Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 894: Didn't come back all night

Chapter 894 didn't come back overnight

Jiang Chi said: "You go to sleep, I will go downstairs and have a look, and say that a man with a heart attack has suddenly fallen ill. I will let you go now."

"Oh." Gu Xiang hugged the pillow and looked at him.

I almost forget that I married a very dedicated doctor.

Jiang Chi raised his head and glanced at her, and said, "Sorry."

He knew Lao Du, if he hadn't had to, he would definitely not make this call to himself.

Gu Xiang smiled, "Go ahead."

After being with him, she has become accustomed to many things.

Since she chose him as a person, she would naturally support everything about him.

After all, love is never just talking about it.

It is the tolerance and consideration of two people in life.

Jiang Chi quickly left the room, and Gu Xiang lay back on the bed, put on half of his clothes, and buried himself in the sheets.

I was very tired today, and soon fell asleep.

After Jiang Chi went downstairs, he went to the hospital...

In the morning, when Gu Xiang went out for breakfast, he saw that the patient’s father was holding his hand and said, “Thank you, San Ye. I really thank you last night. Without you, my son would not know what would happen So, I’m really sorry to interrupt your wedding night."

Jiang Chi said, "It's okay, go ahead."

After the other party finished speaking, when he saw Gu Xiang, he held Gu Xiang's hand and apologized to Gu Xiang.

Gu Xiang asked about the situation and walked to Jiang Chi's side.

Jiang Chi had already sat down at the dining table.

Jiang Chi looked at Gu Xiang who was sitting down, leaned over, pressed her on the chair, and kissed her, his eyes were all apologetic, "Sorry."

Although I have promised her more than once, I will put her first and work is not that important.

But when encountering things, I really couldn't help it.

Gu Xiang looked at the man in front of him and asked, "Why are you sorry?"

"I just feel sorry for leaving you alone in the room on the wedding night."

Gu Xiang raised his head and hugged his arm. "If you don't even do what you should do to be with me, I will look down on you. Husband, you are awesome."

This sentence comes from the heart.

Gu Xiang found that since being with Jiang Chi, he has become a lot brave.

I am also used to putting my own responsibility and responsibility first.


Jiang Chi listened to her, raised the corner of his mouth, and asked, "Did you sleep well?"

"I don't know how good it is to sleep without you."

"Oh, the young couple got affectionate in the morning." When the two were talking, Cheng Jing suddenly came over and joked.

Gu Xiang raised his head and saw that Jiang Lin was also there. The three of them came down together.

This scene was extremely embarrassing, Gu Xiang pushed Jiang Chi, Jiang Chi let her go, and greeted Cheng Jing and Jiang Lin, "Big Brother, Sister-in-law, morning."

Cheng Jing said: "I knew your eldest brother and I would come here later."

Jiang Yuze was aside, covering his eyes with his little fingers.

Gu Xiang covered his face with his hands, wishing to hide under the bed.

Jiang Lin didn't say anything.

But the more he kept silent, the more embarrassed Gu Xiang became.

Cheng Jing looked at Gu Xiang's appearance, and smiled: "I'm kidding you, you're so shy, don't you know that your sister-in-law likes to make jokes?"

Gu Xiang said: "Morning."

Cheng Jing said, "I just sent my family away. By the way, Jiang Chi, you really went to the hospital last night?"

Jiang Chi nodded, "Yes."

"You really did it, leaving your wife in the wedding room alone."

(End of this chapter)

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