There's something wrong with these witches

Chapter 76: Mutual affection (Subscription required)

Lu Xun easily opened the door of the wooden house and was greeted by a faint fragrance. He sniffed it carefully and found that it was the body fragrance of the little demon girl, but it was different from the usual smell. , it is even more intense today, and at the same time contains a touch of affection.

Two candles were lit in the wooden house, and the weak flames dispelled the darkness in the house. The orange environment had a mysterious atmosphere. There were not many furniture, only a few wooden chairs and a wooden table, and a few wooden tables in the corner. It was a large wooden bed, and lying on the wooden bed was a graceful and delicate body.

Xuanyin is lying on her side on the wooden bed, wearing a white gauze gown. Although she cannot see her current appearance, she can clearly see her slender jade legs and two round jade feet. She may be lying on her back. It has something to do with her posture. Her buttocks under her robe are even more upright. I can't imagine what a charming body this is.

Lu Xun mustered up his courage, slowly walked to the edge of the bed, sat next to the little demon girl, stretched out his hand to touch her body, and immediately pulled back. He couldn't help but be surprised, why was his body so hot?

"Madam? Madam?" Lu Xun lowered his head and whispered in her ear: "Don't panic. My husband is here."

The little demon girl lying on her side on the bed with her back to him, breathing rapidly, said hesitantly: "How did you find this place? Yes. Yes. Did Master tell you?"

"Well, she told me that your situation is very critical now, and then my husband came here without stopping." Lu Xun pursed his lips and said softly: "Madam, please turn around and let me see you. "

The little enchantress slowly turned around, and saw that Leng Mei's pretty cheeks were already extremely red, her eyes were as jade-like as beads, her long and curly eyelashes were trembling slightly, and her plump red lips seemed to be filled with dewdrops. Flowers are so mouth-watering.

Lu Xun's eyes moved. His fair and slender neck was like a swan, and he could vaguely see the collarbone. The skirt of the gauze gown was slightly open, and the elegant bellyband was slightly playful.

Tsk tsk tsk.

My wife is so beautiful!

at the same time,

The little enchantress, whose face was flushed with shame, looked at her husband sitting next to her. Seeing his stunned look, ripples appeared deep in her heart. She was shy and at the same time a little bit at a loss. She knew what was going to happen next. What, he was finally going to succeed, but he was worried about whether he could survive the first day.

The little demon girl knows very well what she will look like when she loses control. When the Xu Yin completely breaks out, its strength can increase to a higher level, so it will also lose all reason. In that state, can he resist it? Although Xianggong has reached the Great Houtian Realm, he is still not as good as himself at the Little Xiantian Realm, let alone himself who has completely exploded Xu Yin.

"Ms. sir."

"I'm a little worried." Xuanyin twisted her body, pressed against him tightly, and murmured: "I'm worried that you won't make it through."

"rest assured!"

"Mr. I am very strong, but you, a little witch, can't be easily captured." Lu Xun knew that the enemy must not disrupt the morale of the army at the moment. Besides, he was already conceited in this matter and ignored the little witch's worries at all. He said proudly: "My husband will take you down in one fell swoop later and let you know that there are heroes in the world."

Listening to his nonsense words, Xuanyin was funny and bitter at the same time. My husband didn't seem to know what he was going to face yet, so let him be proud for a while and wait until tomorrow morning. I hope he can say To do it.

Slowly propped up her body, and then plunged into his arms, smelling the male aura on her husband's body, her thoughts gradually became more blurred, and her charming almond eyes were filled with mist.

"Is it hard?"

Lu Xun hugged the little demon girl's hot body and asked softly.


Xuanyin responded softly and replied in a nutty tone: "It's like being thrown into a fire and being roasted by the flames, but I can still endure it. Now is not the most uncomfortable time, wait... wait until it's completely When it broke out, it was when I was in the most pain.”

"it's okay no problem."

"Everything is taken care of by Mr. Lu." Lu Xun said with a smile: "I always thought that I was here to save the common people, but now."

The little demon girl raised her head, looked at him charmingly, and said coquettishly: "Now that you have come together with me and are collaborating with the demon girl, don't you feel a little sad?"

Lu Xun shook his head and said leisurely: "My wife's words are wrong. Even now, I still feel that I am saving the common people. By marrying you, a little witch, I will stop you from causing trouble in the world. I am a little fox. I heard that your real body is so thick!"


"Nonsense! How can it be so thick? It's so thick." The little demon girl looked at Lu Xun's gesture of width, and suddenly became angry and said: "That girl likes to talk nonsense, don't listen to her."

As soon as the words fell,

Xuanyin shrank in Lu Xun's arms and said softly: "If you want to save the world, you can't just marry me. My four hundred years of cultivation are not worth it when facing a truly strong master. Mentioned, but the master is different. Even if she faces the immortals in the world, she is completely justified. The master is the biggest disaster in the world. "

What's the meaning?

Is the lady enlightened? Or did she discover something?


"What do you mean?" Lu Xun asked cautiously, "Do you want me to marry your master? Make you two sisters?"


The little demon girl snorted softly and said provocatively: "If you have such ability and can make Master fall in love, I...I don't care. I'm afraid you don't have this ability."

"I have no ability, no ability." Lu Xun said with a naive smile.


He looked at the little witch in his arms affectionately. There was a touch of tenderness under the cold face. A thought flashed through his mind. What kind of incredible craftsmanship could he carve out such an exquisite little witch? It was so beautiful. Inappropriate.

"Madam, it's late at night, we should go to bed." Lu Xun said softly.


finally come

Although the little demon girl knew the outcome of tonight, when she was about to face it, she felt a little bit of fear and uneasiness in her heart.

"I'm a little scared."

The little demon girl bit her lips tightly, buried her head deeply in his arms, and said squeakingly.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

"My husband is with you." Lu Xun said wickedly.

The little demon girl gasped for breath and murmured: "I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."


"Yo ho!"

"You little witch!"

Lu Xun pushed the little demon girl in his arms onto the bed, and then pressed on her.

In a claustrophobic wooden house, on a spacious bed, the two of them were standing up and down, looking at each other's eyes. The weak candlelight flickered on and off, and an exciting feeling began to arise between one person and the other.

Lu Xun slowly lowered his head, and gently placed his mouth on the little demon girl's lubricated lips.


Lu Xun raised his head, looked directly at the little demon girl with an emotional face, and said, "Have you been living here for the past seven days?"


The little demon girl responded lazily, opened her arms, gently hooked his neck, and said charmingly: "My lord, Xuanyin is so happy now. He was able to meet you and become you. ”

"Me too."

Lu Xun lowered his head again and clicked on the plump lips.

Gradually, the little demon girl was on the verge of losing control. The virtual yin in her body instantly occupied her whole body, and at the same time washed away all the restraint in her mind.


"Covered with quilt"

The little demon girl used her last remaining shred of reason to urge Lu Xun.

Although Lu Xun was wilted, he still listened to the advice. He stretched out a hand and groped for the quilt. When he caught a corner of the quilt, it covered him and the little demon girl with a splash.

The candlelight in the room was beating, bright and dim for a while.

The cold wind outside the house howled by, sometimes earth-shattering, sometimes calm.

Lu Xun was lying on the bed, with a proud expression on his face. At the same time, the little demon girl was lying on him, with one cheek pressed against his chest, and her green jade fingers were drawing on his chest. Circle.

At this time, Xuanyin lost her usual coldness and ruthlessness. All that was left was her attachment to her husband. She took a slightly rapid breath, bit her lips lightly with her neat white teeth, and spoke in a low voice with shame on her brows. Asked: "Ms. sir, are you very proud now?"

"No no."

Lu Xun smiled evilly and said, "It was just a fluke. But I can't deny that I am quite brave, isn't it, ma'am?"

"You're a scumbag"

Xuanyin said angrily: "I hate it so much!"


"Madam, have you gotten through this first day?" Lu Xun touched the little demon girl's black hair and asked softly.

"That's right."

"The Xu Yin on the first day seems to have receded." The little demon girl murmured: "But sir, this Xu Yin is getting more fierce day by day, especially starting from the third day. I... I may lose control, wait until the sixth day And on the seventh day, it will even happen. Anyway, be careful and don’t get hurt by me.”


I don't believe it!

Lu Xun, who had won the first battle, completely ignored the little demon girl's warning. Now, let alone a little demon girl, even if there was a big demon girl, it would be no problem. He could easily teach Miao Fengxian How to be a well-behaved little elf.


"Will your master come over?" Lu Xun asked casually.



"But even if she comes, she won't barge in casually. After all, we are both disheveled now," the little demon girl murmured.


You can break in.

A scene flashed through Lu Xun's mind inadvertently. The scene was so erotic that he could never forget it.

——Sorry, maybe I came at the wrong time.

——No, you came just in time.

In the following time,

Lu Xun and the little demon girl hugged each other, whispering something that could only be said in bed. Under the sweet words of Lu Xun, a veteran of the flowers, the little demon girl's heart, which had been extinguished, was once again ignited by a fire.


The little demon girl huddled in his arms and coyly said, "I, I."

Although she has completely become his little snake spirit, her deep-rooted reserve cannot be simply thrown away. There is a hint of sweetness in her vague words, but she does not dare to face the reality.

Lu Xun discerned her intention at a glance and immediately had a plan in mind.

"What's wrong?"

"Didn't Xu Yin retreat?" Lu Xun asked pretending to be confused, "Did they counterattack?"


"It seems... seems to be counterattacking."

The little demon girl pursed her lips and said delicately: "And it's coming fiercely."

Feeling shy and tender, but also mixed with a little expectation, Lu Xun almost obeyed.

"My lady, do this."

"You just do it."

Lu Xun whispered in the little demon girl's ear with a malicious look on his face.

In an instant,

Xuan Yin almost went crazy, staring at him in exasperation, and angrily said: "Don't even think about it!"


"I'm tired!"

"Go to sleep." Lu Xun let go of the little demon girl in his arms, then turned over and faced her back.


The little demon girl didn't expect him to do this. For a moment, she felt ashamed, angry and helpless. She stretched out her hand and gently pulled his shoulder, and said coquettishly: "My husband, my husband, don't tease me."

"My husband is asleep."

Lu Xun closed his eyes and said lightly: "Let's talk about it tomorrow morning."

The little demon girl was angry, really angry.

"Lu Xun!!"

"You... If that's the case, don't blame me for being rude!"

The little demon girl sat up, holding the quilt tightly with one hand and raising the other hand above her head, and said aggressively: "Sword!"


"Don't come! Don't come!"

While speaking,

Lu Xun pulled the little demon girl into his arms and kissed her face gently.

Xuan Yin, who was angry, tried her best to resist his tenderness. After three or five rounds of attack and defense, the little demon girl finally accepted her fate.


This... This damn bad husband!

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