These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 27: the way back...

With a cold face, Lei Jin pulled up the trousers that had slipped to his ankles after struggling, but the sticky feeling on his skin made his face as black as the bottom of a pot, Mingya and his things It's still on it, but he only has two sets of clothes, which Roger lent him. One set got wet when he was in the stream. If you take this off, you really have nothing to wear.

Thinking of the animal skin coat that the man gave him when he was still in the mountains, although it was uncomfortable, it could still be taken care of. He washed it at the time and put it under the cabinet. Lei Jin thought of this and stood by without looking at it. The two of them turned out of the bed with bare feet and found it from the closet.

It was expected that the two of them couldn't do anything to him now, so they unbuttoned their shirts and planned to change them here. Lei Jin exploded in anger, thinking that it was a big deal, and although it was definitely impossible to beat, it would not be difficult for the fish to die and the net to break.

The sky was still bright outside the window, and the light hit Lei Jin. His flesh and bones were well-proportioned, his thin waistline, a straight back, and a thin layer of light seemed to shine through his thin skin, and the ambiguous traces of cyan and purple on his neck were even more conspicuous. , Seeing Xi Ya's throat dry for a while.

Xi Ya still remembered the first time she saw them as a female. Actually, he and Mo Ya discovered him earlier than their own younger brother.

Mingya went out alone for the first time when she was an adult. Naturally, she didn't know the dangers in the woods. When she saw the prey, she chased blindly. At that time, when he saw his little brother running into the depths of the woods regardless, he and Moya saw that the direction was wrong. Hurry up to stop it.

Even the oldest members of the tribe cannot tell how this continent came to be, how the various orc tribes came into being. But among the tribes on their continent, there has always been a common mysterious legend. In the depths of the jungle, there is a place where clouds and mists are lingering all year round. Even the Tiger people who have lived in the jungle for a long time dare not approach it easily. The Feiyu clan with the most powerful wings would not fly over the jungle, only the old man in the clan said that every reincarnation year, the thick fog in the jungle will dissipate, and there are people passing by nearby. Orcs can see from a distance that there are towering golden buildings inside, and there are strong and wide cities. Outside the city are broken walls lying in the grass. Some orcs will hear someone singing in the city at night. I heard the tone, the voice is sad, and it floats far away, but I have never seen anyone coming out of it. There are always orcs who are brave and not afraid of death, but none of them came out. Listed as a forbidden area.

Probably the only thing that can come out from that mysterious place is the exceptionally clear river. It disappeared into a swamp not far from the jungle. Where the river disappeared, wormwood grew everywhere, and the branches and leaves were green and translucent. The small white flowers are the kind of herbs he bought from the Feiyu clan last time. Only the Feiyu clan with the lightest wings in the swamp can pick Biai in it.

The small white flowers at the top of Biai are used to change the female's body and increase fertility. The green branches and leaves are mashed, sticky and moist, and are used to lubricate the bed. Improve female physique.

He still remembered that when he was five years old, Mo Ya was less than two years old and had not yet transformed into a human form. The fathers all went out, and then Ah Mo disappeared.

The fathers took him and Moya to the depths of the jungle and chased them. When they reached the edge of the forbidden area, there was only a vague back of Ami in the fog. The fathers called him and he stopped. He went down, but he didn't look back. Dad pinched him and Moya, and they kept crying. The little Moya couldn't breathe. Ah Mei seemed to want to leave, but she couldn't Don't move.

After a while, he turned around and came back, just punching and kicking at the daddy. Then he hugged Moya, hugged him and cried all the time. He still remembered that Ah Mei's tears flowed down his neck. The wind was very cold that night, but Ah Mei's tears were very hot. A-Me cried loudly, it was the first and last time he saw A-Me cry like that.

He leaned back on Daddy's shoulder and walked back, looking up as if to see a fire flashing there.

The night when he got home, he slept in the outhouse with Moya in his arms. All night he heard Ah Ma yelling at his fathers, and then he begged for mercy intermittently in a hoarse voice. When Dad went out, he would always keep one of them by A-Me's side. He didn't know it when he was a child, but now he has understood it. Ah Mei wanted to leave them that time.

The arrival of Lei Jin happened to be a reincarnation year from A-Me. That day they chased the edge of the forbidden area and lost Mingya. The fog in the forest was very thick. Can't see anything either. He and Moya began to worry about whether their little brother had gone to the forbidden area.

Afterwards, the fog on the edge gradually dissipated. Lei Jin appeared in front of him and Mo Ya out of thin air. Dressed very strangely, he just wrapped a white cloth around his waist and wore a pair of white shoes on his feet. He had never seen a female wearing so little and looking so beautiful. At first he thought it was His own hallucination, but seeing Mo Ya's eyes looking in the same direction, he knew that it was not an hallucination, it was a real female appearing in front of them.

The female seemed a little dazed at the beginning, looking around like a lost cub, and then seemed to be suddenly a little annoyed.

They saw a half-sized dragon pig galloping over not far away, Mo Ya was about to get up to save someone, when they saw the female neatly tied a knot on her waist, quickly ran to an ancient tree, grabbed the tree The vine, turned over to the branch in a few seconds.

Later, when the dragon pig hit the tree below, they were no longer worried, because they saw the figure of their little brother on the tree.

However, he couldn't compliment their younger brother's first move when he met a female.

Along the way, they followed behind to see that the female didn't speak their language and seemed to know nothing about Mingya being an orc, so he felt a little strange.

Later, Moya hesitated for a long time before saying, "Brother, do you think he and Ah Mei come from the same world?"

He also had an epiphany in his heart. After all, for so many years, although no one has said it on the face of the family, they still vaguely know that Ah Mei seems to have been picked up by the daddy on the edge of the forbidden area.

At the time Xia was recalling, Lei Jin had already changed his shirt, and the animal skin clothes reached his thighs, and then he took off his pants. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Mingya pouting, staring at him with a thoughtful expression. Dare not to look like.

Mingya moved over carefully, pulled Lei Jin's arm and said, "Mingya's female, Mingya will not dare in the future." Although she didn't know what she did wrong, Mingya's female was angry.

Lei Jin frowned and ducked. Said: "Don't call me that, call me Lei Jin in the future."

Mingya thought to herself, you are obviously our female, why can't you call me, but she still said with interest, "Lei Jin, don't be angry with Mingya."

Lei Jin didn't want to look at him, Mingya carefully tugged at the corner of his clothes.

Lei Jin was so slapped that he couldn't get out of his stomach. His slap was not light, and Mingya's left face was already a little red and swollen. Lei Jin knew that Mingya couldn't be blamed for this matter. He beat him and pinched him. This young man seemed not to be afraid of him at all, and still liked to get close to him.

Lei Jin sighed inwardly, he really didn't know what to do with him, so he said in a wicked voice: "Go get dressed first, and dangle naked in front of my eyes, do you think I didn't fight enough?"

As soon as he spoke, Xi Ya knew that although today's affairs would not end like this, it finally came to an end for the time being.

Only then did I see the clothes on Lei Jin's body. I heard Mingya said that it was given by the male orcs of the tiger clan. It was really unpleasant to the eyes, so I picked out a coat of animal skins from my closet and handed it to Lei. Jin said, "You wear this one of mine, and replace the one you are wearing."

Lei Jin didn't want to pay attention to him now, just gave him a cold look, and didn't intend to take over.

Xia made an excuse and said, "My daddy and the others are all at home, you won't just dress like this, will you?"

Xi Ya drew the length of his clothes, his legs were bare, and most of them were exposed.

Lei Jin just took it over, pointed to the door and said to the two: "You go out first."

Xia took Mingya out. Only then did Lei Jin change his clothes, and Xia's one was really big enough to reach her knees.

Lei Jin threw the changed clothes aside first, thinking about going to sleep and then getting up and washing it.

Lei Jin went back to bed, but when he thought about what happened with Mingya just now, he couldn't sleep peacefully, and the bed still smelled of writing. Thinking that Moya wasn't there next door, he rolled up the fluffy blanket on the bed and went to sleep on Moya's bed.

When Lei Jin woke up, it was already sunset. The room was filled with warm golden sunlight, and people couldn't help but lazily didn't want to move in this golden color. Hearing the movement outside, Lei Jin got up and opened the window.

Mingya, who had turned into a teenager, was washing clothes by the stream. After washing one piece, he put it on the rope in front of the house, and then ran back to the stream to wash the other. The crows flapped their wings and followed Mingya, chatting. Yes, Mingya blushed, she chased and beat the wet clothes while holding the wet clothes in her hands. Lei Jin looked at the clothes on the clothesline with familiar eyes, and when he looked closely, he realized that he had just replaced them today, even close to the body. His shorts have also been washed, and they are fluttering in the wind.

"Mingya." Lei Jin called to him.

"Mingya's female, are you awake?" The clear young man answered quickly, with a smile on his face, and ran towards Lei Jin in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Behind the boy, the sunset is full of sky.

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