This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 133: 0 meters

"If you are a mere general, there should be no need to use that mysterious weapon."


The pulling force of the chain matches the extension of the black chain sword.

The two special effects of the Black Chain Sword form a simple combo.

Plus a sense of meaning.

In terms of strength, it already has a certain degree.

But when this attack was all applied to the skin surface of General Bone Hammer, there was a metal impact! It's the sound of metal squeezing each other!

It was as if two forces were competing against each other.

The Black Chain Sword is still faithfully executing the extended order, but it has not been able to break through the front. Instead, the force is reversed on Fang Yi.

Fang Yi did not retreat, but increased his strength, and suddenly the two forces were all concentrated on the Black Chain Sword itself.

From a distance, I can see that the blade of the black chain sword has gradually turned into an arch.

In the front is the general bone hammer that it cannot pierce, and in the rear is Fang Yi, which continuously exerts power.

Extending special effects and aura, as a driving force, the final result is almost predictable.

Crack clap!

The black Buddha-shaped bone hammer general has cracks in the wounded part of his chest.

Obviously, the black chain sword is breaking through little by little, but before breaking through the skin protection of General Bone Hammer, I am afraid it will break into two pieces in one step!

"Going further, I'm afraid I really need to use that secluded weapon in advance. Anyway, it's almost the test, at this level, the body of gold!"

The golden light shines through.

This power is like a golden flame, spreading along the black chain sword, and rushing directly to General Bone Hammer!



The black chain sword, which was still arched just now, suddenly straightened, and pierced the chest of General Bone Hammer on the spot.

The black skin and flesh, like encountering a natural enemy, became as fragile as paper!

Looking at the blood hole the size of a fist in his chest, General Bone Hammer's face was full of astonishment.

"What power is this?"

Fang Yi did not answer him, but glanced in a certain direction very far away, and then closed his eyes, silently swiping up the black chain sword piercing his chest!

There is a dim golden light remaining in the air, forming a straight line from bottom to top.

The golden light dissipated, and the upper body of General Bone Hammer was also divided into two at the same moment!

"Master Bone Hammer!"

The troops under the Bone Hammer changed their expressions and launched a desperate and crazy offensive.

The encirclement formed by the first team and the second team suddenly shrunk by a third.

But they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Because of their trump card, they won!

"No! Wait! General Bonehammer's body is moving?! It's not dead yet!"

Not really dead yet.

At the moment when everyone was distracted, General Bone Hammer, who only had the upper body left, suddenly retreated!

"Want to go?"

The benefits of the 100-meter black knife are reflected at this moment.

You don't even need to move. Before General Bone Hammer had left the 100-meter range, Fang Yi slashed straight down!

Can't escape the attack range of this knife!

The experienced bone hammer general realized this for the first time.

His heart sank, and he roared, "Bone Forest Domain!"

As soon as the voice fell, General Bone Hammer's body suddenly shook violently.

Countless bones fell down, as if a rain of bones had fallen.

At the same time, Fang Yi's slash also precisely cut through the black skin, completely splitting General Bone Hammer's body into two.


Corpses and bones fell to the ground, but the source of power did not appear.

"Is the body transferred?"

Fang Yi thought of the time when General Bone Hammer's upper body was split in two, the cut should have already determined the outcome.

At that time, Fang Yi still hadn't figured out why he missed.

But now, he understood.

"Is the Bone Forest Domain body hidden in the Bone Forest below? As a general, this type of domain is really useless."

Below him, what was just a small pile of bones just now had turned into a forest of bones.

Countless bones make up the ground soil.

The bone tree composed of straight hand bones rose from the ground.

Roughly counted, there are nearly a thousand bone trees.

On top of each bone tree, there is General Bone Hammer.

One of them even smiled coldly.

"It doesn't matter how you win, what matters is who is the last winner! I've already seen your strategic intentions, don't you understand? Hei Zhan, you've already lost! Even if you can run tonight, Your troops will also be wiped out!"

The bone forest suddenly appeared below, completely submerging the first and second teams.

The so-called encirclement has become a joke.

"As expected of Master Bone Hammer!"

"This is the bone forest field of Lord Bone Hammer! Once this move is used, Hei Zhan can't tell which one is the real body, standing in an invincible state!"

"General Xun's support troops are already here, and Hei Zhan's action tonight is equivalent to throwing himself into the net!"


The headless knight, the leader of a team, finally got out of the soil of the bone forest.

But his team was still trapped in the soil of the Bone Forest.

In the distance, the Azabu monster, who is also a captain, is struggling desperately and has not yet escaped.

Looking around, General Bone Hammer's troops had already surrounded them.

In the last second, he thought that he would act tonight and win a big victory.

I didn't expect that the next second, I would encounter such a blow.

The power of the commander is indeed terrifying.

"Master Hei Zhan's action failed, you retreat first!"

"Retreat? Hahaha! I think you are running away with your tail between your hands? Black Slash, does it really matter? Let all your subordinates be buried here? Just a bare commander, do you think there will be no kings?"


The voice of General Bone Hammer stopped abruptly.

The bone frame that he just spoke was directly pierced by a 100-meter black knife, and it was smashed to pieces.

strength, weakened.

Fang Yi turned around slowly.

On the other side, General Bone Hammer, who was also standing at the top of the Bone Tree, suddenly spoke.

"Don't you think that what you just killed was the real body? It's useless! In the vast ancient forest, you can't find my body at all!"

"The real body? What nonsense are you talking about."

Placing the 100-meter black knife horizontally, Fang Yi attached most of the aura in his body to it.

"That kind of thing, you don't need to look for it at all!"


The black knife instantly soared to a length of one kilometer!

Do not!

The body of the black knife is still only 100 meters long.

It's a ghost!

The quiet energy almost turned into an entity, expanding the length of the black knife to a kilometer range!

All the avatars of General Bone Hammer showed a look of astonishment.

The Bone Hammer troops attacking below all stared blankly at the sky and stopped.

The scene was suddenly eerily quiet.

A shuddering sense of depression filled the audience.

The only sound at the scene was the bone hammer generals on the bone tree.

"No, impossible!"

"What the **** is that?"

"What a terrifying amount of ghostly energy. This is definitely not the total amount of ghostly energy that a secluded general can possess! Black Who the **** are you!"

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