There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 800: what? It's him! (Fourth)

The whole audience was silent and silent!

But at this time, silence is better than sound!

Lin Nan was still sitting there, his expression calm and natural, it seemed that he was not killing two Tianjiao at all, but two ants!

The proud son of heaven, what is it?

At the beginning, when competing in the immortal realm, Linnan Station killed the proud son of heaven who was a hundred, thousand, and ten thousand times stronger than this!

The saint sons and saints of those super fairy sects all fell into Lin Nan's hands. What is the arrogant Tianjiao of the Gaowu world?

Not to mention that Lin Nan is the Emperor of Heaven, even before Lin Nan became the emperor, these two people are definitely not his opponents, they can raise their hands to kill!

After a short silence, the entire auction venue exploded!

Everyone in the Su family looked at each other in shock when they saw this scene!


After a long time, everyone in the Su family couldn't help but took a breath!

"Monster, too enchanting, no wonder Su Ming is not his opponent!"

At the same time, fierce discussions broke out among other monks!

"Am I right? Wang Lin and Li Chongxiao were snapped to death?"

"You read that right, we have all seen it, and 100,000 people on the scene have seen it!"

"Who is this young man? If Dongzhou has such a strong young man, how could he be silent? Is it also the strong one on the Tianjiao list?"

Someone is guessing Lin Nan's identity!

"Impossible! Unless it is the top ten on the Tianjiao list, how could other people kill Wang Lin and Li Chongxiao with a finger?" Someone shook his head.

At the beginning, everyone looked at Lin Nan's eyes, full of ridicule and disdain!

Now everyone looked at Lin Nan with a touch of dignity and awe!

"You are so bold!"

Tantai Zhantian finally reacted, the blue veins on his forehead violently!

Wang Lin and Li Chongxiao stood up to speak for him, but they were killed by Lin Nan on the spot!

This is equivalent to Lin Nan slapped Tantai Zhantian viciously in front of the entire auction scene, in front of one hundred thousand monks!

"I Tantai Zhantian, today must..."

Tantai Zhantian didn't finish a word!

Lin Nan didn't even look at him, bending his fingers!


There was another crisp sound. Between the electric light and flint, everyone hadn't seen clearly what was going on. At the center of the eyebrows of Tantai Zhantian, there was also a thin finger-thick hole, which directly penetrated his Tianling cover. Kill it!

"I told you to shut up! Otherwise-take your life!"

As soon as a faint voice came, it echoed throughout the auction scene, with a lingering sound!

The death of Tantai Zhantian was exactly the same as Wang Lin and Li Chongxiao!

Terror, shock, and accident remained on his face!


This time, the entire auction scene was completely plunged into deathly silence!

If Lin Nan killed Wang Lin and Li Chongxiao not long ago, and the silence of the audience could be described as the silence of a crow, then the silence now can only be described as the sound of falling needles to the ground!


It's so quiet!

Everyone's breathing and heartbeat stopped, time seemed to be forbidden, and the audience was silent!

A city master-level big figure, whose strength was above the mid-stage of the Valkyrie, was hit and killed by someone?

Who can believe it?

One hundred thousand people at the scene, like wood carvings, stone carvings, clay sculptures, and sculptures, their eyes widened and their mouths slightly opened, all maintaining the same action!

"Continue to auction!"

Lin Nan's voice came, still calm and calm, it seems that what happened just now has never happened before!

However, it fell in the ears of everyone, it was like a thunder, like an imperial order, which caused a huge shock to the whole body, and pulled everyone out of shock and horror!

The gaze towards Lin Nan was full of awe!

In the Gaowu world, no matter who you are, as long as you are strong enough, you will get the respect that you deserve!

This is a world respected by the strong!

"Ahem! Good!"

On the central auction stage of the auction site, the host in charge of the auction items felt a dry throat. After coughing twice, he realized and continued to host the auction!


This time, the auction site was quiet and terrible. Only the voice of the host and the voice of bidding reverberated throughout the site, nothing else!

When an exquisite pagoda appeared, Liu Ruqing took Lin Nan's arm in surprise:

"Huh? Lin Nan, this thing looks good, I want it!"

This is a nine-story pagoda, the whole body is crystal clear, like a beautiful jade carving, bright and gorgeous, very beautiful, Liu Ruqing's eyes were suddenly attracted!

The starting price of this exquisite pagoda is one hundred thousand spiritual stones!

Originally, some people were prepared to participate in the competition, but when Lin Nan reported a hundred thousand spiritual stones, everyone on the scene closed their mouths, and this exquisite pagoda also smoothly fell into Liu Ruqing's hands!

The next auction will continue. As long as it is something Liu Ruqing values, Lin Nan will bid immediately, and no one will dare to fight with him!



The second elder of the Ji family also took the Ji family and arrived outside the treasure pavilion!

The deputy pavilion master of the treasure pavilion, seeing the second elder of the Ji family coming angrily, greeted him quickly!

"Say, where is the murderer who killed my daughter?" Ji's second elder said coldly.

His voice was extremely cold and thorough, as if pouring cold water on top of a person's head, frightening the deputy pavilion master of Treasure Pavilion, and his body trembled!

"Senior Ji, that person was at the auction site, but there was an accident at the auction site just now... I'm afraid it's a bit tricky!"

The deputy pavilion owner of Treasure Pavilion did not dare to be negligent, and quickly explained.

"What accident?"

The second elder of the Ji family frowned!


The deputy pavilion owner of the treasure pavilion fully explained what happened at the auction site, including Lin Nan's killing of Wang Lin and Li Chongxiao on the Tianjiao list, and the battle of Tantai, the city lord of breaking the sky!

"Huh? Killed them with your finger?"

The second elder of the Ji family was a little surprised, even if it was him, he dare not say that he could kill Tantai Zhantian with his fingers!

He also knows the strength of this person. Although he is not as good as himself, he is definitely a ruthless character.

However, Snap Finger was killed, making the second elder of the Ji family uneasy, with an unknown premonition!

"Senior Ji, are you going to the auction site now?"

The deputy chief of the treasure pavilion asked.

"No need for the time being, take the sky's eye stone, let me see this person!"

The second elder of the Ji family thought a little, and said so!


The deputy pavilion master of the treasure pavilion did not dare to neglect, so he hurriedly brought a sky eye stone over!

The function of the Sky Eye is very powerful, just like a camera on the earth, through some magic circles and runes, it can achieve the role of surveillance, and it has a wider range than a camera, and the picture is clearer!

As long as you put a sky eye stone on the auction site, you can observe the scene of the auction site through another sky eye stone!

Looking at the picture coming from the sky's eye stone ahead, the second elder of the Ji family looked up, and the figure in the picture instantly reflected in his eyes!

When, the moment I saw Lin Nan!

"What? It's him!"

The second elder of the Ji family, his pupils shrank suddenly!

Then his body trembled, and he sat on the ground with a horror, and the cold sweat on his forehead burst out!

Seeing the second elder of the Ji family, this look, the deputy head of the treasure pavilion, asked in surprise:

"Senior Ji...what's wrong with you?"

Then I went to see everyone in the Ji family, all of them looked like dirt, as if they had met a **** of death!

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