There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 797: Now... this young man is in trouble!

Facing Lin Nan's words, everyone trembled, and all lowered their heads in horror!

Lin Nan's words are so loud that people dare not refute it!

In the Treasure Pavilion, many monks have entered, and there will be an auction today, and some big names will also come!

Lin Nan killed three people in public at the gate of the Treasure Pavilion, which naturally attracted the attention of many caring people!

"It's such a powerful method. The speed at which this child was used just now was really too fast. I didn't pay attention to it at the time. Now when I think about the strength of this child, I'm afraid it is at least a martial sage!"

A middle-aged man said literally!

He just judged the situation when Lin Nan took the shot, how can he tell Lin Nan's true strength!

If it weren't for Lin Nan's control, with a full blow, the entire Gaowu world would collapse!

"Martial Saint? How could it be possible! This is at least the strength of those super sects and enchanting disciples?"

"Could this young man really be a disciple of a certain super sect?"


The group of people next to him also nodded in agreement, and looked at Lin Nan with a little awe!

"Obviously impossible! Those super sects are very important to their own disciples. How can they bring women and children to the street and swagger through the city?" An old man shook his head gently.

"makes sense!"

Everyone nodded.


"Hey, I don't care who he is. I only know that this person is in trouble. Didn't you hear this group of people just now?"

A young man smiled, with a deep smile on his mouth!


People looked at him in a daze!

"This group of people just said that the woman who was kicked to death was called Ji Zilei, and she was also called Miss Ji! What did you think of?"

"Ji Zilei? Hiss!"

Hearing this, a young man couldn't help taking a breath!

"I remember, a certain elder of the Ji family has a concubine, who gave birth to a daughter called Ji Zilei!"

"The Ji family! Is that woman from the Ji family? And is the daughter of the elder Ji?"

Everyone talked about the tiger's discoloration. Although the Ji family's strength is not in this one, everyone knows the horror of the Ji family!

The Ji family, the Su family, plus the seven gods, and the five super families are all attached to the Taixuanzong sect. Among them, the Ji family is the strongest. The reason is no other reason. It is only because the daughter of the local patriarch of the Ji family married the deputy of Taixuanzong. Sovereign, became a concubine under his name!

The Deputy Sect Master of Emperor Taixuanzong is the son-in-law of the Ji family!

With the momentum of Emperor Xuanzong, who would dare to provoke the Ji family? Unless you are looking for death by yourself!

"Not bad!"

"Now... this young man is in trouble!"

Many people raised their heads and looked at Lin Nan, full of sympathy!

At this time, the news that Lin Nan had killed Ji Zilei in the street had been passed on!

The depths of Jumbo Pavilion.

"What to do with the deputy pavilion master, that young man, who killed Ji Zilei, if the Ji family blames it, even our treasure pavilion will not be offended!"

Several persons in charge of Treasure Pavilion, summoned like ants on a hot pot!

For them, the Ji family is simply a monster. If they offend the Ji family, there is no need to open the treasure pavilion in the future!


Behind the Treasure Pavilion, there are also big forces supporting, but they definitely can't compete with the Ji family!

"Find a way to keep them and wait until the people of the Ji family come, and then hand them over to the people of the Ji family!" Zhenbao Pavilion deputy chief said in a deep voice.


One of the people in charge, his eyes lit up!

"Pavilion Master, the auction of our Treasure Pavilion will begin soon. If you invite this person to participate in the auction and introduce him to the auction venue, can you keep him?"

"Auction venue?"

The deputy pavilion master of Treasure Pavilion frowned!

The next moment, he nodded slightly and said: "This is a good note. Because the auction venue does not want to be disturbed by the outside world, a powerful magic circle was set up in it. It was designed by a powerful Wu Zun for the first generation of treasure pavilion. , Even an ordinary Wu Zun can hardly escape!"

"If you trick him into the auction venue, you can definitely insist that the Ji family arrive!"

"Do it now!"

The deputy head of the treasure pavilion, give an order!



When Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing walked out of the gate of the Treasure Pavilion and prepared to leave, no one dared to stop them!

Everyone on the street backed away, and the crowd gave way!

"Guests, please stay!"

When Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo, Linger and others were preparing to leave!

A person in charge of the treasure pavilion came to Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing and said with a smile: "Dear guests, our treasure pavilion is about to open an auction, the deputy pavilion invites you participate!"


Lin Nan didn't speak, but Liu Ruqing looked interested!

She has never participated in an auction in another world!

"Yes, there will be many treasures at that time, and there will be many very high-level magical weapons, spiritual treasures, elixirs, exercises, spiritual medicines, spiritual tools, etc.!" The person in charge explained with a smile.

"I'm not interested in what you said. Are there any interesting things?" Liu Ruqing shook her head.

Those magical artifacts, spiritual treasures, elixirs, exercises, spiritual medicines, spiritual tools, etc., to her, there is no attraction!

The way Liu Ruqing chooses things is beautiful first, and beautiful second!

As for practicality, she never considered it!

As Lin Nan, what level of magical items, spiritual treasures, pills, exercises, spiritual medicines, and spiritual tools does she want?

"If it's fun, there are really a few of them!"

The person in charge answered with a smile.

"Lin Nan, shall we go to the auction?"

Liu Ruqing turned her head and looked at Lin Nan expectantly!

"Since you want to go, then go!"

Lin Nan smiled faintly and glanced at the person in charge of Zhenbao Pavilion with a smile, "Lead the way ahead!"


The person in charge of Treasure Pavilion, his heart shrank slightly, and he quickly lowered his head!

At the moment facing Lin Nan's eyes, he actually had a feeling of being seen through?

‘An illusion, it must be an illusion! How could he know my inner thoughts? ’

The person in charge of the treasure pavilion shook his head, recovered his calmness, and walked toward the depths of the treasure pavilion with Lin Nan's family!

The people around the street were all stunned when they saw Lin Nan's family re-entering the treasure pavilion!

"He's too courageous. He killed the Ji family and won't leave? He went to participate in the auction of the Treasure Pavilion. Isn't he afraid of the Ji family's revenge?"

"If they left just now, Baiyan City is such a big city, the Ji family might not be able to find them!"

"Yes, now I have entered the Treasure Pavilion, if the Ji family comes, wouldn't it be a turtle in the urn?"

"This is too careless!"

The cultivators around shook their heads. Some of the higher-ranking cultivators groaned for a moment and said: "Let's go, let's go in and take a look! Maybe there will be a good show!"

"Yes, let's go!"

Several other middle-aged men with luxurious clothes and aloof vibes, with a group of entourage behind them, also nodded and walked into the Treasure Pavilion!

At the same time, in the Treasure Pavilion!

"Report to Ji's house immediately and tell them that Ji Zilei was killed and the murderer has been dragged by our Jumbo Pavilion design. This matter has nothing to do with Jumbo Pavilion!"

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