Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 895: They are going on their honeymoon

Chapter 895 They are going to spend their honeymoon

Jiang Chi said, "So, don't you just apologize as soon as you come back?"

He glanced at Gu Xiang and took his hand.

Cheng Jing laughed.

Mother Jiang interjected from the side: "That is, Xiangxiang is good at talking, so she doesn't mind you. If you change yourself, you can see others ignore you."

Jiang Chi said, "Oh...I just married someone back, so I have no status right now, am I?"

Gu Xiang smiled and spoke for him, "Because of the emergency, there is no way, I have forgiven him."

Mother Jiang said: "You can't be so used to it in the future, you have to learn a lesson."


When several people were talking, Jiang Feng also brought Nini and Bai Wei over.

Nini rushed over and called everyone one by one.

Jiang Feng took Bai Wei to sit down and asked, "Are Dad and Grandpa?"

"Your dad is going to pick up grandpa, he's about to come down." Mother Jiang replied, her eyes fell on Bai Wei.

This is all a family, Jiang Feng brought Bai Wei over, obviously, he regarded Bai Wei as the rhythm of the family.

Gu Xiang looked at Bai Wei and said, "Wei Wei."

She and Bai Wei are good friends. Regardless of whether the Jiang family likes Bai Wei or not, they will take the initiative to greet Bai Wei.

Mother Jiang thought that Gu Xiang had just married Jiang Chi, and today was the first day, and she didn't say anything.

Bai Wei sat next to her second brother, chatted with Gu Xiang casually, glanced at her mother Jiang, who was looking at her, and stopped talking.

She still remembered those words last night, and she also knew what kind of existence she was in the eyes of Mother Jiang.

It didn't take long for Dad Jiang to accompany his grandfather down.

As soon as he showed up with his grandpa, the Jiang family stood up.

Grandpa saw Gu Xiang at first sight, "Xiang Xiang."

Gu Xiang finally married Jiang Chi, which is equivalent to a wish for anyone in the Jiang family.

Gu Xiang said: "Grandpa."

She helped grandfather and let him sit down, and then the family began to eat.

Because I knew that Bai Wei was Gu Xiang's friend, Bai Wei had also eaten at Jiang's house before, and Grandpa didn't care much about it.

Bai Wei was eating, and Mother Jiang was sitting aside, always feeling like a big tiger sitting beside a little white rabbit.

In addition, the words of Mother Jiang yesterday are still in her mind, vividly...

She sat aside, watching Gu Xiang being taken care of by the Jiang family, knowing that Gu Xiang was a special existence.

As for himself, it is impossible for him to be like Gu Xiang in this life.


After eating, the Jiang family sent away the last batch of guests, and after handling the affairs of the hotel, they went back separately.

Gu Xiang stood in front of Bai Wei and said, "Me and Jiang Chi are going to go out for two days."

Jiang Chi's wedding leave is not long, and now he can't go abroad, so the two plan to play in China for a few days.

He also took ten days off.

Bai Wei said, "Go. I finally got married. I will take Dr. Jiang to go around now. When I come back, there may be many babies in my stomach."

Gu Xiang listened to her and said with a smile: "It's all right then."

The second brother has let Nini get into the car.

The two are waiting for Bai Wei.

Gu Xiang didn't drag her to talk more, and let her get in the car.

Before Bai Wei got into the car, she turned her head and glanced at Gu Xiang. Seeing Gu Xiang looking at her, she raised the corner of her mouth.


"Weiwei." In the car, Jiang Feng glanced at Bai Wei who was in a daze, and called her back from his thoughts.

Bai Wei looked at her second brother and asked, "What?"

"What are you thinking about?" Jiang Feng asked curiously: "You didn't hear you after calling you several times."

(End of this chapter)

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