These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 21: change the first

Roger is not very worried about Moya's temporary departure, because he knows that Moya is a very measured child, and there must be his reasons for doing things. Now he can only pray that Mo Ya can come back sooner.

Roger naturally hoped that Lei Jin could stay, but he still adhered to the principle of letting nature go. He would naturally not break his promise that Lei Jin could go out. In fact, he himself did not necessarily detain Lei Jin at home. It means that Lei Jin just came here. Although the males here have always loved females, their power is too weak in this world. If he is allowed to intrude, it is impossible to guarantee that there will be no accidents.

A few days ago, Xi Ya and Mo Ya were not at home. As for this little son, whether he wanted to think about it, this little son can take care of himself. As for the arduous task of protecting females, he should not bother him.

Lei Jin now knows that the people here will treat him as a female, and he is not in a hurry to go out immediately. He is studying language well with Roger at home. He is still talking about language. You are in that environment, and you listen to it every day. , you will learn fast. Lei Jin also felt that he could understand more words now than before.

He still remembered what he said to Roger that the man who can be transformed is a male, although he did not understand what the transformation meant, vaguely, he felt that this sentence was very important, and he had to remember it firmly .

A few days ago, Xia followed the other orcs in the tribe to the Feiyu tribe, and the Feiyu tribe was on the high mountains in the north of this continent. A large tribe of raptor orcs, they are best at weaving and herbs.

This time, Xia brought some prey, and replaced two plush blankets and a large bag of herbs. The blankets were woven from the softest and finer feathers under the wings of birds. They were snow-white and fluffy. The herbs were male animals. People go out hunting for preparations. What surprised Lei Jin is that these herbs seem to be quite complete, including intoxicating medicine, anti-snake, insect, rat and ant medicine, hemostatic medicine, and medicine to accelerate wound healing... There is also a kind of crystal clear green. Grass, the plant is short and bears a small white velvet flower, which seems to be quite precious, and is solemnly wrapped in a layer of animal skin.

"What does this medicine do?" Lei Jin pointed to the package. Seeing that Xia explained a lot, he didn't say a word about Xia and didn't answer. Instead, Roger followed Lei Jin's finger and looked at his face. Red and black, black and green changed several colors back and forth.

"Put this with me first." Roger put the bag of grass into his arms.


Rogerley rolled his eyes.

"Dad, that..." Xia changed her name very wisely, and Xie Si glanced at Lei Jin, leaned over to Roger, and said in a coquettish tone: "Dad, I finally asked for this. "

Lei Jin shuddered violently, this Xi Ya was clearly a handsome and tall man taller than him, standing in front of Roger, Roger couldn't even reach his shoulders, he was able to bulge a Baozi's face was coquettish at Roger, and he was really cute and childish.

This man really can bend and stretch. Lei Jin felt the goose bumps on his arm and thought.

"No." Roger flatly refused.


"At least not now." Roger relaxed a bit.

"But if you don't prepare in advance, it will be too late." Xia was still thinking about trying to convince Roger.

"No, I'll talk about this later." Roger made a final decision and put the medicine pack in his arms.

"Okay, then I'll listen to Dad." Xia lowered her head resignedly and sat down.

It's really a bit of the illusion of a bullied big cat.

One of Lei Jin's younger brothers once gave him a cat that was said to be very precious. Lei Jin didn't know what breed it was. Seeing that the cat was really cute, he kept it for a few days. Come on, the bullying is ruthless, the cat just hangs its head like this, ignoring people.

However, within a few days, Lei Jin forgot to close the window when he went out, and the cat didn't know where it went.

"Okay, don't be pitiful here." Roger touched his blond hair funny, and said, "Since you're back, let's take Lei Jin to the tribe."

"Okay." Xia stood up, her tone was relaxed and lively, and there was no trace of the grievance she had just now.

"Women are not so fickle." Lei Jin murmured in a low voice, contemptuous.

Lei Jin didn't realize that he used the language here subconsciously.

Although Xi Ya didn't know what the woman in their female mouth meant, she also knew that this sentence was definitely not complimenting him. A dim light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"Since you're here, don't even think about being able to go back." Xi Ya looked at Lei Jinyin's head without a trace, revealing the fair skin under her neck, thinking in her heart.

"These two blankets, one for Dad and one for you." Xia left one and handed the other to Lei Jin.

"I don't want it." Lei Jin was fiery, and immediately withdrew his hand. It was a joke. I didn't know it at first, but now I know that these people treat him as a female who can have children and beat him all day long. They, of course, can't accept their flattery, even as far away as possible.

"Why?" Xia frowned. This kind of blanket is soft and comfortable. Females from all tribes like it very much. .

"Why? We're not relatives, so it's nice to live here, how can we still accept gifts." Lei Jin waved his hand and motioned Xia to put away the blanket.

Is this to clear the relationship? Xi Ya narrowed her eyes.

"But don't you think those animal skins **** people? Don't you have red spots on your body?" Xi Ya asked.

"How do you know?" Those places were all wrapped under the clothes, so how could Xia know, is it possible that there is also a see-through eye?

In fact, Xia knew it on the first night. The male orcs of their Leopard clan can see things as clearly at night as in the daytime. That day, when Lei Jin walked out of his room naked, he saw the red dots stabbed on the female's body. , thinking that it should be because of the animal skin, their female's skin is really too delicate, just like their Ah Me, more delicate than most of the females in the tribe.

There is a soft fleece blanket in their house, but it was on Ah-Mei's bed. He couldn't ask for Ah-Mei's. Xia always kept this matter in mind, but it was a hunter in the tribe some time ago, okay? It's easy to get empty this time, so I went to the Feiyu clan with everyone and changed these two blankets, but this female doesn't want it?

"I was negligent about this matter." Seeing that the atmosphere between the two was not right, Roger came up to smooth things out.

"Lei Jin, don't think too much, we really can't compare to their rough skins, those animal skins are nothing to them, and it is really hard for us to bear, this blanket, you can just spread it , I didn't give it to you, if you want to leave that day, you want to take it away, but there is no door." Roger took it from Xia and stuffed it into Lei Jin's arms.

Lei Jin rubbed the blanket in his hand, it was indeed much more comfortable than the animal skin. Although he was a big man, he thought that he shouldn't be so delicate, but it was really uncomfortable to sleep on a layer of thorns every night. Small thorns stuck everywhere.

The two packed their things, and there was still some time before lunch. Xia decided to take advantage of this time to take Lei Jin out for a walk.

The little guy went out with An Luo early this morning. It was rare that he was not around Lei Jin, and Lei Jin was still a little unaccustomed to it.

As soon as he went out, Lei Jin thought, he probably understood what Roger meant by transformation.

It is not so coincidental to smash pie in the sky.

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