These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 51: Lei Jin is saved

Today is the eighth day of entering the jungle. The orcs woke up early in the morning and made a fire to cook. Deep into the jungle.

The morning was as smooth as usual, and a lot of prey was hit. At noon, everyone simply used up the points, because the sky was getting overcast, and they had to rush to the next cave where they could shelter from the rain before it rained.

"Is there something uncomfortable?" Mo Ya saw that his face was always bad today, but Lei Jin avoided the hand that he stretched out without a trace.

"It's okay, just a little tired." Although Lei Jin's body is not bad, it is incomparable to the orcs. He has been running around in the jungle for seven or eight days, exercising a lot, drinking cold water every day, night and night. Sleeping in the clearing in the forest, even if the orcs hunted once, it would be hard to bear it, not to mention Lei Jin, although he was secretly taking care of Xi Ya and Mo Ya, he was physically and mentally exhausted.

"If it doesn't work, the two of us will go behind your back, so don't be brave." Xi Ya came over after hearing the words of the two of them, seeing that his spirit was indeed a little bit worse.

"It's okay, there's only one day left, I can persevere." Seeing that everyone had already started to pack up, Lei Jin also hurriedly stood up from the ground. He might have gotten up too violently, his eyes were dark, and Xia was standing behind him, with quick eyes and quick hands. holding his waist.

"I think we'd better carry you away." Seeing him like this, Xia really didn't seem to be okay.

"It's alright, I don't need any extra care from you." Lei Jin pushed Xiya away, stood up, and picked up the bows and arrows and jerky on the ground.

Xia and Moya probably understood Lei Jin's stubborn temper, and they didn't dare to force it, so they had to watch carefully.

As the patriarch, Anbu had already begun to greet everyone to set off. He could vaguely hear the muffled thunder in the distance. The orcs were relatively familiar with this woodland, and they knew where to avoid the rain, so they began to take the path.

Xia and Moya protected Lei Jin in the middle.

The orc walking in front suddenly stopped, and the three of them walked behind, not knowing what happened. After a while, they heard a reply from the front saying that they had found an injured little dragon bird.

As mentioned in the previous article, the meat of the little dragon bird is very delicious and tender. The females and babies in the tribe love to eat it. Although everyone is in a hurry, they will of course not let go of the injured little dragon bird. The little dragon bird was injured but its claws were abnormally sharp. What if everyone really couldn't take him for a while? Because Xiya and Moya were caught last time, they gave way to the two of them. The weakness of the dragon bird was actually in their tail. Although the dragon bird called a bird, it had no feathers and was naked. There is a long tail dragging at the back. As long as you hold down its tail, the dragon bird has a bad temper and is in a mess, and it is easy to deal with. After everyone listened to Xi Ya's words, some people detoured behind the little dragon bird and took advantage of it not paying attention. , nailed his tail to the ground with sharp wooden thorns, the little dragon bird made a long cry, and finally stopped moving under the combined force of everyone.

Before everyone could be happy, they heard a shrill scream. A huge shadow cut through the trees and swooped down. The speed was very fast, and it was too late for everyone to avoid it.

Moya was the closest to the dead little dragon bird, and the huge bird's claws that rushed down first caught on Moya's shoulders, and the blood flowed like a stream in an instant.

"Moya!" Lei Jin screamed, subconsciously shooting arrows at the eyes of the big dragon bird. Although Lei Jin's arrows have been practiced for a while, they are actually not satisfactory. It's not enough to click, but this time, it has performed exceptionally well. One arrow hit the dragon bird in the right eye. The dragon bird suffered pain, let go of Mo Ya, flapped his wings, and forcibly broke the wooden arrow stuck in the eye. He rushed towards Lei Jin.

"Lei Jin..."

"Lei Jin..."

Xiya and Moya both rushed over, but their flight speed was not comparable to that of the already mad dragon bird. The flight speed of an ordinary adult dragon bird was barely catching up with the people of the Feiyu clan on this continent. superior.

Lei Jin was suffering from pain in his shoulders, and the dragon bird's two huge claws were fastened on his shoulders, flying at a high speed, the wind whistled past his ears, and the jungle gradually disappeared. At the beginning, he also heard Xi Ya and Mo Ya shouted, but the pain slowly spread to the whole body. The blood from the shoulders had wet the clothes of the upper body. Lei Jin's eyes were blurred and he couldn't see clearly. The last thought in his heart was: This is really There is no need to go back, it is estimated that I will explain it here today.

Lei Jin was woken up by the rain, the dragon bird was still flying, the rain was already heavy, Lei Jin lowered his head and looked down. But he knew that if he didn't get rid of the dragon bird in this waters and was caught elsewhere, he would really only have a dead end.

Lei Jin's arms were hanging by his sides, thinking of the knife Moya gave him at that time with a wooden scabbard still attached to his waist. Seeing that the water was about to pass, Lei Jin gritted his teeth and moved his right hand. , pulled out the knife, took his last breath, and stabbed the dragon bird's abdomen fiercely.

The dragon bird let out a long cry and let go of its claws. Lei Jin fell straight from the air and fell heavily into the water. Fortunately, the water was deep enough to avoid hitting the stone. He wanted to swing his limbs twice, but There was no strength left on his body, and a ferocious stream of water poured in from his mouth and nose. Lei Jin's consciousness gradually faded away, but he felt that he was sinking all the time...

When Xi Ao and Mo Ya arrived, they only saw the dragon bird dying by the water. Mo Ya recognized that the knife stuck in its abdomen was the one he gave to Lei Jin at that time, and she already had a bad feeling in her heart. , the two of them didn't care to deal with the dragon bird, they followed the river bank to find it, and found a few pieces of jerky that had been washed to the bank by the water at a place about a hundred meters away from the dragon bird.

Because the heavy rain diluted Lei Jin's taste, and because it fell into the water, no matter how sensitive the orc's sense of smell was, it wouldn't be useful at this time.

Strictly speaking, this is still the area of ​​the jungle. This is a huge group of waterfalls in the jungle. The rivers and lakes are crisscrossed, the water is fast, the dark rivers are densely covered, and the terrain is very complicated. Lei Jin was seriously injured and fell into the water. , the chances of surviving are very slim.

Anson Anluo arrived with a few orcs later. Looking at the situation here, you don't need to ask to understand what happened.

In this situation, everyone else is silent and doesn't know what to say. Someone's partner just disappeared in front of him, which is probably unacceptable. Besides, everyone still likes Lei Jin. An Sen and An Luo are not easy to persuade. But as a child, Dad couldn't help but persuade him.

The always prudent An Sen tentatively opened his mouth and said, "I know the mood of the two of you, but you have also seen the current situation. Lei Jin, he..."

"Dad, don't talk about it. I decided to find Lei Jin, whether it is life or death, I will find him." The pieces of jerky in Mo Ya's hands tightened, her expression firm and unshakable.

"Moya..." An Luo called out to him.

"Father, don't persuade him, I have the same idea as Moya, no matter what, we have to find Lei Jin."

"Xiya, you..."

"Forget it, let them go." An Sen patted An Luo on the shoulder, An Luo sighed, he didn't understand, he came here from that time, even though he was worried that his children could only do this. After all, the children have grown up, and their partner is their responsibility. Moreover, Lei Jin had such an accident to save Moya.

"Go on, we will explain all this to you when we get home. Whether you can't find it or not, you must go home as soon as possible. Don't forget that you are still waiting at home." An Sen is not good at expressing to children Feelings, but the worry and kindness in the eyes can't deceive people.

Xiya and Moya agreed, immediately transformed into animal shapes, and searched downstream along the river, because the river here is connected to the sea, if Lei Jin is washed into the sea, then there is really no hope of surviving.

The two searched for a day and a night, but found nothing on the rubble except for a piece of Lei Jin's clothes. At noon the next day, they came to a fork. The river was divided into two sections so far, and no one knew which side Lei Jin was rushed to, so the two decided to find them separately. Regardless of whether they are found or not, they are still here to reunite a month later. In fact, both of them know in their hearts that if they can't find it within a month, it is estimated that they will never be found.

This morning, in the tiger tribe, the females got up early in the morning and went to the river to fetch water. They saw something floating from the upper reaches of the river. When they got close, they realized that it was actually a female. Just as Jingyue passed by the river, the female hurriedly shouted. live him.

Jingyue jumped into the river without saying a word and rescued the man.

"It turned out to be him." Jing Yue put the person in his arms on the ground, and pulled off the messy hair on his forehead. The face revealed turned out to be the charming face of the leopard orc he met in the jungle last time. female.

"You know him, brother?" Jing Yue's female younger brother Jing Ping asked when he heard his brother say this.

"It's not an acquaintance, just met once." Jing Yue replied.

"Oh, brother, I don't think he's seriously injured. Let's take him to the pharmacist in the tribe as soon as possible."

"En." Jing Yue agreed and hugged Lei Jin, who was unconscious. Run to the pharmacist's house.

The tiger clan's pharmacist, Mu Yue, left Jing Ping to help and drove Jing Yue out. The two worked together to take off Lei Jin's clothes. Jing Ping covered his mouth in surprise. The bruises, the most serious ones, are the blood holes on the shoulders that were caught by something.

"Is there any help? Muyue Pharmacist." Muyue is the pharmacist who just took office in the Tiger Clan. Although she is young, her medical skills are very good, so Jingyue brought Lei Jin directly here.

Muyue didn't answer, she checked it carefully from top to bottom, stopped, and said, "He is very strong, he has been working hard, I will give him medicine first, these bruises are fine, but the injury on his shoulder needs to be treated well. Otherwise, it's hard to say what will happen to these two arms in the future."

Mu Yue gave Lei Jin medicine, and seeing that Lei Jin had no clothes, she found another piece of her own to put on for him, and then greeted Jing Yue to come in. He told him to take good care of him. He had to drink the herbs three times a day, and the medicine on his body should be changed every two days.

"Then when will he wake up?" Jing Yue hugged him carefully, for fear of touching his wound.

"It's hard to say, after all, he was injured so badly, how could he wake up when he woke up." Why is this Jingyue looking so anxious?

"Then I know. I'll ask the last question. Adding Bi Ai Hua in the medicine will not have any effect, right?" Jing Yue asked cautiously.

"Bi Aihua?" Muyue finally knew why Jingyue was so concerned and anxious. It turned out that she regarded others as her own females, but there was indeed a rule among the tribes, whoever found the female first would have the priority to pursue. Of course, the final choice is still in the hands of females, but no one should refuse such a good condition of Jingyue, thinking of this, he said: "Bia Aihua does not conflict with any medicinal properties, you can add it if you want. "

Lei Jin woke up on the evening of the fourth day he came to the Tiger Tribe.

Jing Ping, who had been sleeping in the same room with him, saw the eyelids of the person on the bed moving, and quickly called his brother into the room.

Jing Yue looked at the female on the bed expectantly, his long eyelashes trembled slightly, and finally opened his eyes, the eyes that were once bright as stars still had a hint of tiredness, and his voice was a little hoarse, but it didn't prevent Jing Yue from taking a look. The sentence was clear, and he asked, "Who are you?"

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