This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1 Xiao Zhi

Xiao Zhi threw himself on the bed, stared at the ceiling with blank eyes, his heart felt stuffy and uncomfortable.

He was broken in love, and had a serious relationship with him for 6 months. He thought that he could achieve a positive result, but it ended without a problem.

He was broken up, and the other party raised it so abruptly that Xiao Zhi was caught off guard.

Xiao Zhi once tried to redeem, let go of his dignity to restore, he did not hesitate to humble his dignity into the dust, but the other party's attitude was very firm, and there was no possibility of redemption.

The reason given was that when I was with him, I felt less and less feeling, because of this, we owe each other nothing, and each is well.

well? The other party might be fine, but Xiao Zhi only felt uncomfortable.

It is now the third day after he broke up with him, and he still feels depressed and his chest is tight.

He has given his heart to this relationship. However, in this world, the more he gives his heart, the more he loses.

There is a saying circulating on the Internet: "There is a kind of boy who doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, doesn't play hard, doesn't play disco, has a good temper, and responds to messages in seconds. Even for girls, he can give everything, regardless of everything. In the past I think this kind of boy should be very attractive to girls. I didn't realize until now that this kind of boy is the least cherished. '

Xiao Zhi never thought that these words would actually be fulfilled in his body.

Xiao Zhi, male, 27 years old, 173 cm in height, handsome in appearance, graduated from an ordinary Xia Guo undergraduate university, a full-time writer, with a monthly income of 10,000.

Because work is different from other jobs in the traditional sense, and time and space are relatively free, Xiao Zhi did not choose to stay in the big city, but returned to Xicheng, the small county where he was born.

Xiao Zhi in the past was a relatively homely type of person. As long as he was given a computer and a mobile phone, if he had nothing else to do, he could write, read novels, watch movies, and play games by himself, and he could stay at home behind closed doors. Staying in the house until the end of time.

Until about a year ago, perhaps because of his growing age, or perhaps due to the pressure from his parents, he became enlightened, and gradually had the idea of ​​finding a partner in his heart.

And his nightmare began because of this.

From childhood to adulthood, he has a blank relationship experience, he is a standard straight man, he doesn't know how to chat with girls, he doesn't know how to get along with girls, he doesn't know what girls like, and he can't figure out what girls like Temperament, after this year, nothing has been gained except for getting a bad nose and making myself look embarrassed.

And the lovelorn just experienced, it can be said, once again dealt a heavy blow to Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi just lay on the bed, doing nothing, and the time soon came to the afternoon and dusk.

"Son, come down for dinner." Father Xiao Yi's voice came from downstairs.

"Here we come." Xiao Zhi responded.

After lying on the bed for another 5 minutes, Xiao Zhi slowly got up and walked up the stairs to the second floor.

His family has a small building of their own in Xicheng. The small building has 4 floors. Although each floor covers an area of ​​50 square meters, although it is not spacious, it is enough for their family to live in.

This was built by Father Xiao 20 years ago when he was young. At that time, he could buy land and build this kind of small building. Now Xia Guo’s policy has changed. If you want to buy a house, you can only buy the kind developed by real estate developers. Out of the commercial housing.

At the dinner table, mother Hu Lanzhi looked at her son with some distress: "Son, look at it, it's over when it's over, that girl has no ability, has a bad temper, and is so arrogant. To be honest, I don't know." Some look down on her, if you miss this kind of girl, you will miss it, there is nothing to regret."

"Yeah, your mother is right, take a closer look." Father also echoed beside him.

"I know, I've already seen it, and I'm not sad." Xiao Zhi said with a smile, with a relaxed expression on his face.

Of course, this is pretending. In front of his parents, Xiao Zhi always has a confident and optimistic expression. He doesn't want his parents to worry too much about him.

How can a relationship that is sincerely devoted to it be forgotten as soon as it is said, or let go of it as soon as it is said to be seen?

Reason told him that he should forget everything he had done before and get back on his feet, but the fact is that he still couldn't help thinking about the girl who hurt him, and couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

After dinner, as usual, Xiao Zhi went for a walk with his father. Because his father loved to drink, his blood pressure was high. It started half a year ago. If Xiao Zhi was fine, he would take his father for a walk by the river after dinner. .

Walking by the riverside in the small town, his father, Xiao Yi, patted his son on the shoulder lightly: "Son, you don't have to pretend anymore in front of dad, I know you're sad, just take it easy, your mother said it right." Yes, this kind of woman is really not worth it, our family's conditions are not bad, and you are not bad either, you will definitely find better ones in the future."

"Dad, I know." Xiao Zhi nodded, "I need a little time. After a long time, everything will be fine."

Father Xiao Yi nodded, and said nothing more.

After returning home, Xiao Zhi lay down on the bed again. After lying like this for half an hour, Xiao Zhi slowly sat up and took out the mobile phone that was placed beside him.

If you want to get out of a relationship, the most effective way is to find something for yourself to do, to divert your attention, so that you have no time to think about it.

Time is also the best medicine for healing, as long as enough time passes, no matter how strong emotions are, they will fade away.

Xiao Zhi has three ways to pass the time, watching movies, reading novels, and playing games.

After watching the movie for a while, I still couldn't get into it. Looking at the laughter and laughter of those people in the movie, Xiao Zhi only felt that he was separated from them by a world, and he didn't have any emotional resonance.

After closing the movie, he read the novel again. In the novel he chased after, the male protagonist is supernatural, everyone loves him, and the flowers bloom, attracting countless beauties. Xiao Zhi used to read it with gusto, but now It seemed that he was even more upset in his heart.

There is a huge gap between fiction and reality.

Forget it, don't watch it, let's play a game for a while.

Xiao Zhi hasn't played games for several months, the reason is that she doesn't like him playing games.

For her, he can compromise and change himself, but she has never made any compromise or change to him.

Thinking about it now, it's really ridiculous.

Originally, he thought that if he did this, he might be able to move her, but now that he thought about it, he could only touch himself by doing this.

There are still many games in the mobile game mall, and the number of various games has reached at least tens of thousands, which is dazzling.

Among them, stand-alone games accounted for only a small part, and most of them were online games.

As for games, Xiao Zhi doesn't particularly like the category. Whether he is watching novels, movies or playing games, he is an 'omnivorous' animal.

As soon as he opened the app store app that comes with the phone, a top recommendation on the home page caught Xiao Zhi's attention.

‘Do you want to understand the true meaning of life? Want to live a wonderful life? The world of sentient beings welcomes you to join us! '

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