These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 20: Roger's decision...

"Let go, Moya!" Lei Jin took a deep breath, looked down, glanced coldly at the wrist held in Moya's hand, and spoke again, with a layer of ice in his tone.

Mo Yan gave him a deep look, and this time he let go of it obediently.

As for Moya's dark green eyes that flashed an emotion similar to injury, Lei Jin couldn't take it into account anymore.

All he knew was that for so many days, he had been kept in the dark like a fool, and he was still grateful to this family for taking him in when he was at his most destitute and helpless.

He, Lei Jin, may be a rogue, but he has always known how to repay his gratitude, and he is always thinking about it. When he develops, he will thank the family anyway.

But what's going on now, they regard him as a female in this world, and they feel that they have picked up a ready-made "woman" to give birth to their own children, and they have saved the money for the betrothal gift.

Lei Jin pressed his forehead with a headache, and he probably went crazy, even thinking about the dowry money.

But Roger should know that he and Roger are from the same world, and men can't have children. Even if the world is changed, he can't suddenly have this function. Isn't there a saying: Niu pulls Is it still a cow to the North Pole? It seems like this sentence? Could it be that he could become a woman in another place? What a joke.

"Roger, you should know, that **** female, I'm not at all, you help me explain it to them."

Lei Jin spoke too fast. The first half of the sentence was fine, but the second half of the sentence, Roger didn't know what he was talking about.

"Lei Jin, don't worry, just listen to me." Roger patted his arm calmly, handed him a glass of water, and motioned him to calm down first. I knew this was the situation, but I didn't expect Lei Jin to be more unacceptable than before. Now he feels that he is so disgusted just by being misunderstood as a female. In case he knows that he can really have children after physical transformation. , he estimates that Lei Jin will have the heart to kill.

Roger glanced at his two sons. Moya looked the most like him and had a temperament like him. He kept everything in his heart, but could he not understand his own son? Although nothing can be seen on the face, the corner of the eye has never left Lei Jin from beginning to end, let alone this young son, holding a pair of big watery eyes, four paws on the ground, relying on the small flesh underneath The mat, silent, was quietly approaching Lei Jin step by step.

In the end how to do? The question that I had just thought about a few days ago came up again. Although females were relatively scarce, they were not absolute. Why did their sons have to cause Lei Jin such trouble.

Lei Jin left behind? Although the time spent together was short, he could also see that Lei Jin's origin was not simple. Although he had a pair of peach blossom eyes and seemed to be romantic, he had a deep indifference. He was not like Moya, Moya The cold of the ice flows on the surface, and it shatters when it touches the ice. But if Lei Jin doesn't agree and insists on staying, it will be a dead end, and no one will be able to benefit from it.

Several male orcs who came with them looked at each other, not knowing what was going on. They also heard a word of what the female said, but they couldn't understand it at all. They just looked at the family, why was the expression so weird? Isn't it a joy to get such a beautiful female? Why are they still frowning.

An Luo couldn't understand it either, but he could understand that although his temperament was different, he and Roger couldn't accept the fact that he was a female, right? Back then, Roger just stared at him and his eldest brother coldly, without saying a word to them, this newcomer was a female, a bamboo thrown into the fire, and it exploded directly.

"You guys go back first. He and Roger are fellow villagers, so I guess they have something to say." Seeing the situation, An Luo had no choice but to open his mouth to get people away.

They turned out to be fellow villagers? Several orcs did not expect to get such a big news.

"Second Uncle An, where is their hometown?" Ziro asked everyone's heartfelt voice, which tribe had all the females so beautiful.

"This..." An Luo paused for a while before saying, "Because it's too far away, I don't know."

The hopes that a few male orcs had just raised were dashed all of a sudden. I didn't think that An Luo was lying to them, because everyone in the tribe saw it. This Roger has never gone back since he came to this tribe. It seems that it is really too far away.

An Luo and the others all left and closed the door. Roger and Lei Jin had already sat down on the stone bench beside them. Moya still stood in place and didn't move, but Mingya had successfully rubbed against the female's feet. His big head rested on the back of his feet.

Seeing Roger, Lei Jin didn't seem to want to speak. He simply spoke first, his tone was cold and no longer as warm as before: "Why do they think that I am the female you said?"

Compared with Moya and the others, he is indeed shorter and thinner, but he doesn't think that he is a female based on this. He doesn't emit the female hormones.

Although he also knew that he couldn't blame Roger for this matter, but these days, because he and Roger came from the same world, there was a natural closeness, but Roger obviously knew that the family regarded him as the hell. The female also knew that he was not a female, but she never told him, and even prevented him from going out in order to hide the truth.

He felt a sense of being betrayed, Roger, you are someone's real mother, I can understand, but you are someone's stepmother, okay?

Although some men in this world are called females who can have children, since Roger and him are from the same world, they definitely can't have children, and so on, it is naturally impossible for Roger to give birth to Xi Ya and Moya. .

"There are only two kinds of people in this world." Roger said slowly.

Lei Jin didn't interrupt him either.

"There are no women, only men in our world, male orcs who can be transformed and females who cannot be transformed."

Lei Jin frowned, his language began to be incomprehensible, can he transform? Male orcs? What does it mean.

Not long after Lei Jin came to this world, no one had seen a few, so it was difficult for him to understand what that transformation meant.

Forget it, Lei Jin listened to Roger continue to speak.

"Male orcs are responsible for going out hunting, while females are responsible for housekeeping and taking care of their children. If they have spare time, they can do some small business." Roger tried his best to use what Lei Jin could understand.

Isn't it that men go hunting and women look after the house? Lei Jin thought about this, I understand.

"Male orcs are stronger, females are relatively weak, and male orcs have to protect their females and babies."

That is to say, on the top is a relatively strong man like Moya, and on the bottom is a relatively thin man? So because I looked weaker than them, I was regarded as a female with children.

So, men in this world can have children too? Another way of saying it is that if he can't return to his original world, he can only find a man to give birth to a child for him. After all, he knows that he does not have the function of giving birth to a child.

Roger's look at him knew that he didn't fully understand. But he has used the simplest language.

Do you want to tell him that the females of ordinary foreign tribes will have physical transformation in order to make them more adaptable to this tribe and increase the chance of a baby being born.

Roger opened his mouth and closed it again.

Forget it, now that I talk about it, it's just to scare him away. With his current appearance, if he can escape from this tribe, he will either be attacked by a beast or robbed by other tribes, and the result will not be the same.

At most, let Xiya and Moya accompany him in the future, go out and walk around a little more, and when he has more knowledge in this world and can communicate in language, he will naturally understand. It's up to him to leave or stay.

He estimated that Lei Jin would not want to stay, it would depend on his son's ability.

"If you want to leave, I won't force it to stay, but you have to understand that if you go out like this, you will still be regarded as a female." Roger continued.

Then don't I risk being dragged home OOXX at any time. Looking at Moya's strength just now, I must be unable to beat these people. Lei Jin touched his chin and fell into deep thought. I can't always say to everyone, I'm a female who can't have children, right? No wonder it's not considered a neuropathy.

"You can stay here, I'll explain to you, you're not the female they say." Roger threw the bait.

It's not that Lei Jin doesn't know that things may be strange, but for now, there is only one way to do it. When everyone knows it slowly, they won't treat me as a female, so I might be able to marry someone here. Men give birth to children. Lei Jin's acceptance of this matter is quite high. After all, as long as he is not suppressed, everything is negotiable.

"Then thank you, Roger, I misunderstood you." Lei Jin corrected himself when he knew he was wrong, and didn't hesitate to apologize.

Sons, it's up to you, I'm staying here for the time being. If you can't keep him, I can only tell him the way back. Roger made up his mind this time.

The Chai that day was not completed either, because Mo Ya was gone. Lei Jin felt a little guilty after not coming back for a long time. He felt that his attitude that day might have hurt Moya. After all, Moya didn't do anything to him, but when he thought that Moya wanted to oppress him, Lei Jin only had The guilt that was as big as a grain of millet vanished into ashes.

However, after seeing a transformation with his own eyes, Lei Jin finally knew what kind of world he came to.

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