Lin Nan in her heart!

The scene on the earth at the beginning still remained in Su Qiong's mind, lingering, Lin Nan gave her a deterrent, it was too strong!

When Leng Yan saw Lin Nan, Lin Nan was still playing games with Lin Momo and others!

Lin Nan did not stop with the arrival of Leng Yan and others!

Leng Yan and Su Qiong waited for nearly two hours. Liu Ruqing and others felt tired from playing and went to rest. Lin Nan let Leng Yan and Su Qiong come over!


Leng Yan bowed a big gift to Lin Nan!

"Yes, I haven't seen you for a few months. Your cultivation level has grown a lot. It seems that you have experienced a lot in the Gaowu world during this time!" Lin Nan glanced coldly, nodded, and expressed satisfaction.

"Thank you teacher for the compliment! Teacher, are you here in Gaowu world?"

Leng Yan asked with a slight smile.

"Ruqing wants to repair the chain, the earth's environment is too bad, it is not suitable for repairing the chain, so we have come to the Gaowu world!" Lin Nan casually explained.

"That's it!"

Leng Yan nodded, looking in Liu Ruqing's direction, a trace of envy flashed in his eyes!

With Lin Nan's personal guidance, I am afraid that it will not take long before Liu Ruqing's cultivation level will advance by leaps and bounds, right?

After all, when I was pointed out by the teacher a few times, I have achieved what I am today!

At this time, Lin Nan turned his gaze to Su Qiong, and said calmly: "Those people outside are from your Su family, right?"

These days, Lin Nan has already learned that Huangfeng City belongs to the Su family’s sphere of influence. He has directly become the lord of Huangfeng City. There is no reason for the Su family to not know. Now that Su Qiong is here, Lin Nan has determined Up!

"Yes, the young man who knelt down, his name is Su Ming, he is from the line of the old Patriarch, he used to repair the chain in the lower realm, and he came to the Gaowu realm not long ago!"

Su Qiong didn't dare to hide, and answered honestly.

When she was on the earth, Lin Nan's horror and majesty had completely shocked her. For Lin Nan, Su Qiong was in awe and fear!

"I don't care about this, go back and tell the Su family, Huang Fengcheng belongs to me, and whoever dares to interrupt in the future, kill me!"

After saying this, Lin Nan didn't even look at Su Qiong more, turned around and walked in the direction of Liu Ruqing and others!

Su Qiong stood there blankly, opened her mouth, and found that she couldn't say a word of rebuttal!

"Su Qiong, thank you for your care during this period of time. You go back first. No one can disobey the things the teacher decides. He said that Huang Fengcheng has nothing to do with your Su family, so you Su family should not have other ideas! "Lengyan said lightly.

"I know!"

Su Qiong nodded deeply, she knew the horror of Lin Nan!

When Su Qiong left the City Lord's Mansion, Su Ming still knelt there, unable to move a bit!

The two elders of the Su family stood there helplessly. When they followed Su Ming to Huangfeng City, they were also full of confidence. At this moment, they saw Su Ming being punished by Lin Nan, kneeling here for three days and three nights. , It’s not if you don’t leave, you can only stand there awkwardly 1

"Su Qiong, what did Lin Nan say to you?"

The Seventh Elder asked quickly.

"Nothing! Just warn us Su Family, don't mess with him again!"

Su Qiong shook her head, looking unwilling to say more!

"What? Let us Su Family, don't provoke him?"

The sixth elder of the Su family, upon hearing this sentence, his eyes rounded angrily, and said angrily: "Is he joking? He obviously occupied the Huangfeng City of our Su family, and now tells us not to provoke him? What is the truth!"

"Huh! Too arrogant!"

The face of the seventh elder was extremely gloomy, and said solemnly:

"No matter how great Lin Nan is, he has only defeated Su Ming. My ancestor of the Su family hasn't come out yet! With the background, connections, and name of my Su family, he has hundreds of cities, and he is the lord of Huangfeng City. , And dare to threaten our Su family?"

"The sixth elders and seventh elders, as members of the Su family, and for the future of the Su family, I advise you to forget it. Losing a Yellow Maple City is nothing great, but if you offend this person, I'm afraid the Su family... !"

Su Qiong shook her head, always feeling restless!

"Su Qiong, are you from the Su family? Why turned an elbow outside?" The Sixth Elder's eyes sank!

"Hey! Su Qiong, shouldn't you be thinking about being the lord's wife of Huangfeng City? I always feel that after you go to the earth, the whole person is not right. I haven't found it. What's wrong, now it seems Is it because of Lin Nan?"

Seventh Elder Yin and Yang laughed strangely!

Su Qiong was ashamed and angry, and said, "Two elders, who do you think of me?"

"The heart is separated by the belly, who knows what you think? And your fiancé died on the earth, the Ji family was wiped out, and you were all right, you said you have nothing to do with Lin Nan, you think we believe Is it?" The Seventh Elder sneered again and again!

Su Qiong's beautiful eyes widened suddenly, and her angry chest rose and fell violently!

"Unexpectedly, I am such a person in your eyes! Humph, the sixth elder and the seventh elder, it is also a shame that you are the elders in the family, or my elders, please use your brain to think about it? Ji Chen died In Lin Nan's hands, you don't know Ji Chen's position in the Ji family, don't you know? Lin Nan has appeared in the high martial arts world, why didn't the Ji family move at all?" Su Qiong shook his head disappointed!

"Take a step back and say that Huangfu Canglan was killed. His eldest son was in Taixuanzong and his second son was in the Nine Immortals Dynasty. They didn't do anything. Our Su family, what the **** is it?"

"Do you have to establish an enemy?"

Su Qiong's words were three points into the wood, like a slap, and slapped two people in the face!

"If you continue to go your own way and become an enemy of Lin Nan, I always feel that it will not be long before the Su family will perish because of your choice!"

At the end, Su Qiong took a deep breath!

"you you you!"

The sixth elder and the seventh elder, trembling with anger, stretched out two fingers, pointed at Su Qiong, and did not say a word for a long time!

Su Qiong ignored the two, turned and left, disappearing into the street!

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