There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 796: My woman, you dare to talk casually?

After holding two cute babies, walked into the treasure pavilion.

"What a beautiful bead! Lin Nan, look at it!"

"There is also this bracelet. It's so pretty. I want to take it back and give it to Xueqi! Xueqi definitely likes it. This bead is for An Ran, and this one is for Wanqing!"

"And this...this...this is for my mom!"

Liu Ruqing was extremely excited!

The attraction of luminous things to women is huge!

You know, a diamond on the earth can make a woman crazy, let alone the magical tool in this treasure pavilion!

Although the items in the counter on the first floor are not of high grade, the light that blooms is even more dazzling than the jewels and diamonds on the earth, and Liu Ruqing suddenly fell!

"Huh! I like to see your wife who has never seen the world before. It must be easy to feed, right?"

Lin Momo sat on Lin Nan's shoulders, hands on hips, pouting her little mouth in anger!

"Ling'er is also easy to feed!"

Linger said timidly on the side.


Lin Nan endured a lot of pain, forced a smile, hugged two little loli, and walked towards Liu Ruqing!

"I want these!"

Liu Ruqing waved a big hand and said very boldly!

A steward standing behind the counter flashed a sharp light in his eyes. He is also a cultivator. It can be seen that Liu Ruqing's cultivation is not high, but the young man holding the two little girls is unfathomable!

"Okay, if you want it, I will give you a discount, a total of 1,500 spiritual stones!"

As soon as the voice landed, Lin Nan raised his hand and put down a top-grade spiritual stone. According to the exchange rate of the Gaowu world, the value of a top-grade spiritual stone is 10,000 ordinary spiritual stones!

"keep the change!"

It's not that Lin Nan is pretending to be big money, but that there is no inferior spirit stone in his hand!

This is almost the most inferior spirit stone he can take out!

"What? Thank you very much, thank you very much!"

The steward was overjoyed, and turned his hand in front of Lin Nan. After the deal came down, he had earned eight thousand five hundred Lingshi for nothing, which was almost a profit!

When the steward had wrapped up the things and passed them to Liu Ruqing, a discordant voice came:

"Hehe, what kind of big money, and swollen face to fill a fat man, bought something with more than a thousand spirit stones, and even used a top-quality spirit stone to pay the bill. On the surface, it looks calm, but in fact it hurts!"


Hearing this, a trace of embarrassment flashed across the steward's face, and he glanced at Lin Nan secretly!

He found that Lin Nan had a faint smile on his face, obviously in a good mood!

However, after hearing this sentence, his face suddenly became cold!

The one who spoke was a woman who looked very enchanting, and between her eyebrows, there was a look of pride!

Walking with her was a group of young men and women with joking smiles on their lips!

"Miss Ji, people are bringing their wives and children, don't open them!"

A young man beside him smiled slightly!

He strode with broad shoulders, a shawl with long black hair, a slender figure, crystal clear fingers, even more bainen than a woman's wrist!

"That is, I finally came to Baiyan City. It is said that there are many rare and exotic treasures for sale at the auction site. It is better to go to the auction site first. Don't delay the time!"

Another young man smiled brilliantly!

He is well-built, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and between his gestures, he has an aura that is detached from ordinary people. At first glance, he is not a member of an ordinary family!

"Forget it, a group of hillbillies have entered the city. They haven't seen anything in the world. Some low-level garbage artifacts are actually regarded as treasures? It really makes people laugh!"

Ji Zilei chuckled lightly, turned and left!

As a member of the Ji family, although she is not a core lineage, for others, it is enough for them to fawn!

"that's right!"

"Miss Ji really has a lot of adults!"

"Hey! Did you hear that? Thank you Ms. Ji quickly. What you choose is not worth any money, and you look happy. Ms. Ji is right. It's all a hillbilly coming into town!"

The man with long hair and shawl said loudly.

Although he looks very handsome, but the corners of his mouth are full of joking!

For cultivators, the physical body can be reshaped, and whatever looks they want can be reshaped, so it is not surprising that the world of cultivation is full of handsome men and beautiful women!

"What do I like, whatever you do! I think they are beautiful, do you need your beak?"

Liu Ruqing frowned!

"Hehe, are you still talking back?"

The handsome man smiled coldly, "Let me see if your mouth is really hard!"

After speaking, a green glow appeared on his body, which turned into an afterimage, and attacked Liu Ruqing!


Lin Nan looked cold, and at the moment this handsome man shot, he kicked it out and landed on the man's chest!

The whole set of movements is simple and rude, without any hesitation, without any hesitation!

This handsome man, too late to scream, flew upside down in front of everyone. After flying out of the Treasure Pavilion, he turned into a cloud of blood in the air and was kicked directly by Lin Nan!

Time seemed to stand still, waiting until everyone came back!


Seeing this scene, everyone present couldn't help but breathe in air!

"Lu Xiao!"

"He...he killed Lu Xiao?"

When everyone reacted, they were all stunned and looked at Lin Nan in horror!

"And you, my woman, do you dare to talk casually? This emperor bestows you—death!"

Lin Nan sneered and raised his feet one after another!



The two of them flew directly out of the gate of Treasure Pavilion, exploded in the air outside, turned into a cloud of blood, and died on the spot!

One of them is indeed Ji Zilei who laughed at Liu Ruqing just now!


Seeing that Ji Zilei was kicked to death by Lin Nan, everyone present couldn't calm down, and their faces were pale!

"How dare you kill Miss Ji!"

A young man, his handsome face was turning pale, he said this sentence with trembling lips!

"Do you know who Miss Ji is? Miss Ji belongs to the Ji family! How dare you kill her? How dare you kill her!"

Another woman, with red eyes, was almost crying, her body was trembling slightly!

Although Ji Zilei is not an important person, her father has real power in the Ji family!

Originally, I came to Baiyan City today to watch the excitement. Everyone and Ji Zilei have been friends for many years, so I asked her out today to participate in the auction of Treasure Pavilion!

However, Ji Zilei was kicked to death here unexpectedly?

Everyone couldn't believe it. Fear, fear, fear, horror and other emotions surged in their hearts. The horror was retaliated by the Ji family, and they felt extremely regretful in their hearts and felt that they should not come out today!

"What about killing?"

Lin Nan said coldly, scanning everyone:

"Remember, what my woman likes, even if it is rubbish, is the most precious treasure in the world! Next time you dare to talk nonsense and destroy your whole family!"

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