This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 134: black moon

Fang Yi glanced under his eyes indifferently, and waved the black knife of 1000 meters directly!

"Black Moon!"

Thousands of black knives, draw a perfect full moon.

In an instant, half of the Bone Hammer General's clones were all cut off.

At the same time, a black hurricane suddenly took shape.

Inhale all the bones in the Bone Forest Domain and grind them into powder!

"no no!!"

This time, Fang Yi actually heard the screams of General Bone Hammer and the original power that should have been obtained long ago.

"Ghost Scale Art: One Thousand Layers!"

"Special effects: ghost scales, ghost scale domain, ghost scales in one!"

Huh? There is a new special effect?

Fang Yi's heart moved slightly, but he didn't intend to use it for the time being.

It is safer to test new special effects first, and then put them into actual combat.

In addition to beheading General Bone Hammer, Black Moon also sucked up the first and second teams, as well as members of the nearby Bone Hammer unit.

Fortunately, the hurricane of the Black Moon is under control, so the first team and the second team did not receive any damage, but they twisted all the hostile personnel into **** meat sauce, and dyed the black hurricane bloody.

This move consumes a lot of money, and at the same time, its lethality is actually inferior to the black wheel slash that needs to be perfectly matched.

However, it is very effective when used in such a situation that requires clearing the field.

All the members of the first team and second team were put down, and the blood-colored hurricane gradually subsided.

Take out the fireworks that have been prepared, and look up to the sky to launch.


In the night sky, a bright big character suddenly flashed.


The mission goal is achieved, the whole army retreats!

The captains of the first team and the second team, after understanding the situation, immediately adjusted the team formation, with Fang Yi as the center, to break out.

This time, there was not much resistance.

Because the members of the Bone Hammer Army were still shocked by the death of General Bone Hammer, they had no gods for a long time.

"Lord Bone Hammer, he really lost."

"No, I don't believe it! Lord Bone Hammer was killed by Black Slash before he even performed his famous stunt, Bone Hammer Falling Star. This is an unfair duel!"

Bone hammer falling star?

Fang Yi remembered the information about General Bone Hammer that he had investigated.

Remember that this trick is to use a huge bone hammer hundreds of meters in size to smash the enemy.

It is estimated that the bones in the bone forest field are combined into a bone hammer to carry out a powerful blow.

However, in that case, the number of bone clones will be reduced by more than half, and I am afraid that they will be killed by themselves before they can make a move.

So it's not that General Bone Hammer didn't use this trick, but he didn't dare to use it!

Break through the siege of the Bone Hammer troops and rush outside the barracks.

Looking from a distance, in all directions, all are densely packed with small black spots, rushing towards this side non-stop.

Without any plans to join up with other troops, Fang Yi directly directed his subordinates to charge in the direction of the few black spots.

This is a blitzkrieg.

After the strategic goal was achieved, the remaining troops naturally dispersed and fled.

Fang Yi had already prepared for the loss of troops as much as he could escape.

"Dongmen Black Slash!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in the distance.

Looking at the source of the sound, an ugly girl with a long-shaped knife on her back was flying towards this side rapidly.

Long knife girl?

Fang Yi was slightly taken aback.

The surrounding subordinates shouted in surprise.

"It's the lieutenant!"

"I must have seen the signal and came to support our retreat!"


The long knife girl fell to the ground, and directly smashed the surrounding enemies into pieces.

very hostile

The members of the first team and the second team suddenly stopped talking.

Rao was his own, and when he saw such a brutal way of fighting, he was a little nervous.

"How did you come?"

Fang Yi took a step forward.

The long knife girl looked at the meaning below indifferently.

Did you solve the high-level secluded general without a lot of injuries? It seems that this guy is not perfunctory, and there is a real possibility of successfully assassinating the secluded king.

The long knife girl still doesn't believe Fang Yi's rhetoric of frontal beheading, but judging from Fang Yi's current strength, assassination should have a chance.

Different from the complicated thoughts in her heart, the long knife girl just left a sentence: 'You are too slow. ’ Just rushed to the front of the team and opened the way.

A secluded general opened the way, and the marching speed of the troops suddenly increased a grade.

"Is it too slow?"

Although Fang Yi and General Bone Hammer fought fiercely, it actually didn't take long, only about five minutes before and after.

It is mainly a preliminary test, and it takes a little more time.

Confirm that you can kill with one hit, and then you can really make a full shot.

An hour later, Fang Yi and his men successfully escaped from the territory of the Jueyou Army.

Scattered and chasing troops continued to pursue.

But they are basically not enough to form combat power. They are all tracking troops like scouts, and they don't have much combat power.

The loss of troops in this battle still needs to be sorted out before we know it.

But Fang Yi is not worried about this issue.

This blitz has two purposes.

The first one is to kill the ghost generals and completely pile up the ghost scale skills to the full level.

The second is to propose to King Lin Wu to integrate the troops and launch a general offensive through the achievements of the blitzkrieg.

Relying only on the hands of King Lin Wu's alms and the recruited subordinates, it is really weak.

If he has an army of the same size as the other generals under King Linwu, he doesn't need a blitzkrieg at all, he can just run over it head-on, and he can even use the backup to direct this strategic location and fight a protracted battle.

After all, the competition for high-end combat power is overwhelming here.

It's just that there is a huge gap between mid-level and low-end combat power.

Fang Yi's aura and physical strength are limited.

Killing the enemy generals is no problem, but if you want to occupy that area, you need to face the endless army of absolute soldiers. Without a large number of troops to assist, you will be exhausted sooner or later.

If King Lin Wu agrees to his suggestion.

Then Fang Yi will completely intensify the war within a month and let people mobilize.

Try to win this war as much as possible, kill King Jueyou, or let King Lin Wu not have many available manpower.

In either case, he can perform the final killing plan!

"Dongmen drunk, it's a bit strange."

Just when Fang Yi thought of this, the long-knife woman suddenly approached and lowered her voice.

"What's weird?"

"Don't you think that those chasing soldiers are tracking the direction too accurately?"

Fang Yi frowned.

It seems so.

There is already a very long distance away from the barracks of the Jueyou army.

At the same time, all the people who were tracked down were all beheaded very cleanly.

Theoretically, the tracking troops are killed again and again, and the clues should show a certain degree of fault.

It is theoretically very difficult to track the precise direction again.

After all, Fang Yi's troops did not walk in a straight line.

But every time it is tracked, it will immediately change direction.

Even they themselves are not sure which direction to go next time, where is it heading?

Why does Jueyou Army's tracking troops, UU Reading find them accurately every time.

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