These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 52: Find Lei Jin

Jing Yue was overjoyed, but he didn't dare to show it on his face, and asked, "Don't you remember what happened before? Don't you remember who I am?"

Lei Jin really wanted to roll his eyes at him, but he couldn't help himself. He was injured, but not his brain. Of course, he remembered who this person was in front of him. I have a deep memory. This person is the one who met him and Mingya in the jungle and gave him clothes, right?

At that time, he remembered that this person had a conversation, and probably introduced himself, but the situation at that time was: he didn't understand the language, so naturally he couldn't understand it, let alone know who this person was. In the event of an accident, he was the one who saved himself, and he thought that he had to ask clearly this time.

"I remember you, I was asking who you are and what's your name?" Lei Jin's throat was dry, and he said after coughing twice.

"Drink some water first, you've been in a coma for four days." Jing Yue helped him sit up halfway, leaned in his arms, took a stoneware bowl from the wooden table beside him, and handed it to Lei Jin's mouth.

In view of the situation at this time, in fact, this posture is understandable, but Lei Jin still felt very uncomfortable. He wanted to reach out and take the bowl, but he couldn't lift his arm. Is your arm really broken? Lei Jin reluctantly tried two more times.

"How could it be? How could it be like this?" Could it be that he had already fallen into this wild land where birds don't poop, and he still lost his arm? Without basic self-care ability, what will he do in the future?

"Don't worry, your shoulder is seriously injured, but you've already taken medicine. Now you can't move for the time being. It'll be fine after a while. Come, drink the water first." Jing Yue looked at him staring at him. There was something wrong with his arm, and he knew it in his heart, but this female is really surprising. She knew that she might lose her arm, but she just said a few words to herself, and she was so calm. to crash.

In fact, how did he know that Lei Jin was about to collapse, but he was never that hysterical. If two shouts worked, he wouldn't mind shouting ten. He thought to himself, if he lost his arm, he would depend on others for the rest of his life. If he can support him, then he would rather let the dragon bird die at that time.

But now is not the time to give up, what is most needed now is to take good care of the injury, maybe it is just a temporary awareness.

Thinking of this, Lei Jin lowered his head and drank all the water in the bowl with Jingyue's hand. Still feeling thirsty, he unconsciously licked his lips and asked, "Anything else?"

Lei Jin's inadvertent action made Jing Yue's emerald green eyes darken.

"Yes, there is clear water." Seeing that his brother didn't speak, Jing Ping automatically picked up the water jug, shoved his brother lightly, and poured the water into the bowl.

Jing Yue recovered and fed Lei Jin another bowl of water.

"This is the Tiger Tribe, I'm Jingyue, and this is my female younger brother Jingping." Seeing that Lei Jin didn't want to drink any more water, Jingyue handed the bowl to the younger brother who was standing beside him and supported Lei Jin lie down.

"Tiger tribe?" Does that mean the orcs here are all tigers? If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that the orcs in this world could switch freely between humans and beasts.

"My name is Lei Jin."

"Your name is Lei Jin? Which tribe is that?" Jing Ping sat down beside Lei Jin familiarly.

"I don't have a tribe, I'm looking for my way home." Lei Jin's face was cold, and since he left, there is no reason to go back. Besides, he is like this, does Mo Ya take care of him out of guilt? alone?

"No tribe?" Jing Ping thought to himself how could there be a female without a tribe, then how did he survive in the wild, but he saw that Lei Jin was so seriously injured, and he probably encountered something bad, so he pulled Holding Lei Jin's hand, he smiled and said, "Then, before you go home, just live in our tiger tribe. My brother is very strong. He will protect you and won't hurt you. Right, brother?" He had long seen that his brother was interested in others. He came to watch it a dozen times a day, and even brought soup and medicine in person.

"It's just you being smart." Jing Yue scratched the bridge of his brother's nose and said to Lei Jin, "Just stay here and stay at ease. Let's talk about the injury."

Jing Yue thought differently from Jing Ping. After all, he had seen Lei Jin with that leopard clan orc. He said that it should be impossible for the leopard clan orc to hurt his female partner, but Lei Jin was killed by the ferocious dragon bird. It is also an indisputable fact that Lei Jin does not admit that he has an orc companion, which is more beneficial to him, and naturally he will not be stupid enough to point it out.

The three have their own thoughts.

At this moment, Ah Ma Haochen from Jingyue pushed the door into the house with a large bowl of cooked meat and said, "I heard Jingping calling you to wake up just now, how do you feel now, we've all had dinner, here it is for you I cooked some wild boar, will you get up and eat?"

Lei Jin had no appetite at all, but everyone said that it was specially made for him.

As soon as Jing Yue took the meat bowl, he heard his Ah Me say: "Jing Ping, come and feed, Jing Yue and I come out." After saying that, he smiled at Lei Jin and walked out first.

Jing Ping didn't care, let Lei Jin lean on his shoulder, put a small piece of meat into Lei Jin's mouth, and said, "Lei Jin, try it, this is the little wild boar that just came back a few days ago, The meat is fresh and tender, so it's just me and Ah Me eating at home."

Lei Jin took a bite and it tasted good, but as soon as he swallowed it, he felt nauseated. After all, he hadn't eaten anything for four or five days. Now it's meat. There are still some differences in people who grow up with meat.

"Is it delicious?" Jing Ping asked without seeing Lei Jin frowning and swallowing.

Lei Jinqiang nodded while holding back his nausea, he had to eat something to get better faster.

"Then you have another piece." Jing Ping took another piece for him.

Lei Jin opened his mouth, but before the meat reached his mouth, he couldn't help it just by smelling the smell. His entire upper body fell to the side of the bed, and all the meat he ate just now vomited out. Because there was really nothing in the stomach, and I was always nauseated, and at the end of the vomit, I could only spit out a little water.

"Lei Jin, what's wrong with you?" When Lei Jin moved, the bowl in Jing Ping's hand was unsteady, and a bowl of steaming meat and soup was all buckled on Lei Jin's body.

Jing Yue was not far away, but when he heard the movement, he rushed over immediately. Seeing Lei Jin's current situation, he quickly helped him up and asked Jing Ping, who was standing beside him at a loss, "How did this happen?"

"Lei Jin vomited, my hand shook, and..."

"Come and find some of your clothes." He said this to Jing Ping, then looked down at Lei Jin and said, "You have to change your clothes now, do you mind if I stay and help?"

Lei Jin wanted to say that he didn't mind, what would he mind if the two big men helped change clothes, but he suddenly remembered that everyone here treats him as a female. If he said he didn't mind, would he? Let people misunderstand something, just in case, don't.

So Lei Jin shook his head and said, "Just let Jingping help me."

Lei Jin really got it right this time. In the orc tribe, when a female doesn't mind showing her body in front of an orc, she acquiesced to become the orc's partner.

Jing Yue just tried it out. Seeing that Lei Jin didn't agree, and there was nothing to be disappointed about, he went out. He was afraid that Jing Ping was too young to take care of others, so he asked his own Ah Mo to come in and help.

The two helped Lei Jin change his clothes.

"Can't you eat at all?" Haochen asked, he had already heard what Jingping said just now.

"It's a waste of your kindness." After Lei Jin vomited, his spirit became even worse.

"How can I do this?" Haochen stroked Lei Jin's hair, worried.

This person's hand is very warm, like the tenderness that the woman occasionally showed when she was a child. Lei Jin fell asleep again under his strokes.

"Alas..." Haochen sighed, looking at Lei Jin's quiet sleeping face, this child's appearance was indeed attractive, but his arms were crippled, Jingyue and he really became partners, which really worried him. Anyway, let's get this kid better first.

In the blink of an eye, Lei Jin has been in the tiger tribe for more than half a month. In the past half a month, Lei Jin has also met a lot of people. Of course, the Jingyue family is confused but very heartfelt. The kind Jingping, the smart and beautiful Jingyue, their A Ma Haochen, their father is also the patriarch of the Tiger Clan, Kunge, and then there is the pharmacist Muyue.

Jing Yue and Jing Ping took him to Muyue every two days to change the medicine, and they became acquainted with each other.

But his arm was still not good. Mu Yue comforted Lei Jin that there were ingredients in the herbs to relieve pain and anesthesia, but Lei Jin already had a hunch that his arm might really be useless.

He only has a slight sensation now, and he can swing it back and forth twice, but no matter how big the movement is, it will not work, especially lifting it upwards, it is simply impossible.

He remembered what he had overheard in the morning.

Jing Yue accompanied him to change the medicine, and when he came to the door, Jing Yue said that he forgot to tell Mu Yue something, and turned back.

Lei Jin waited outside for a while. Seeing that Jingyue hadn't come out yet, he wanted to go over and tell him that he could go first, but when he got to the door, he heard Jingyue say, "Is there really nothing I can do? "

The following is the voice of Mu Yue, and I heard him say: "You also saw that the wound on Lei Jin's shoulder was injured by the sharp claws of the dragon bird, and it seemed that he was caught for a long time, and then soaked in water, I've tried several herbs for him these days, none of them work very well, and there's nothing I can do about it."

"Is his arm just crippled like this?" Lei Jin couldn't see Jing Yue's expression, but he could hear the worry in his mouth.

"Why, I don't want it anymore when my arm is abolished? Who was the one who had to be the beastman's companion?" Mu Yue sneered.

"How could I do that? You clearly know that I like him." Mu Yue's words seemed to hurt him, and Jing Yue shouted the last sentence loudly.

"Talk to Lei Jin if you have the ability, don't talk to me here."

What if it's really broken? Lei Jin is now sitting alone under the pergola in the yard. A few radishes were planted in the yard, and Haochen built a pergola.

No, he must not admit defeat like this. In modern times, he has seen people who are not disabled in their legs can resume walking through reconstruction and non-stop practice?

Lei Jin stood up from the chair, slowly swinging his arms back and forth.

"1, 2, 3, 4...142,143...hiss..." The swing was so big that the pain caused cold sweat to break out on his head.

"Lei Jin, what's the matter with you? Why are you sweating profusely?" Jing Yue raised his hand to wipe him naturally. In these days, because of his arm problems, he was used to the family's help from time to time. But when he heard Jingyue's words in the morning, he thought it was better to keep a distance.

Lei Jin took two steps back and smiled: "It's okay, it's just a little hot."

"It's a little hot today, maybe it's going to rain again." Jing Yue didn't seem to notice anything unusual about Lei Jin.

"I noticed that it's raining a lot here."

"Maybe our tribe is close to the sea?" Jing Yue could only think of this possibility.

"You mean the sea?" No wonder he seemed to hear the sound of the waves these nights, and he thought it was his own illusion.

"Go down from the mountain, if it's a female, it will take a long time to walk to the beach." Seeing that Lei Jin was interested in this, Jing Yue told him about it.

"That's really close." The orc's words should have arrived with a few **** of his wings.

"Then I'll take you to Berg another day."

"Beg?" Who is this?

"Beg is my good friend, and he is from the mermaid race." Maybe take Lei Jin out to relax, and his injury can heal faster.

"You mean mermaid?" The world is really full of wonders.

"Mermaid? But Berg is a male mermaid, but he looks pretty good. You'll know when you see him, but he's a romantic ghost, you have to be careful of him."

There was nowhere to go at night. Lei Jin lay down early and went to sleep. He and Jingping shared a room with two beds. I heard that Jingyue and Jingping used to live in this room when they were children. Later, Jingyue grew up. He moved out, and only Jing Ping was left in this room. Lei Jin's arrival made Jing Ping very happy. At one point, he wanted to sleep with Lei Jin in the same bed, but Hao Chen, who was familiar with his sleeping appearance, stopped him.

Tonight, Shang Jingping went to another female little brother's house. Without his rambling before going to bed, only Lei Jin himself was rarely quiet.

But the waves of pain in his arm really made him unable to sleep, the pain piercing his heart. It may be that I overworked this afternoon.

Pain is better than no feeling, Lei Jin comforted himself.

At this time in the courtyard, Haochen and Jingyue sat opposite each other.

"I think Lei Jin ate very little today, what happened to his arm?" Haochen asked.

"Mu Yue said there was no way out. I think he was in a cold sweat this afternoon from the pain." Jing Yue said, but he kept trying to be brave. It seems that getting along these days still can't eliminate his defensiveness.

"Ah, I'm a little worried, I'll go see if he's asleep?"

Haochen nodded in agreement.

Before Jingyue entered the door, he heard Lei Jin's heavy breathing. Lei Jin's bed was facing the window. Under the bright moonlight, Lei Jin's clothes were messy and his body was twisting uncomfortably. The flushing was hot, and Jing Yue knew that this was the reason for Bi Ai Hua. Bi Ai Hua not only transformed the female's body, but also had an aphrodisiac effect on the female. Lei Jin had taken it in the Leopard Tribe before, so logically, he wouldn't have such a strong reaction. How could this be?

How did he know that Lei Jin had never taken it at all.

Lei Jin was confused by the pain in his shoulders and the heat in his body, but he vaguely felt that there was someone beside the bed, and those green eyes in the dimness were very familiar.

"Moya, Moya..."

"What did you say?" Jing Yue saw that his mouth was open and closed, and he was shouting something vaguely. He couldn't help but leaned closer, getting closer and closer, seeing that he was about to kiss him, he could hear Lei Jin clearly. the words said.

"Moya, it hurts..."

Xia searched day and night for more than half a month, and almost collapsed. Every time she thought of Lei Jin, she was lying somewhere waiting for him to rescue him. How could he eat and sleep safely? There are two main tributaries, but there are many small water systems connected to the tributaries. He can't let go of each one, for fear that he will miss it like this, but every day is more desperate than the day before. He actually knows that more than half a month has passed. , If Lei Jin was not rescued, there would be no hope of surviving at all.

What if Lei Jin dies? Xi Ya didn't dare to think about it, nor did she allow herself to think like that.

Before the last moment, A-Mei said that the outcome is often not known until the last moment, so he must persevere.

This is the last hope, Xi Ya stands in front of the valley where the tiger tribe is located.

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