These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 122: Tribal Bazaar

It wasn't because he was nauseous and had no other symptoms, so he didn't necessarily have it. Lei Jin shook his head, trying to get the idea of ​​being pregnant out of his mind. Last time, he still knew that the child in his belly was Xia. Or Moya, then if it really has it this time, he is really not sure who it is.

The family was busy in the yard cutting the meat into evenly sized pieces and marinating it, preparing the fried crispy meat for sale at the market. Lei Jin sat in the house with grapes and had no plans to help. The meat tasted really good. His stomach was uncomfortable, and when he got close, he was afraid that he would vomit on the spot. Of course, no one wanted him to interfere. In this family, he and Roger have always been given preferential treatment. Insulation, even if they hadn't thought of it yet, the orcs in the house were well prepared.

After it rained, the mung bean vegetables under the eaves were already very good. The rows of green watercress were green and juicy, and the growth was gratifying. Lei Jin grabbed the roots and put them in the hands of the grapes, and he could play for a long time by himself.

The grapes are now six months old. A few days ago, they had to be held by a cotton cloth to sit up. Since this month, they have been able to sit firmly.

Lei Jin saw his son's innocent appearance holding watercress with curiosity, and a doting smile appeared on his face unconsciously. It was not until he became a father that he realized that there was still a softest place in his heart, about He doesn't think much about the past anymore. Everyone has his own different path to take. Maybe staying here with these three people is the path he should take. As for the woman who abandoned him, only It's because I don't have the fate of my parents, I can't be too greedy and expect everything to be perfect.

Mo Ya picked up the person and pressed him on the bed, unbuttoned the waistband of her trousers with one hand, held the back of her neck with the other, kissed Lei Jin's lips, kissed her, and buried her lower body between Lei Jin's legs, rubbing against Lei Jin's legs suggestively. Lei Jin whispered, "He said he misses you very much."

Lei Jin pulled his face twice, pretending to be surprised: "Are you sure you are Mo Ya, not Xi Ya?" He thought that only Xi Ya could say such words that were akin to teasing a rogue.

"Shall I accompany you tonight?" Mo Ya asked with a smile, kissing his eyelashes.

Lei Jin looked back at him, nodded with a smile, but then added: "I'm a little tired, I'm just going to sleep tonight, and I don't want to do anything." I don't know if I really have a baby in my stomach. Still a little more restrained.

Mo Ya was stunned for a moment, but she simply agreed, leaning on his side, because he saw that Lei Jin was really rejecting this time. Although they often forced him on the bed, they knew that Lei Jin was at that time. Jin is also enjoying the happiness they give, which is different from now.

"Moya? Are you asleep?" Lei Jin changed his posture in Moya's arms.

"Not yet, do you have something to say today?" Mo Ya lowered her head slightly and asked, and he said that something was wrong with Lei Jin tonight.

"If, I mean if, if the next child is from Xia or Mingya..." He couldn't say what he wanted to say next, because he didn't even know what he wanted to say. There wasn't much room for him to think, and at that time he was all thinking about how to go back, and this time, he could finally think about the child's affairs, but he didn't know why he always wanted to ask Mo Ya's opinion.

"Are you having a baby?" Mo Ya's hand touched Lei Jin's flat belly under the blanket.

"I mean if." Now I'm not sure.

"It's alright, I like it all. If you're asking me this, then I already have grapes." Mo Ya tightened the hand on his waist, was silent for a while, and then whispered: "All the time, Ah Me and my daddy love me very much, but I couldn't help but wonder if I was the extra one in the family, because my existence has always reminded Ah Me of the unpleasant past, and even my daddy. I'm also worried." He kept these things buried in his heart and never mentioned them to others, but he wanted to tell Lei Jin for the first and last time.

"They don't think so." Lei Jin didn't know how to comfort people, so he could only squeeze out these words dryly.

"Well. I have you, and now I have grapes, so I can think about everything." In the dark, Lei Jin couldn't see Mo Ya's expression, but he felt that his voice was not heavy, so he felt relieved, "I Right now, I'm just thinking about making you and Grape more comfortable, and our whole family can be happy."

"Did I say thank you for helping me grow grapes?"

"No." Lei Jin said with great certainty.

"Isn't there?" Although Lei Jin couldn't see it, Mo Ya was still a little embarrassed, "It seems that I always wanted to say it, but I haven't found a suitable opportunity, then I'll say it now, thank you, Lei Jin, thank you for giving me Little grapes were born."

"That's my son, what's your business?" Lei Jin retorted, frowning uncomfortably, perhaps because he was old, and hearing such nauseous words would kill him.

"I like you, Lei Jin, that won't change." Mo Ya chuckled, seeing him like this, but she let go of her hands and feet, as if she could feel the unease in him, repeating it again and again.

"Sleep." Lei Jin put his head in Mo Ya's arms and closed his eyes. He felt Mo Ya's eyes falling on his face for a while before leaving.

He listened to Moya's steady heartbeat, and his heart also calmed down. He knew that what Moya said was true, but since the moment he decided to accept Xi Ya and Mingya, he could no longer say those words.

There are no assumptions and no turning back in life. Now that he has made a choice, he will continue to walk no matter what the outcome is.

When the rainy season came, a large number of animals began to move north. Mingya carried Lei Jin to the grassland to watch it a few times. They were also idle, so they caught a small antelope by the way, because the antelope meat tasted really good, but Lei Jin saw the running speed of the horned antelope with his own eyes, and soon changed his mind. Tool, originally Lei Jin wanted to catch a baby elephant, because Lei Jin felt that the baby elephant was strong enough to be able to catch it back to cultivate the land, but the mother elephants were so powerful that he and Mingya could only run away with their tails between their tails. .

After returning home, An Sen saw their embarrassed appearance, and after listening to their glorious deeds, he burst into laughter and said, "Fortunately you didn't catch it, or else the tribe would have to be attacked by elephants, they are very protective of cubs. of."

After talking to Moya, his stomach didn't get bigger. Although Lei Jin was careful, he didn't do anything deliberately. He still followed the original plan. He went to learn some carpentry craftsmanship with Jiahe and fiddled with the grapes. Tumblers and rattles, and followed some females and orcs to scavenge seasonal fresh wild vegetables in the deep mountains. After a few trips, the harvest is really not small. At least some common vegetables such as leeks, celery, coriander and spinach were found, and he carefully transplanted them. When I got to my vegetable garden, I went around twice a day with grapes on my back and looked at the fruits of my labor. When the seedlings were first planted, they were a little sullen. After a few rains, they got better. Slowly Standing tall and green.

The once-a-year market in the tribe arrived as scheduled. The location was on the grassland not far from the Leopard tribe. Their father and kun pavilion have all come, but they heard that he was sick and couldn't come, but he asked Jing Ping to bring a new set of clothes and two jars of honey and fruit, and the crow followed. When Jing Ping and the others came back, they asked Lei Jin for various credits as soon as they entered the door. Lei Jin threw a piece of meat and waved him aside. When they were full, they did not forget to cry with Mingya, "I worked so hard to report the letter, and I returned it when I came back. Despised, despised."

Mingya coaxed her for most of the night, but Lei Jin couldn't sleep because of the noise, all kinds of irritability, grabbed his wings and threw it out of the window far away, and when he saw it the next day, his bones were still soft. He came to join Lei Jin, and everyone deeply despised him from then on.

This kind of market lasts for a month at a time, spring in the leopard clan, summer in the bear clan, autumn in the wolf clan, winter in the tiger clan, as for the mermaid and the flying feather clan are not very keen on this, but they will not be absent every time That's it, everyone occupies a corner of the market with tribes as a unit. Lei Jin and the others have a good location. They have built a simple grass hut. It is quite conspicuous among the piles of tents. , There are also many pots of marinated meat on the surrounding shelves. The tables and stools are all borrowed and placed randomly in the shed.

As soon as the market opened in the morning, Xia and the others took care of the stall. Lei Jin held the grapes and dragged Roger around. When he encountered something he didn’t understand, Roger could explain it to him. There are still a lot of people. Maybe because the venue is big, it doesn’t feel crowded. Walking down the road, I found animal skins and various kinds of food. Clothing is found in all tribes. Bone-like tools, tools and jewelry are all polished very finely. The Feiyu tribe is mainly all kinds of medicinal herbs, but because their tribe is located in the extreme north, the animal skins they hunt are particularly fine and warm. What about the mermaid tribe? The objects are delighted and amazed by the orcs on the land. Relatively speaking, the wolves are weaker, but they mysteriously brought a new oil over this year, which is much more natural and fresher than animal oil. It was a big hit. Others may not know it. Of course, Lei Jin knew it. It was the peanut oil that he mentioned once in the wolf tribe, and they really got it out. Qinghe was among those selling oil, and Lei Jin was waiting for this opportunity.

The rest are fine, but what surprised Lei Jin the most was the bear tribe. Their housekeeping treasures turned out to be bronze and iron tools. Although there were very few patterns, the bronze only had some knives of different lengths, and the iron tools were only a few simple hoes and iron tools. After iron pieces, but they themselves can make bronze and iron good enough.

But not to mention the ridiculously high price. As soon as people heard that they belonged to the Leopard tribe, they said without disguise that all the wolf and Leopard tribes would not be sold. However, at this time, a black-haired and brown-eyed orc walked out of the largest tent in the wolf tribe, came up to Lei Jin and shouted "Ah".

The blue veins on Lei Jin's forehead jumped a few times, and was yelled at by a middle-aged orc, what he wanted most was to kill.

The person next to him shouted respectfully: "Patriarch."

The man seemed to have reacted, and stared at Lei Jin for a few more glances before muttering with disappointment: "Actually, it doesn't look like it if you look closely, it's just that these inky eyes are too similar."

Originally, Lei Jin wanted to roar, you go to our place where the streets are full of black eyes, you can catch them one by one and call Mom, but he quickly guessed the possibility, when Tian Qi met him outside the forbidden area, he said Forty years ago, a black-haired and black-eyed female left this world. If you guessed correctly, this person may be the child who was abandoned at that time.

Lei Jin kissed the grapes in his arms, and the little devil's head with four deciduous teeth was holding the cork tumbler in his hand and chewing hard.

Lei Jin and Roger were invited in to have a conversation. The man introduced himself as Leyang. Before leaving, Leyang sold them two bronze knives and a small iron **** at a very low price, and said that they would be free to go to the bear. Playing with tribes and tribes, it seems very sincere, not like talking and playing.

However, after they stepped out of the tent a few steps, he chased after them and asked, "The Leopard Tribe killed an orc while hunting this spring, do you know each other?"

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