The view in front of the house is wide, and there are no shelters. The wind blowing from the grassland is strong, and the sun is good. Mingya's laundry will dry quickly.

Lei Jin intends to change Xi Ya's clothes. The animal skin clothes are heavy, not to mention. The key is that in such a hot weather, it is not breathable. It's comfortable, refreshing and breathable. Although it felt too rough at first, and it hurts when you wear it, it's nothing if you get used to it. In the past, he used to wear all the clothes he picked up from the garbage.

Mingya is now a snow-white little leopard, lying at Lei Jin's feet. Maybe he was tired from doing laundry just now, but now he is lazy, but wherever Lei Jin goes, he still has his stomach on the ground and his four paws. , follow you slowly.

Only when I asked him did he know that Mingya is not yet fully grown. It is said that there is still a ritual that Mingya herself has not experienced. She just heard other orcs say it, and she is half-understood. Tell it to Lei Jin, Lei Jin was confused by what he heard, and simply didn't listen to his miscellaneous explanations. He thought that if Mingya was an adult, if he hadn't left, he would go take a look. Speaking of this little guy since he When I came to this world, I stayed with him all the time. Although I was angry at his deception, I couldn't be angry for a long time looking at his heartless appearance, and when I thought about leaving, I would definitely miss this little guy.

However, it is impossible to be as unsuspecting as before. After all, he now knows that this little guy is not a simple little leopard, but a veritable male orc, but a man who has coveted and has a heart for him. The power overwhelmed his orcs.

In order to avoid unexpected situations, this time Lei Jin changed his clothes and took one directly over Ming Ya's face.

Mingya raised her claws and was about to grab it. Said: "Mingya can't see anything anymore."

"If you take it down, go outside." Lei Jin threatened, thinking that it is just so you can't see it, so you won't cover it if you want to see it.

"Oh." When Mingya heard it, she fell down and asked reluctantly, "When will Mingya take it down?"

"I can only when I'm ready."

"Mingya understands." Big brother said today, Mingya made a mistake, so Mingya has to be obedient. Now their females don't like to do such things. Wait until their females undress themselves and lie on the bed.

The elder brother also said that a good male orc must learn to wait. Mingya licked his paws and said that he felt that elder brother, when he said this, why did he grit his teeth and say that sentence was squeezed out of the teeth .

When Roger came in, Lei Jin happened to tie the last knot.

Mingya kept asking, "Can Mingya take it down?"

Roger glanced at the two of them strangely, not knowing what they were doing, but he didn't want to get involved too much in the things between them, as long as the children didn't do it too much.

"Roger, why are you here? Are you going to have dinner?" Roger rarely comes here. He and Anson Anluo live in the next house.

"Dad." This time Mingya was very clever. Knowing to ask for help with A-Me, I need to call A-Me's favorite name.

Roger really smiled, showing a high degree of affirmation of his youngest son's intelligence, and asked Mingya's words, "What are you doing? The boudoir?"

Roger wasn't afraid to joke about death. Seeing that his younger son was still alive, he had nothing to worry about. He could see that Lei Jin was not such a fussy person. Now that this matter has passed, he will not talk about it in the future.

Lei Jin said with a smile: "Roger, your joke is very cold, don't you know?"

Roger raised his eyebrows and said solemnly, "No one has said this before, I don't know."

"People who have no self-knowledge are the saddest." Lei Jin said...

"People who don't know their own situation are sadder." Roger replied.

"What did you say?" Lei Jin turned around and put the clothes in his hand in the cabinet, not listening to Roger's words clearly.

"It's nothing, you'll find out sooner or later."

"Pretend to be mysterious." Lei Jin spat at him.

"Whatever you say."

"By the way, I'm here to tell you that we'll go out for dinner tonight." Roger squatted down and touched his little son, as if he really wasn't beaten.

"Is there a restaurant here?" Lei Jin asked.

"No, but it's better than a restaurant, because it's free." Roger was quite interested.

"Sounds good." Lei Jin was also intrigued.

"It tastes even better." Before Lei Jin didn't come, Roger looked forward to this day every month, because even if he was no longer picky eaters, he sometimes had enough of Anson Anluo's craftsmanship.

"Ah, today is the same hunting day." Mingya exclaimed.

"Same hunting day? What is it?" Lei Jin was puzzled.

"You'll know when you go." Roger glanced out the window and added, "I think it's almost time, let's go."

Mingya cheered and led the way.

Seeing him like this, Lei Jin said that he was really a child, but he was almost crushed by this child today.

Sure enough, people can't be seen.

An Sen, An Luo and Xia were already waiting at the door. It was still dark, but An Sen still had a torch in his hand, so he might be watching the road when he got home.

This is different from the way Xiya came out last time. Go out the door and keep walking without turning. Lei Jin estimated that it took 20 minutes to walk. He heard a lot of people laughing and playing in the distance. There is singing, very rough, but with a bit of original flavor.

After walking for a few more minutes, my eyes suddenly opened up, similar to a modern square, but much larger than a square, as large as five or six football fields.

Lei Jin thought, as expected, cheap land is good, and everything to be built must be large and wide.

There is a tall building in the middle, and the sky is dark. Lei Jin couldn't see what it was, and it took up a lot of space.

In front of that building, a huge bonfire was lit, and the aroma of various foods came out. Many people were eating around the campfire, and some seemed to be fighting.

Seeing them coming, many people came to say hello.

"Uncle An Sen, Uncle An Luo, Uncle Roger, Xi Ya, Ming Ya, why did you come?" A man with a handsome face ran over very affectionately. Although he was talking to the crowd, he looked at Xi Ya with gentle eyes. can drip water.

But when he saw Lei Jin beside Xia, he couldn't wait to stab him.

What's happening here?

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