There's something wrong with these witches

Chapter 75: Remarks on the launch

The Witch will be available after twelve o'clock in the morning!

Thanks to the brothers and sisters who have been able to follow it until now. I think "Something Is Not Right with the Witch" is very suitable for my brothers and sisters.

I hope everyone can support Maomao more and fill up Maomao's body with subscriptions. If Maomao's butt is needed, Maomao doesn't mind giving it away.

Let’s get down to business,

Maomao writes articles about academic masters and dog food. From the first article about academic masters to the subsequent series of articles about dog food, they are all about single women. However, after writing "Female Academic Overlord", Maomao Start trying to transform.

The first one was too explicit, and even though the results were very good, it was given a 404 before it was put on the shelves. The second one was really uninspired, and the writing was meaningless and lacked passion.

As for this book, "Something Is Wrong with the Witch", although the results are mediocre, mainly because it doesn't attract much readers, Maomao is very happy to write it, especially the current content, which is full of countless explosive points and infinite possibilities.

In short

Maomao will always write with heart, present the best content to everyone, and will not disappoint everyone's expectations.

As for the plot, Maomao has always written daily novels. The plot is a bit weak. The main reason is that once Maomao writes a plot, it will develop in the direction of bitterness, hatred and hatred. Maomao's books have always been joyful, and their purpose is to give everyone Bring joy and happiness, after all, reality is already painful.

Of course,

It does not mean giving up the plot, but Maomao hopes to make the plot more enjoyable, and Maomao will work hard towards this goal.

About updates

This period of time is indeed a bit short. After that, the cat will become male. It will really become male!

at last,

Regarding the update plan after it is released, there will be a minimum of two chapters of 6,000 to 8,000 words per day.

As for the old books before the update, Maomao still owes about four hundred chapters, right? Anyway, it’s just the amount of one book, but I’d rather shamelessly talk about my plans for additional updates.

When the first order of the new book reaches 500, an additional chapter will be added for every 100 more, a new chapter will be added for every 200 monthly tickets, a chapter will be added for every 10,000 rewards, and eleven chapters will be added for the leader.

last of the last.

Please support Maomao more.

Orz (I’m done~)

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