There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 798: My daughter-dead!

At the moment Ji Zilei was kicked to death by Lin Nan, there was a luxurious mansion deep in Baiyan City!

It is said to be a mansion, but in fact it is no different from the Imperial Palace Ouchi, because this mansion is really too big!


"Damn! Who is it! Who is it!"

An angry voice rushed out from the depths of a certain hall!

Loud like thunder, cut through the air!

The people in the entire mansion were all startled, gathered towards this side, kneeling outside this hall in horror!

"Second elder, what's wrong with you?"

A middle-aged man, kneeling there, asked in surprise!

Since coming to Baiyan City, the second elder has entered this hall to retreat, and has not appeared in front of everyone for several days. Today, he suddenly became angry. What is it for?

Everyone in the Ji family was shocked and suspicious!


There was a loud noise, and the main hall's door shattered directly, turning into countless fragments, flying all over the sky!

An old man with a gloomy expression and cold eyes in his eyes came out of the hall. It was the second elder of the Su family!

His chest was violently ups and downs, and the veins on his forehead violently, including the blood vessels in his neck, were squirming violently, spasm and trembling slightly!

"Zilei's natal soul card is broken!"

The second elder stretched out a hand, trembling gently, in his palm, a broken jade card appeared, symbolizing that Ji Zilei was beheaded!

"Zilei was killed, my daughter—dead!"

The voice fell to the ground, like a bolt from the blue sky, causing the Ji family to shake their hearts!


"Second elder, how could Miss Zi Lei..."

"How could it be that Miss Zi Lei was fine this morning, how could she die..."

The people below opened their mouths in astonishment, one by one stunned in place!

Living at home, the second elder was already known for being brutal and murderous, and most people did not dare to provoke him. Once the second elder was angered, he might be shot dead on the spot!


Although Ji Zilei was born only by a concubine of the second elder, the second elder loved this daughter very much. Ji Zilei had a high status in the Ji family since he was a child, and even practiced with those core concubines!

All this is due to the love of the second elder!

In the hands of the second elder, Ji Zilei belongs to the kind of existence that is afraid of melting in his mouth, and afraid of freezing in the palm of his hand!


Ji Zilei actually died?

"A major event is about to happen now, a **** storm, it must be indispensable!"

The hearts of everyone in the Ji family were all in agreement, and this idea was born!

Another voice came, and the tone was very hasty and panic!

"Report! The Deputy Pavilion Master of the Treasure Pavilion, sent a message that Miss Zi Lei was beheaded in the Treasure Pavilion!"

"Huh! Who dares to kill my daughter? Let me go to Jumbo Pavilion!"

The second elder of the Ji family snorted coldly, stepped out, and went straight to the sky!



Everything was calm in the Treasure Pavilion. Lin Nan's family was led to the auction site. The entire auction site was very huge. In total, there are probably ten football fields as big!

In the most central location of the venue, a huge auction platform was built, surrounded by a large area of ​​work. When Lin Nan's family arrived at the scene, nearly 100,000 people had gathered in the entire scene!

Those who can come in are all monks!

The presence of Lin Nan and the others did not alarm anyone, but a part of the distinguished powerhouses, after learning the news, looked in the direction where Lin Nan was sitting!

"Oh? Killed the daughter of the second elder of the Ji family?"

A middle-aged man was astonished. He was the suzerain of a certain sect. Although the sect was not big, his strength also reached the cultivation base of Wu Sheng!

"Really so innocent? Even the Ji family dare to kill?"

A middle-aged man beside him frowned!

"Lots of people, so lively!"

Liu Ruqing was a little excited, like a curious baby, looking at everything around her, it was the first time she saw such a scene!

"How does it feel like an ancient Roman arena. One hundred thousand people are participating in auctions together. When will it have to compete?"

"Although there are 100,000 people, most of them are to watch the excitement. If there are treasures, they will not fall into the hands of casual cultivators. Basically, they will be collected by the major forces and cultivators. in!"

Lin Nan smiled lightly, explaining for Liu Ruqing.

"If you have something you like in a while, just make a bid!"


Liu Ruqing's eyes lit up!

"Of course, this is your first time to participate in this kind of auction. As long as it is something you like, I can bid to win it. As for the spirit stone, you don't have to worry about it, because there is everything!" Lin Nan smiled lightly.

As the emperor of heaven, he has participated in the establishment of the universe between countless epochs. Laws, rules, and Taoism have all participated in the construction together with the heavens!

For Lin Nan, there are as many things as Lingshi, which is equivalent to a number!

"Hehe, then don't hurt yourself for a while!"

Liu Ruqing narrowed her eyes and laughed!

"Huh! Prodigal woman, I want to buy it again!"

Lin Momo looked upset, with the big little ghost hands on his hips, turning his head away from the other side!


The auction has begun. The first collection is a top-notch Dhamma Ding, a magic treasure made by a Wu Zun before his death!

Although it turned into completion, after all, it was refined by Wu Zun himself. As soon as this Baoding came out, it caused a huge sensation!

Everyone scrambled to bid, and the strong broke the blood!

"Huh! Someone robbed this thing too?"

Liu Ruqing puffed up her lips with a look of disgust!

"Hahaha! This tripod is actually pretty good, and there is nothing wrong with these people vying for it!"

Lin Nan was amused, Liu Ruqing's opinions are always so unique!

"It's just a black tripod, it's so ugly and dead, I don't know what use it is for you to take it back!"

Liu Ruqing shook her head in disgust.

"Hahaha! You're right! This tripod is too rubbish, it's dark, it's really useless!" Lin Nan nodded in approval, very cooperative with Liu Ruqing!


Liu Ruqing immediately smiled like a flower!

Sometimes it's that simple for a woman to be happy!

However, although Liu Ruqing's words were not very loud, they spread to the ears of many cultivators around, and many people frowned and looked towards Liu Ruqing!

Coincidentally, the owner who photographed this treasure tripod also heard what Liu Ruqing said!

"This tripod is made by a martial master himself. Although it is a semi-finished product, if it is re-refined, it can exert one-third of the power of the martial arts level magic weapon, and this tripod can also refine alchemy and increase the success rate of alchemy. At least one third is hard to find a million spirit stones!"

The middle-aged man who photographed the tripod gave Liu Ruqing a light glance and said:

"You are ignorant, so stop talking nonsense!"

"Huh! The auction will continue later, and ignorant people better shut up, lest you continue to lose face!"

The middle-aged man snorted!

"Oh? What did you say? I didn't hear it too clearly. Say it again and see?" Lin Nan looked at the middle-aged man with a faint smile on his face!

Although there is a smile on his face, his eyes are full of chill!

Women are tolerant for themselves, and men are forgiving!

In Lin Nan's view, even if Liu Ruqing's opinion is wrong, it is correct!

I have agreed. Why do others have opinions?

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