These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 141: Roger's Extra Story 03

The silver-haired young man was obviously not very good at words. After being silent for a long time, he gently persuaded him, "Brother, don't be angry with Brother Anbu. He was too sad, so he thought about going out for a walk."

The blond young man's anger continued, "An Luo, how long is this, you are still standing by him talking, the three of us grew up together, there is nothing we can't say, we have to go out to relax? And that Yishun, It looks even hotter."

An Luo brushed the branches and grasses on his shoulders that had been swept away by his brother's wings, and said in a low voice, "Why don't I get angry." When he and his brother were young, A-Daddy and A-Mei died, and it was their uncles who raised them. big.

An Sen also knew in his heart that this was not the time to lose his temper. Now that he is the eldest in the family, he should take the responsibility of taking care of his two younger brothers, but every time he sees the patriarch, the fire in his heart cannot be controlled, and his son, The next patriarch, who thought he was stable, didn't care about anyone, he took a deep breath, calmed down his excitement, patted his brother's arm, and said, "An Luo, we must think about it. The best way to get revenge is to grab the position of the patriarch."

An Luo nodded, "I listen to you, brother."

"Let's go, it's time for us to go back, it's not good to be out for too long." Now they must not be realistic, no matter what, the people in the tribe will never admit a person who does not fit in as the patriarch.

"Wait a minute, brother, there seems to be someone around here." An Luo motioned Anson to stay still for the time being. He frowned and listened. The jungle in the morning was already noisy, and it was not easy to catch the tiny breathing sound.

"Wandering orc?" As the only snow leopard in the tribe, An Luo has some abilities that ordinary people can't compare to. Although An Sen didn't feel it himself, he believed in An Luo.

An Luo closed his eyes and said, "It seems to be a female."

"How is it possible for a female?" Anson exclaimed in surprise, knowing that unless they are wandering orcs, they have no fixed place to live, and male orcs may carry their females with them. How can a single female appear in the deep jungle. place.

An Luo opened his eyes, and there were doubts in his sky blue eyes. He pointed to a mountain wall behind the trees, and said, "It seems to be in front of the mountain wall, brother, let's go take a look."

Anson agreed and followed.

For single orcs, the female body always has a strange and alluring scent, which is sometimes far more attractive than the food. Now Anson and An Luo can smell it, and there is really a female around here.

An Luo stopped in front of a huge dead tree, and he was sure that the fragrance came from inside.

Anson and him carefully removed the stones and debris at the entrance of the cave. Light seeped in from the other side of the tree hole. A female curled up under a piece of deerskin, sleeping quietly in the warm golden sun. The face was unclear, only a strand of black and shiny hair was exposed above, but the feet below, which could not be covered by deerskin, had the fairest and cleanest color they had ever seen.

Both of them felt each other's breathing a little heavier, but neither of them wanted to wake up the beautiful scenery easily.

Roger was really tired. Although he felt a little strange around him, he couldn't keep his heavy eyelids open.

They were interrupted by the clutter of approaching footsteps.

"Ansen, Anluo, did you find any good prey when you ran so fast?" Yishun led a group of orcs over the grass and stepped on the dew.

At such a close distance, it is of course impossible for them to hide people, and at this time, the female under the deerskin moved twice and was about to wake up.

Yishun is the son of the current patriarch of the Leopard Clan, Shi Nian, and the next patriarch by default in many people's hearts, so this time around, the young team was led by Yishun. Shi Nian obviously wanted Yishun to slowly establish himself in the clan. With prestige, Yishun may also feel that he is popular, and he can show an affectionate attitude to anyone.

An Sen pouted his lips secretly, took two steps forward and said with a smile: "Where is there any good prey, but An Luo said that there seems to be something wrong here. The two of us came here, and we were lucky to find a female." He specially emphasized that it was himself What I found with An Luo was that I didn't want others to interfere, anyway, I couldn't hide it, so I might as well say it directly.

As soon as these words came out, the crowd of orcs exploded, and even when they came out to hunt, they could still see females.

An Luo took the opportunity to block the entrance of the cave with his body, blocking everyone's sight of probing their brains.

"Female? What female, let me see." Yishun said, and he was about to pass Anson.

An Sen stretched out his arm to block him, and said with a smile: "We just picked it up, don't scare him, or take it back to the tribe, you can see it later."

Yishun pushed him jokingly and said, "Are you afraid that I will steal yours?" An Sen and his uncles used to be the elders of the tribe, and they were considered to have some status. Some people had recommended An Sen and the others for the position of the patriarch. Brother, it's just that their uncle is dead now. In terms of force, he may not be as good, but in terms of support from the tribe, Anson and the others are definitely no match for themselves, so although females are rare for the orc tribe, but for him For the future patriarch, it's not a problem at all. The most beautiful female in the tribe will eventually belong to him, but the problem now is that An Sen and the others are not allowed to object to what he wants to do.

"Who's outside?" Roger arched out from under the deerskin, and if there was a voice, it should be a man, not a beast, so he wasn't so scared.

"Are you awake?" An Luo turned and squatted down.

Now everyone could clearly see the female in the tree hole, she was amazingly beautiful, her eyes were cold and calm, and she was naked, with only a piece of animal skin pressed on her waist.

An Luo was the closest to him and was hit the hardest. After a while, he picked up the animal skin to wrap the man's body, and said softly, "You should put on your clothes first."

Roger frowned without concealment, and looked at a group of people with stupid faces outside. Although he was not afraid to change clothes in front of a group of men, the premise was that those people didn't drool.

"I'll stop you."

An Luo tightly covered the hole, and Roger quickly put on his clothes and shoes.

They invited Roger to eat roast lamb for breakfast, and then asked each other, Roger only replied, he is the child of a wandering orc, and Amo is dead, he is going to find a place.

After listening to Roger's detailed description, the orcs of the Leopard Clan felt like they were near the forbidden area. There was still a lot of distance from this place, and it was not a good place. Even so, some people expressed their desire to help, among them Yishun most positive.

Staying near the forbidden area for more than half a month, Roger did not find any clues to go back. He could only do the next best thing and follow them back to the Leopard Tribe temporarily. Now that he knew that Leopards were also Orcs, he realized that Blake, who had been pretending to be a fool by his side, was simply a person.

When Roger arrived at the Leopard tribe, he was naturally led to the doctor and took Bi Ai Hua. This is a step that every alien female who has just arrived in the tribe must go through. Roger was unaware.

Anson and An Luo went through a lot of struggle, and finally let Roger live with a female Suri who lost his partner. Right next door to their house, Suri also had a little orc named Ziro, who was only one or two years old. He can't transform into a human figure yet, but he can walk and run. His big gray-blue eyes flicker and flicker. He is very cute. Even someone like Roger who has no interest in children can't help but tease him. Ziro has a natural enemy. It was a little leopard named Gah, who came back crying every time he went out after being bitten and hairless.

Suri's orc companion died of injuries during a hunt. Originally, according to the rules of the tribe, Suri needed to find another partner, but he injured his body when he gave birth to Ziro and was no longer able to bear children, so no one mentioned it again. This issue.

The people in the tribe live a simple life and get along well on weekdays, especially some orcs, who often come to send some prey and food. Roger is not a slow person, he vaguely understands what they are after, and every time he is calm. refused. But Su Rui brought Qi Luo with no source of livelihood, except for the routine distribution in the tribe, that is, to make clothes for people to change, Roger helped Su Rui go to the mountain stream to beat hemp, retting hemp, and twisting hemp thread.

"Suri, I already know where the hemp grows. This time I'll just go by myself. Aren't you going to make other people's clothes today?" Roger packed up the bone knife and rope. It's not a problem.

"No, I'm not at ease when you go out by yourself." Roger didn't understand the current situation, but Suri saw everything in his eyes. It's been more than two months since he came to the tribe, so many orcs are kind to Roger, but he One has no choice, so many people are staring at it, if there is a bad mind, it will be a bad thing to do it first. He promised Anson and An Luo to take good care of Roger.

Roger is not easy to get close to people. Now he has no choice but to stick with Su Rui all the time. It is a little late to go down the mountain. Rui was talking about the legends of the tribe, but he didn't notice a sawtooth bull rushing out of the bushes. Suri diddge almost all right. Roger was pinned to his thighs and rolled down halfway up the hill. He fainted for a while. It's not high, but the trees and grass below are dense, and Suri couldn't find anyone for a while, so he had to go back to the tribe to find An Luo.

When An Luo arrived, Roger was already awake, and he did a simple hemostasis. His injury was not serious, but the position was a little embarrassing. It hurt when walking and rubbing his pants. An Luo took him to the doctor to clean up , on top of a thick layer of herbal gooey.

The next ten days were bed rest. During this period, if there was any need, An Luo would carry people in and out. Although he knew that there was no other way, it was better to let a man hold him in his arms. Roger was a little embarrassed, he didn't talk much, and An Luo was even less terrible. Sometimes they sat facing each other all day, and the two of them could only stare at each other. Suri sewed clothes at the door of the room, and couldn't help laughing several times to see how the two of them were getting along. He sighed inwardly at An Luo's clumsy temperament. No wonder he was born so good-looking and strong. Not many females in the tribe liked it. He could suffocate people when he was bored, but I heard that a few orcs were interested in him. The two sentences that Roger said the most were "Are you hungry?" "Want to drink water?"

After Roger's injury healed, he went to the hillside again, and down there, there was a small plain underneath. The soil on the surrounding mountains was washed by the rain, and in the middle of the plain there was the best clay, which was his. The last time I fell, I found out that pottery is one of Roger's hobbies, but due to the limited conditions here, it can't be very fine, but simple rough red pottery is still fine. First, Roger really wants to do something In return for their affection for taking in them, secondly, he also gradually understood that the tribe would not allow an adult female to be single for too long. He hoped that he would be more useful and procrastinate a little longer. He found some clues near the temple, It may be feasible, but now the time is too short, he has not figured it out yet. He taught pottery-making to the craftsmen in the tribe for free, and also personally designed some pots, bowls and plates for daily use. When these processes are mature, Later, large water tanks were fired. A simple hourglass for measuring time has been made, and a relatively precise and complex sundial still needs to collect some data.

The patriarch has seen it several times over the years, and has repeatedly praised the magic of these things that Roger created.

Anson has been very busy. Roger has lived in the Leopard tribe for more than five months. It was frosty in the late autumn night, and he had never seen him a few times. So when Roger opened the window in the morning, he saw him sitting When I saw the person on the wall, I was indeed a little surprised.

"Good morning." Roger greeted with his arms on the windowsill.

Hearing this, An Sen jumped down from the wall, carrying a pile of red persimmons in his arms. This is the name given by Roger. This persimmon tree is in An Sen's yard. Each persimmon has two persimmons. The root is pinched at the waistline, and the whole persimmon is like a three-layered large dough cake.

"These are for you to eat. I just picked them from the tree." The persimmons were still covered in light hoarfrost, and their skin was red and soft. They looked very greedy. Roger touched one and was about to put it in his mouth.

An Sen grabbed his wrist and stopped: "Don't eat it now, it's too cold, put it in the room to get rid of the cold, and eat it after eating."

Roger withdrew his hand and asked, "Would you like to come in and sit?"

An Sen smiled, but still refused. He placed the persimmons in his arms on the windowsill one by one and said, "I heard that you were injured by An Luo, are you all better now?"

"It's okay, it was just some flesh wounds."

"That's good."

Although it was a little strange, Roger was sure to see a hint of joy in Anson's eyes, it seemed that this man was really worried for himself.

"You don't seem to be in good spirits." Roger rarely gossips with others.

"I've been busy recently, I'm leaving." Roger's reluctance to choose a mate made the orcs of the tribe restless again. He and An Luo wanted to take the position of the patriarch now, not only to avenge their uncles, but also to protect Roger. He was already so beautiful and smart, how could he not be coveted.

"See you next time." Roger waved his hand.

Anson turned back and saw the light smile on his lips, and once again strengthened his determination.

"It's a lot of snow." Suri put the prey under the eaves, and came in through the door with her hands, slapping a layer of snow on her body.

There was a stone pot on the fire pit in the house. Inside was a glutinous batter and large pieces of meat. Suri washed his hands and saw that the pot was boiling. He added some chili powder and stirred it. The fragrant spiciness makes the nose a little itchy.

Roger added some firewood to the fire, and Ziro's grey fur tail rolled over his legs and turned over. "Have you got a lot of prey this time?" It's mainly meat, and there should be less prey caught in winter.

"A little bit, a lot more than in previous years, don't you know, how capable Anson and An Luo are in the past six months, they can always find more and better prey than others, every time they are better than others. Several times, many orcs were willing to follow them later, and the prey increased a lot than before. Besides, there are An Sen and An Luoyun in our family. We are the two of us and the little guy in the family. "The more Suri said, the more excited he became. This year should be the most well-fed winter since his partner left.

Roger is not good at cooking, but he has learned a lot about picking up prey. Anson and An Luo often have no one at home, and Suri is used to helping them take care of them. Roger will kill all the prey of the two families when he is free. Now, the hides are tanned, the bones are taken out, the meat should be marinated, and the meat should be air-dried. Sweep the yard and clean the room. He is also happy to help with these places where he can help. After all, Anson and An Luo are also He helped himself a lot and gave him food.

But Roger didn't know that the competition about him never really stopped. Whoever picked up the female should be his partner. Roger was discovered by Anson and An Luo first, so he should be their partner, but Yishun was the leader. Everyone was reluctant to come to a conclusion. They said that this female should be discovered by everyone together. The fairest way is to compete. Whoever wins will have the status of Roger's orc companion.

"You have to make a choice now, if you choose me and An Luo, you will have a relationship with us tonight, if you don't choose us, you can only wait for tomorrow to be chosen, then there will be no room for you to speak. , who your partner will be, we don't know for sure, maybe one person, maybe two people, maybe a lot." This kind of thing is not without precedent, weaker orcs often choose to be with people in order to win in the end Shared females. With the current power of him and An Luo, it is not enough to stop the competition. After all, this is the agreement of the patriarch, unless Roger already has a partner before this.

An Luo's eyes were dark, and he stood by the window without saying a word. He knew that what his brother said was not the only way, but it was the safest. Together with his brother, he should be able to defeat all opponents, but he could not guarantee that there would be no accidents. Happened, they didn't want to lose and risked losing Roger, and from the first sight he knew that feeling was love, so he never let go.

Roger knew that he was trembling, and the nails under the table hurt his palms. What choice was made, he actually had no choice. After doing so much, could he still not escape this fate? Do you regret coming back with them? In fact, there is nothing to regret. Staying alone in the jungle can only be death, but there is still hope of living here, and even found a clue to return home. If you have to pay such a price for living, you can only accept it, because he I still want to go back, man, there is no chastity crisis, at least the two people in front of me are familiar with them, so it should be easier to accept.

"Can't I just choose one person?" One partner is fine, why do you have to be in a relationship with two men at the same time.

Anson and An Luo glanced at each other, neither of them meant to quit.

"I see, where to do it?" To him, what is the difference between one and two, Roger sneered in his heart.

Anson didn't expect Roger to agree so easily, and he couldn't help but feel a little happy, thinking that Roger also had a little affection for them, so he was so happy, and when he saw the coldness that could not be hidden in his eyes, his heart quickly cooled down.

"Come to our house, it's next door, I'll go back and prepare first." Anson stood up.

Suri had been standing outside the door, seeing Anson coming out, there was no joy on his face, thinking that Roger had refused, so he comforted: "You can't blame him, this kind of thing is really hard to accept for a while. .

"No, Roger, he agreed." Anson replied without emotion, and turned to go out, leaving behind a puzzled Suri.

An Luo wanted to carry Roger over, but Roger stiffened, pushed him away, stretched his clothes, and walked into the door.

When Anson and An Luo entered him by turns, Roger only felt a lot of pain, no matter how much they teased, there was no pleasure.

The next day's test was naturally unsuccessful, but there was still one final confirmation ceremony. The three of them went to the holy lake. After they came back, Roger never allowed the two of them to get close again, no matter how good he was. , and his enthusiasm for the tribe was quickly extinguished, he watched the difficult lives of these people with cold eyes, he was capable, but he was no longer willing to reach out, he locked himself at home, and studied day and night how to get back .

But three months after the ceremony, he still waited for a piece of bad news for him. At first, he just felt a loss of appetite and felt vomiting when he saw the meat, but he never thought it was pregnancy, he went crazy He didn't want to be a monster who could give birth to a child. He wanted to go back, but even so, the child still stubbornly didn't fall off. Anson and An Luo were afraid that he would hurt themselves, so they hugged people wherever they went. No matter where you go, there are always accidents. In the middle of the night, Roger used his saber to slash countless knives on his left wrist. The knives were fatal, and the doctors in the tribe were helpless. He was the one rescued by An Luo. The child named Chunji said there was a way to save the man.

It took more than half a month for Roger to wake up again. Anson and An Luo were both staying by the bedside. They were extremely thin and looked extremely haggard. He looked at his left wrist, which was still wrapped in cotton. Anson's tears dripped onto him. In his eyes, "Roger, what you want to do in the future, we will follow you. If you want to go, we will not stop you. Don't do it again."

Roger nodded weakly. In fact, he didn't want to die at that time, but he couldn't control his knife to cut again and again in a daze.

"I cooked the batter." An Luo wiped his eyes, maybe wanting to go to the outside, turned around, slammed on the ground for a long time and didn't get up.

Roger opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

"An Luo." Anson picked it up and put it next to Roger, and asked, "Let him sleep next to you, Roger? He hasn't eaten well for many days. That room has not been occupied for a long time, and there is no one in it. Make a brazier, it's terribly cold."

Roger blinked in agreement. Four months later, Roger gave birth to his first child, a sturdy golden leopard, and Roger named him Xia.

In another year, Anbu, who had been wandering for nearly two years, returned to the tribe.

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