This Clueless Hero

Chapter 165 - Chaotic Battle

There was a lot of yelling.

The red half of a skeleton was accusing us of taking away Amy.

"I won't let you kill her!"

The blue half of a skeleton was proclaiming something about the price of cheating death and how he had to kill Amy.

"This price is too much! It's too much!"

As for Amy, the necklace, it continued to shriek, exclaiming that everyone had killed her child.

"You! You killed my child!"

Osric furrowed his brows.

"What is happening to the terrain?"

The room was continuously expanding, almost like it was alive. I turned to Leon.

"Are you able to stop that?"

Leon furrowed his brows.

"I am fighting two forces over the authority of this earth. Though the biggest problem is that there appears to be some sort of mark on the terrain around us, making it prefer the manipulation of the two forces."

I blinked a few times.


Leon shook his head.

"Imagine a dog that has gotten attached to a person. Although it isn't impossible to win the favor of that dog, it will prefer the person it has already established a connection with."

I nodded, then pointed forwards.

"So that massive boulder coming straight for us isn't because of you, but the two skeletons."

Leon looked to where I was pointing and nodded as well.

"Yes, that is the case."

The boulder rapidly filled the entirety of my vision, making the entire place seem dark. I was about to teleport out of the way, but saw that Leon had acted.

Mana coalesced around his body before transforming his staff into an overly long spear. Leon lunged forward before stabbing at the boulder in front.

A deep boom resounded.

Leon directly pierced through the boulder, shattering it into several pieces. Those pieces landed at our feet, scattering across the place.

At the same time, a massive thunderbolt snaked towards Osric. However, it only made him scoff. He flicked his sleeve sending out his own thunderbolt.

With a crash, the two collided together, sending out volatile sparks into the air.

The red half of a skeleton began letting out groans of pain. It pointed its finger at Osric, shooting out a giant beam of water.

Osric simply raised an eyebrow and held up his sleeve. It collided against his arm, splashing water everywhere. However, it wasn't able to cause any significant damage.

That was when the red light from the paper glowed a little bit brighter. Suddenly, lightning snaked across the beam of water.

It was so fast that Osric didn't have any time to react.

He immediately let out a cry of pain. Lightning zapped across his body from the beam of water and wreaked havoc on his body. Within the pain and lightning, Osric narrowed his eyes.


Large amounts of mana gathered around his body before exploding in the form of his own lightning. Now, thick lightning bolts snaked across his body, occasionally discharging onto the floor below him.

This lightning overwhelmed its counterpart and rapidly traveled down the beam of water. The red half of a skeleton was assaulted with its own attack. Arcs of lightning jumped across its body violently, almost like they were alive and had malicious intent.

...But the skeleton simply stood there, unaffected.

Unfortunately for Osric, the skeletons were immune to lightning. He furrowed his brows upon realizing this and cursed under his breath.

As for the blue half of a skeleton and the necklace, they were also having a fight of their own, adding to the already chaotic situation.

The blue half of a skeleton shot out several beams of water, along with a thunderbolt. As for the necklace, it shot out a black mass. The moment it came in contact with all those magical abilities, it made them disappear. The blue skeleton shot to the side, dodging the black mass before it hit.

Then, it began to float in the air.

Originally, there wouldn't have been far to fly up to, but even at this moment, the roof was getting higher and higher. The skeleton flew up fifty meters in the air and began gathering mana.

In that time, the black necklace picked up the dagger on the floor. The black mass wrapped around the dagger and sent it straight towards the blue half of a skeleton.

In response, the skeleton made a pulling gesture with his hand towards the wall. Then, a pillar of earth burst out and blocked the path of the dagger.

A loud crash ensued.

Although the pillar was not small by any means, the dagger seemed to hold too much power. It crashed straight through, splitting the pillar in two. At the edges of where the pillar was cut, decay rotted across the edges.

The blue half of a skeleton seemed to sense imminent danger. Gales of wind gathered around its body before it shot to the side. However, the dagger simply shifted trajectories to continue following after it.

Their speeds were relatively similar, thus they ended up chasing each other for a while.

While this was happening Leon looked at me.

"Can your ability to nullify magic affect them?"

I shrugged my shoulders

"I can try."

I commanded the crystal to move the red half of a skeleton. It was currently shooting a beam of water towards Osric and didn't care about the crystal.

Then, once it entered within its range, both the beam of water and lightning disappeared.

The red skeleton's gaze snapped to me. Then, it leaped off the floor and flew up into the sky. I tried to command my crystal to follow it, but the red skeleton was simply faster.

Leon furrowed his brows.

"Did you not nullify his magic?"

I narrowed my eyes as I looked up at the red skeleton.

"I did."

Leon frowned.

"...Then how is it able to fly?"

I shook my head.

"The origins of that ability isn't some sort of magic. I can't stop it."

Leon clicked his tongue.

"Resurrected beings are quite strange, it seems."

He twirled the spear in his hand, then when it stopped twirling, it became a staff once more.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"So I guess we have to kill them the old fashioned way if we want to get out, right?"

Leon shut his eyes.


Suddenly, he sank into the ground below, almost like it was water instead of solid stone. My initial thought was Leon wanted to stop the expansion of the room, but it simply continued.

As I wondered about his intentions, a massive hand of earth burst out of the ground, reaching towards the red skeleton. The red skeleton looked down and noticed this. It quickly raised its hand before bringing it down.

Then, a massive earth spike shot out from the roof, tearing through the air.

A thunderous crash resounded.

The earth spike pierced through the massive hand, but the hand simply continued upwards. Seeing this, the red skeleton attempted to fly out of the way.

But the hand was simply too large.

I noticed that within the hand's grasp was a tiny gap. From that gap, I could see a glowing red piece of paper. It seemed like Leon was waiting for me to attack it.

Without delay, I raised my wooden stake, pointing it towards the glowing red spot. As it was pretty far away, it would take some time for me to charge up my teleport.

The space around me began to distort like it was being twisted.

My eyes widened while my pupils constricted.


The air was knocked out of my lungs. Something smacked hard into me, not only interrupting my teleportation, but sending my body catapulting to the side. I slammed into the wall, sending shattered rocks into the air.

As my vision cleared, I saw what it was that crashed into me.

The blue skeleton. The dagger was still chasing after it, but the skeleton was looking at me dead in the eyes.

"Price... Price for death. You cheated death."

My eyes narrowed.

Did this thing somehow find out I died before? But how?

The blue skeleton charged towards me, not caring about the dagger coming straight towards its back.

My initial instinct was to dodge, but I decided to try something. Large amounts of lightning coalesced around the blue skeleton's hand. Then, it shot out towards my heart.

I grabbed onto the skeleton's hand.

The skin of my hand immediately burnt off. As for the skeleton, it still did not give up on trying to pierce through my heart. I used all of my strength to push it back, but the flesh of my hand kept burning off before I could get any real traction.

As such, the hand was slowly getting closer to my heart.

Both of our hands were trembling violently. The lightning coursed through my entire body, damaging it and forcing my muscles to tense up. Naturally, it hurt.

But I've been through worse.

The corner of my lip turned up.

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