These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 142: Roger's Extra Story 04

It’s another summer. It’s been more than two years since Roger came to this world. He hasn’t found his way back yet. He lives fairly peacefully. He and An Luo Ansen are not so much a partner as they are living under one roof. Friends, support each other, coexist peacefully, and sometimes sleep in the same bed, but apart from the first few times, they have never had a relationship in the past two years.

"Run slower, Xia." That was his child. At first, he couldn't accept the fact that he was a little leopard, but now he's used to it. This child is very lively, almost too lively, like ADHD, sitting all the time. not live.

After nearly two years of observation, measurement, and calculation, a sundial with relatively accurate time determination has been made. Without enthusiasm, many things need to be done. He needs an excuse to freely enter and leave the temple.

At dusk, there was a large cloud of fire in the west sky. The sultry heat in the day was gradually receding, the wind came from the sea, and the air was filled with cool moisture. Roger was on the top of the temple and adjusted the sundial. Sit down after the angle, and there is the 360th floor of the temple by hand. There are ancient starry sky maps that are quite different from modern ones. The solar system has begun to take shape, and the orbits of the eight planets are very clear. The ninth planet The lines are blurry, and the stone representing the earth has been artificially pulled away. Maybe there was once a highly developed civilization here, but it suddenly disappeared for some unknown reason.

As night fell, the prairie that had been busy all day finally fell silent, the tribe was dark, and occasionally a few faint oil lights flickered, and the loneliness and desolation in Roger's heart resurfaced. Without anything familiar, what was the point of being here for him.

"Dad, I'm hungry." Xia was tired from running, and climbed on Roger's legs to her knees. "Okay, let's go home for dinner." Finally, there was a little guy by his side, Roger touched Xia's sweaty forehead, and took out a small towel from his pocket to wipe him.

"Dad, when are they coming back?"

"It should only be these two days." Roger put the booklet made of bark paper around him in his arms and picked up Xi Ya. Anson and Anbu have been out hunting for nearly a month, and it's almost time to come back.

When Anbu came back, the patrolling orcs regarded him as a stray orc, and blocked outside the tribe and did not let him in. No wonder people didn't recognize him at first sight. When Anbu left, he was still a young man, with a slender body and a face. Slightly green and round, but after two years of wandering in the wild, people have grown dark and tall. He is simply wrapped in animal skins, and many deep and shallow scars are clearly visible on his exposed arms and legs. But people seem to be more and more vigorous.

"Anbu? Where have you been in the past two years? I almost thought you wouldn't come back. Both Anson and Anluo have gone out to find you several times." Anbu's friend Mallow is also one of the orcs on this patrol. As soon as he recognized it was Ambu, he gave him a fist when he came up.

"Mallow, long time no see." Ambu also patted his shoulder boldly and vigorously.

Mallow pulled him into the bamboo building, scooped a bowl of water for him from the big pottery jar in the corner, and said, "Let's rest for a while, and talk to the priest later. Ansen and the others have all gone out hunting, you go home Don't be in a hurry."

Anbu temporarily unloaded the prey he was carrying, and after drinking the water, he asked, "I haven't been there for two years, and the tribe has changed a lot. It's the first time I've seen this water-drinking device, it doesn't look like it's made of wood."

Mallow smiled and said: "Speaking of this, it is thanks to the female partners that Anson and An Luo brought back from outside. He came up with these." Mallow pointed to the hourglass on the table and said, "This is The hourglass is used to tell the time. Haven't you seen it before? In short, he has come up with a lot of practical things. He is also beautiful. No wonder the orcs in the tribe almost made trouble over the competition for him in the past two years. Turned it over. But Anson and An Luo are still very good, they grabbed people without a sound, and now the children are two years old. "

After Mallow said so much, Anbu understood that brother Anson had a female partner and a child. He was sincerely happy for them, and joked: "No, I have to go back and see them quickly. How beautiful that female is, making them both move so fast."

Mallow's smile paused, and she said with two embarrassments: "Actually, it's not just them, I have also held a ceremony."

Ambu raised his eyebrows in surprise and said with a smile, "This is a good thing, with whom?"

"With me." Zhu Xi, with red hair on his back, came in from the door with a small clay pot. Although he smiled, his eyes fell on Anbu, and there was an unstoppable sadness in his eyes. .

"It turned out to be Zhu Xi, congratulations to you, when did this happen?" Mallow and Zhu Xi are his playmates since childhood, and he is naturally happy to see the two of them together.

Seeing that Ambu really didn't mind, Mallow felt relieved and said with a smile, "We just came back from the holy lake, and it's only the fifth day." He knew that Zhu Xi liked Ambu, and Ambu should also like Zhu Xi. , But after Anbu had been gone for so long, there was no letter at all, and it was impossible for the tribe to allow Zhu Xi to wait.

He led Zhu Xi to sit down and opened the clay pot, which was full of braised rabbit meat, "Anbu, let's have something together?"

Anbu is a man of interest. He is a new partner who has just finished the ceremony. He is nothing to be caught in the middle, so he refuses: "You two, eat, I have to go to the priest now, if it is too late, I will I'm afraid he's asleep."

Mallow nodded and said, "Yes, come to my house for dinner another day."

Ambu promised: "That's a must go."

Roger and the old priest greeted him, and just as he was about to turn down the avenue, he heard Suri calling them from the other side: "Xia, this way."

"Uncle Suri." Xia promised to jump out of Roger's arms, waving her fleshy paws, and ran over. Roger was helpless and followed closely behind.

There was no one in the house. Anbu put down some of his prey without stopping, and came to the temple. He turned off the main road, the priest's door was half-closed, and someone had just left.

The priest has reached middle age. He has used it all his life to worship the gods and has never held a ceremony with anyone. He used to have a good conversation with Anbu's father, and he can be regarded as watching Anbu and the others grow up. When Ambu returned safely, he was very happy, so he stayed for dinner and asked some other things about the outside world, and Ambu answered them in detail.

It was a little late when he came out of the temple. On the way, he met a little female who came back alone from outside. She was carrying a small basket on her back. She was 12 or 13 years old.

Anbu went out for two years, and the younger children didn't recognize them well, but they were all in the tribe. If they could help, he chased after them and said, "Where do you live, shall I take you back?"

I didn't expect that the little female's pretty face immediately turned pale, and said coldly, "What do you want to do?"

Anbu was stunned for a moment, then smiled when he understood, "How can I treat you if you are so little? Besides, it's all from a tribe, I don't want to be chased by your auntie." In the tribe, that is despised by everyone.

The little female tilted her head to think for a while and said, "Then squat down and carry me back."

It was so late that Anbu didn't want to bother with a child, so he squatted down and said, "Come up."

Chunji felt that the knife in his arms was still there, and climbed onto Ambu's back with both hands and feet. It was quite generous, but it didn't smell very good: "It's been a long time since you took a bath, it stinks."

Anbu straightened up and was enraged by him, "You little one, why are there so many things."

Anbu sent the person home, only to find that there was no one else in the house at all, so he had to help him with the medicine again, and he felt pain when the child came over with a click on his ankle.

Chunji was used to being spoiled by the orcs who pursued him by the tribe, and it was not polite to instruct him. This person looked a little different from those people, but he couldn't guarantee that it didn't mean that, so he wouldn't promise anything easily.

"Okay, go to bed now, I'm leaving." Anbu finally took out the blanket from the closet and threw it to him, helped him pour a bowl of water and put it on the bedside, closed the door without looking back, and left. If he doesn't leave again, this child may want to toss something else.

The stream under the moonlight looked very cool, and the sultry weather took another day's journey. Anbu smelled that he was really not feeling well, so he decided to take a bath in the stream and swim back on the way.

Xia was half asleep and woke up with urine. Dad praised him as a sensible child. Dad often couldn't sleep, and he couldn't call people when he fell asleep, so he balanced his body with his small tail and swishly got out of the bed. Jumping down and landing silently, Xia was secretly proud, spread her claws and ran to the creek behind the house.

Anbu jumped out of the water and saw a little golden leopard rubbing its sleepy eyes, peeing on the creek with its pouted buttocks. With those big purple eyes in this position, I knew it was Anson when I thought about it. My brother's child, like Anson's when he was a child, is chubby and fluffy.

When he finished, Ambu carried the fur on the back of the little guy's neck into his arms.

Xia woke up instantly, her eyes widened, revealing only a few short deciduous teeth, she thought she was a mighty roar, but in Anbu's ears, her voice was soft and tender, no worse than coquettish. How many.

Ambu teasingly handed his fingers over, touched his little deciduous teeth, and said with a smile, "I haven't changed my teeth yet, so I can't bite raw meat."

Seeing that Xia couldn't beat her, her eyes kept rolling, her mouth was flat, and she was ready to cry and attract people.

Seeing that his posture was not good, Anbu quickly apologized: "Baby, be good, I'm Uncle Anbu, and the younger brother of your father Anson." He didn't want the females of brother Anson to misunderstand that he was bullying the little baby. Bad impression of him.

Even though Xia was young, she was shrewd and would not easily believe the words of strangers.

Ambu gently pulled his fluffy ears, and said with a smile, "Baby, are you only two years old, why are you so smart."

Xi Ya was still lying proudly shy and round belly in the arms of others.

Why is it so cute? Anbu kissed his small forehead, pushed the door open a crack, put Xia down with both hands, and said, "If you see me tomorrow, you'll know that I'm an uncle."

Xi Ya hugged the legs of the bed and climbed up. Anbu smiled and was about to close the door when the person on the bed turned over.

Ambu froze.

"Roger..." Ambu murmured. He had called this name countless times in his heart, but he had never called it aloud. His chest was so stuffy that he wiped his face, which was already cold.

"Roger..." Ambu didn't know how he walked past those few steps.

He carefully stroked the once-familiar strand of hair.

As if feeling a familiar smell, Roger raised the corners of his mouth and moved a little closer.

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