There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 799: I said it, let you shut up! (Third more)

"Haha! Do you know who I am? Dare to talk to me like this?"

The middle-aged man opposite, sneered!

"Shut up, otherwise, take your life!" Lin Nan said lightly.

The tone was calm and calm, as if to say something trivial!

"what did you say?"

The middle-aged man stood up suddenly, with a majestic aura, astonishingly astonishing, and pressed toward the front!


At the entire auction site, the atmosphere was slightly stagnant, and everyone's eyes were focused!

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

Some unknowing monks were surprised. They didn't see what happened just now, so they didn't know what was going on!

"It's him again?"

"I just killed Ji Zilei, the daughter of the second elder of the Ji family, and is now making trouble again. It seems that this young man is not an easy master!"

Several learned the news, so they frowned when they knew Lin Nan's monk!

"Okay, don't talk about it, and see what happens later!"

Since the auction was interrupted, everyone's eyes are all paying attention to every move here!

at the same time.

On a certain high platform, the eyes of a group of Su family members all gathered here. When they saw Lin Nan's appearance, they couldn't help being surprised!

"It's him!"

If others don't know Lin Nan, how could the Su family not know Lin Nan?

The six elders and the seventh elders, after returning to the Su family, immediately said what had happened in Huangfeng City!

No one thought that Su Ming, the proud son of the Su family, didn't even step into the city lord mansion of Huangfeng City. He knelt for three days and three nights outside the city lord mansion of Huangfeng City!

After three days and three nights, Su Ming lost his face and returned to Su's house, disappearing without a trace!

"What should I do? I saw this child here, do you find a chance to do it?"

"Don't act rashly, let's take a look first, figure out his strength, and it won't be too late to do it! And the Patriarch has already given an explanation, so ignore this person for the time being. If we do it, maybe it will cause trouble to the family! "

An uncle of the Su family shook his head and said in a deep voice.

"Bringing trouble? Our Su family is still afraid of a city owner?" Someone's eyes widened, his face was incredible!


The clan uncle snorted coldly and said:

"We have already checked. The Ji family sent a group of people to the earth, but there was no news. According to reliable sources, all the strong people of the Ji family have fallen on the earth! Those who have fallen are all Wu Sheng's cultivation base, one of them, is still the peak of Wu Sheng!"

"Since then, the ancestors of the Ji family have ordered that no one from the Ji family can enter the earth one step. We now suspect that it has something to do with this person!"

"What? The martial master of the Ji family has fallen on the earth!"

"How could this be?"

Everyone in the Su family stiffened slightly after hearing this, with incredible expressions all over their faces!


"Hahaha! Brother Tantai, what happened? It makes you so angry. As the City Lord of Breaking Heaven, why do you have to be familiar with this group of juniors?"

A hearty laugh came!

Everyone in the Su family looked up and found that it was a kind-hearted old man. He looked like a fairy, with a ruddy complexion. He was sitting on the high stands with a smile on his face!

However, the words of the old man surprised everyone in the entire auction venue!

"What? The City Lord of Breaching Heaven City?"

"He is Tantai Zhantian, the lord of Battered Sky City?"

Among the hundreds of cities within the Su Family’s sphere of influence, Breaking Sky City can be ranked in the top 30, and the city lord of Breaking Sky City, Tantai Zhantian's strength, has also entered the middle stage of the Martial God Realm!

In the League of City Lords a hundred years ago, Tantai shone brilliantly and was known to the world. Once in dongzhou, it was widely known!

"Humph! Just now these juniors said that the Wu Zun Baoding I photographed was a trash that didn't slip away from the autumn. You said it was ridiculous?"

Tantai Zhantian said with a smile.


As soon as these words came out, everyone on the auction site burst into laughter!

Everyone knows that the magic weapon of Wuzun level is very rare. Although it is only a semi-finished product, it is not available to ordinary people!

Only the people of the Su family looked a little weird!

There is an ominous illusion in their hearts, it seems that Lin Nan is really qualified, saying that, Wu Zun magical instruments are rubbish!

"City Lord Tantai, people have little knowledge and have never seen Wuzun level magical weapons. You have a large number of them, so don't worry about it!"

A young man stood up and slightly arched his hands towards Tantai Zhantian, with a big smile on his face!

"It's Wang Lin, the eighty-second proud son of dongzhou's young generation of Tianjiao!"

Someone recognized this person!

The dongzhou young generation's Tianjiao list was established by Emperor Taixuanzong. It has a total of 100 places, and those who can occupy it, as long as the young generation of dongzhou will compete on the Tianjiao list!

"Yes, Tantai City Lord, everyone knows your vision. It took a million spiritual stones to photograph this Wuzun Baoding. It was considered **** by short-sighted people? It's a big laugh!"

Another young man also stood up!

"Li Chongxiao, ranked 69th on the Tianjiao Ranking, is said to be half-step martial arts sage at a young age, very powerful!"

Someone solemnly said, and also recognized this person!

These young generation of powerhouses are really eye-catching. At a young age, they are on the list of Tianjiao!

In the whole area of ​​dongzhou, people of the same age can be ranked in the top 100, and everyone's future is unlimited!

The next moment, Li Chongxiao's eyes turned and fell on Lin Nan's family, and said: "You guys, don't you hurry to apologize to the city lord of Tantai? Do you really think this is a vegetable market? Any cat or dog can talk? "

"Hurry up and apologize?"

Wang Lin's expression also condensed, with an air of pride!

Lin Nan sat there calmly, indifferent, without saying a word, stretched out a hand, and flicked continuously!



Two brilliant lights shot out, lasing towards Wang Lin and Li Chongxiao!

"Hehe, dare to do it to us?"

Wang Lin and Li Chongxiao both smiled coldly. As the young powerhouses on the list of Tianjiao released by Emperor Emperor Xuanzong, how could there be no means to save their lives?

Even facing a Wu Zun, they all think they can escape!

The two did not rush, each released a magical technique, full of confidence, and wanted to resist Lin Nan's attack!


When Lin Nan's attack arrived, Wang Lin and Li Chongxiao both released magic skills, like paper, they were vulnerable and were killed on the spot!

The bodies of Wang Lin and Li Chongxiao flew out directly, and landed in the center of the auction site, lying on the cold ground. There was a hole in each of their eyebrows, and blood was flowing!

On the faces of Wang Lin and Li Chongxiao, terror, astonishment, regret, and accident remained!

They couldn't believe that they died so easily!

Lin Nan snaps to kill Tianjiao!

The audience is shocked!

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