These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 121: Accidental jackpot

Lei Jin is not the kind of person who doesn't let go of something if he holds onto something. Although this matter really annoyed him, he gave up after two days. What should come will always come, even if he wants to break his head and eat it now. The things can no longer be taken out. It's just that Mingya's life is not so good. Lei Jin also let him get close to him and let him touch him, but every time he gets up, he kicks people out of bed and gets down a few times. Mingya had suffered enough, and a circle of fire bubbles burned in her mouth. She had to chew and swallow slowly when she was eating. Roger was very distressed when he saw this. He thought that Mingya might be hot in spring, and he was still thinking about it. Eat something to defeat the fire. Later, I vaguely knew the reason from Xia, I couldn't laugh or cry, so I let them toss and go, watching them lively every day, the ordinary life now feels much more interesting.

Roger was sitting under the window, under the eaves directly opposite, two swallows who had just moved back were busy building their nests on the grass, chattering happily, although Mingya was born to him, but the language he used I really don't understand. Seeing that Lei Jin is so busy every day, he also feels that he should do something. Roger smiled and shook his head, spread the bark paper in his hand on the table, and took it. With the black charcoal strips, Lei Jin shouted in his ear every day, since everyone has divided the land, we must repair some simple water conservancy, irrigation will be more convenient, the implication is self-evident, come and help if you have nothing to do. , Now he sees that Lei Jin is more and more motivated, and he is not even ready to let him go, but this feeling is not bad.

It was really hot. Lei Jin rolled up his sleeves and wiped the sweat from his head. The farming tools were crude and there was no animal power. It was especially tiring to work. The wheat has already been replanted. Lei Jin wants to cultivate the area near the house. He keeps rice near the stream. The corn and beans are waiting for the wheat to be harvested. Now he just scatters some in the corner. Try the corn, and the rest will be grown as vegetables, but the dishes are really few, including potatoes, green onions and peppers. The onions he found last year, he dug up some of them and came back to eat them, but Roger has been there a few times later, picking them up. He came back with some seeds, but this was just four things, and he was still far from his goal. Maybe he could go for a walk in the depths of the woods and find a lot of edible vegetables.

Grape was sleeping on the small bed in the shade of the corner, blushing, and even drooling, Lei Jin also felt that his son was extremely cute.

"Lei Jin, drink water." Mingya went home and took a jar out. Because she ran fast, the water inside splashed a lot, and it splattered brightly all the way under the sun.

The water was warm, just right at the entrance, Lei Jin raised his head and filled a small half of the jar, wiped his mouth, and saw Mingya who was looking at him pitifully like a large dog squatting under his feet, he raised his chin in a funny way and said, "Open your mouth. Let me see, does it still hurt?"

"It hurts." Mingya's mouth opened wide, and she answered honestly. The most important thing is that Lei Jin didn't let him touch, but he was with his eldest brother and second brother in front of him, and he couldn't sleep at night because of the pain.

"If you know it hurts, you will have a long memory. Next time, play tricks for me and see how I clean up you." Lei Jin pulled the man up, rubbed his head, and tapped Mingya's lips. comforted.

"Mingya will be obedient in the future." After Mingya expressed her loyalty vaguely, she stretched out her arms and hugged Lei Jin tightly into her arms, holding his lips and licking against the customer. There was no skill, but it was warm and direct. , As for Lei Jin's bullying of him, it has long been blown away with the wind, leaving no trace.

Just when Mingya couldn't help but want to go further, Grape woke up with two "uh" sounds. Lei Jin heard the sound, looked over Mingya's shoulder, and met his son's big shiny eyes. He stretched out his hands and feet excitedly, and his face was full of interest. His face turned black immediately, and he almost instinctively pushed away Mingya, who had pulled off his collar and was nibbling on his neck, and shouted in a bad tone: "Look at the child. Go." He didn't even think about who was the one who picked the lead just now.

Mingya was trapped in it at first, and was pushed back by a sudden step, but she was dumbfounded and didn't respond. Seeing that Lei Jin's fist was about to come over, she regained her senses. He showed a sad expression and whispered, "Baby, it's too late for you to wake up, little daddy is so pitiful."

Lei Jinbai glanced at him and felt that the most pitiful person was himself. Although he was more comfortable and effortless to move his hands and feet down, it was still very tiring to deal with three at the same time. It will let them relax, but it will facilitate their entry and exit. Next time, let them try the taste below. Well, it seems to be a very good idea to start with the little guy first.

Mingya shivered while standing under the sun. Why did he feel that Lei Jin's gaze on his back made him shiver? Did he accidentally do something wrong just now? Should I just watch it myself?

"It's raining so hard. It's raining as soon as you say it. You don't even say hello." Lei Jin rushed into the house with a small animal skin package inside. The grapes are also turning over now. I can't sleep in the swaddling clothes every day. It's pouring rain outside, and it's getting dark at noon. I've heard that the rainy season is coming for the past two days, but I didn't expect it to come. This battle.

"It's been cloudy these past two days. You don't need to bring a cloak when you go out. You can wear a bamboo hat anyway." Mo Ya helplessly pulled the man over and sat down, took a cloth towel to wipe his dripping hair, this man Tian Tian said that he was older than them, but he couldn't take care of himself at all.

"Whoever goes out to the street still wears a big hoodie." Thick and heavy, it affects his usual dashing image too much. Of course, the bamboo hat was also abandoned for this reason. Afraid of these, of course, is face first.

A smile flashed in Mo Ya's eyes, and there was nothing to say. His reasons were always so strong, and it was obvious that there was no reason at all, but it was impossible for people to refute.

"The work in the field has finally come to an end." Lei Jin said, looking at the yard in the heavy rain, water splashes splashed on the bluestone board outside the door, and the flowers and trees planted by Roger under the corner of the wall were dark and green at first. buds.

After being busy for about a month, I finally planted all the plants, and it was in time for the season, so I was relieved that the rain came at just the right time.

There was a big hole in the bottom of the crude pottery jar that kept the rice noodles at home. An Luo went to the tribe's pottery farm today to buy a new one, and was about to throw the old one away. I haven’t eaten any green vegetables in the winter, and the wild vegetables on the mountain have only emerged from the land. If I want to dig some wild vegetables, I still have to wait a while. Besides tofu, there are still many beans, but in the spring drought, how dare you cook and eat them. Now, I have to keep it just in case. Now that it's better, don't worry. With bean sprouts, cold salad, stir-fried meat, and soy sauce, Lei Jin is enjoying himself while soaking beans. Now he even starts to miss bean sprouts.

If the particles are full, they will naturally be left to make seeds. If it rains, it will be fine anyway, so I will make more, and I will make some tofu. There are bean sprouts in the broken pottery. It is enough to water for a few days. I found some clay pots and pots that were not used at home, broken pots and so on, put some sand, buried beans, placed them under the eaves, and just waited for the mung bean to grow.

Although it was raining, the family did not lose people. Roger made corrections at home, and ran through the fields many times in spite of the rain. Finally, he finished the picture of repairing the canal, and Anbu and the elders in the tribe were also sensible. Some people know that they can’t just rely on the sky to eat. Although the rain is relatively abundant, it can’t come down according to people’s wishes. It’s better to build a canal to bring water from the river. I just stayed here for dinner, and now is not a time when there is a shortage of food, so the owner is naturally happy to go to any place for a meal. Sometimes there are young females who come to visit and meet the patriarchs and elders. Although they respect them, they smile without any scruples. In this way, sometimes they can gather a whole room of people to eat, just like they come here specially to eat.

Although Lei Jin's dishes are delicious, he doesn't have the heart to cook all the time, so as long as Xia and Moya are at home, most of the three meals a day are left to them to handle, but now there are too many people, it's not good Relying on them alone, Lei Jin also went to help from time to time. In the first few days, there were big dishes and big bowls of meat. They didn't care much about the performance of the meat. It's to let this winter hold back. After inquiring about Lei Jin's simple method, many people say that they have to wait for the fall to try it. Now it's not enough, and the beans are almost eaten up. But in this way, there are more curious people. One after another, one after another, Lei Jin has the urge to sell tickets at the door. It's too cumbersome to do.

In the end, Lei Jin came up with a good idea. The large pieces of meat were marinated overnight with salt, scallion and soy sauce, and half a pot of oil was placed in the kitchen the next day. Get a few plates of bean sprouts, everyone finds it interesting, but they also enjoy themselves.

The first heavy rain in spring stopped and went like this, and it took more than half a month for everyone to eat and drink.

Afterwards, the people in the tribe seemed to feel embarrassed. Many people brought their own meat and sent it over, which was more than what they ate. As a result, the meat in the cellar was full. Now is not winter, and it will be left for a long time. It must be broken. Just when they were worried about the amount of meat, the annual festival in the tribe was about to come, and Xia suggested to simply marinate it and sell it at the market. Anyway, people from all tribes have to eat.

Lei Jin originally liked to be lively, and he naturally didn't want to miss the rare gathering of tribes. In addition, Jing Ping and Hao Chen would also come, so he should be happy no matter what, but there was one thing that made him really unhappy, that is. These days he gets nauseated whenever he sees greasy stuff.

Wouldn't it be so wicked? Win once? Lei Jin simply forgot that it was not once, but three times.

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