This Game is Unusual

Chapter 2 The World of Beings

At the same time as the promotional text, there is also a promotional picture.

What the promotional pictures show is a big city hidden among the mountains, Qionglou Yuyu, Wuwa cornices, full of the ancient style of the Xia people, the sky is thousands of miles away, like the setting sun of blood, a man in fluttering clothes rides The crane soars above the nine heavens, in a proper fairy-tale style.

"Do you want to understand the true meaning of life? Do you want to live a wonderful life?" Xiao Zhi murmured these words without any fluctuation in his heart.

In addition to being an author, he is also an old bookworm who has been reading for more than 10 years. Isn't this line of propaganda text borrowed from the words of the founder of Infinity Stream novels?

I really want to understand the true meaning of life, and I want to live a wonderful life, but you show it to me, don't let me down.

While thinking about this, Xiao Zhi stretched out a finger, and casually tapped on the screen.

Xiao Zhi is still very interested in Xianxia games.

Every man who has read Xianxia novels will have a Xianxia dream in his heart, dreaming that he can slay demons and demons, fly into the sky and escape from the earth, catch stars and capture the moon, live forever, and laugh proudly at the common people.

But, after all, this is just an unattainable dream.

Most of the Xianxia mobile games on the market have rough picture quality, and the game modes are almost all carved out of the same mold, without any innovation. glow!

The meaning is obvious, if you want to become stronger, charge up money!

As long as you recharge enough, VIP15 is not a dream, equipment, wings, mounts, and gems are all not a dream! It can definitely brighten the titanium alloy dog ​​eyes of those badass players!

Xiao Zhi has seen too much of this kind of mobile game in the skin of a fairy.

Therefore, although he is very interested in Xianxia games, Xiao Zhi actually doesn't have much expectations for this game called "The World of All Beings".

He just desperately wanted to change his current situation, and wanted to find something to pass the time.

With Xiao Zhi's finger pointing on the screen.

Do you want to download the game? yes.

Downloading game for you...

The download interface appeared, and the game was being downloaded at a speed of 5MB/S.

Xiao Zhi checked the size of the game, it was 3.15G!

The average Xianxia mobile game is only 2,300M in size. This is the first time Xiao Zhi has seen such a large Xianxia mobile game.

3. 15G games are relatively common in client games, but in mobile games, this is already considered a big production, which makes Xiao Zhi faintly feel a sense of anticipation for this "world of sentient beings".

After waiting patiently for a while, the game is finally downloaded.

'The game download is complete. '

'The game installation is complete. '

'Run now? whether. '

Xiao insisted on the option of 'yes'.

The game was started, and after the screen went dark for 3 seconds, a line of golden text appeared on the pitch-black screen.

"The World of All Beings" will officially open at 9 o'clock in the evening, please wait patiently.

Below is a countdown, counting down 11 minutes and 39 seconds.

It's only 11 minutes, not 11 days, so just wait.

Switch to the browser, click to search for "The World of All Beings", and the search result is a novel that has been written by eunuchs for a long time, and there are only 7 chapters in total.

Due to the author's professionalism, Xiao Zhi hated such eunuch authors and eunuch novels.

I said brother, don't you know how difficult it is to start a new book now? If you write tens of millions of words, it’s all right to get a good title, but when you get excited and write a chapter or a few chapters, you get a title. .

In addition to this eunuch novel, Xiao Zhi also found some messy things, but there was no news about the game "The World of All Beings".

This shouldn't be the case, right? After all, it is a game that occupies the recommended position on the homepage of the app, isn't it popular at all?

11 minutes passed quickly.

The countdown on the black screen finally cleared to zero.

A line of big golden characters appeared: "Welcome to the world of sentient beings!"

The screen went dark, but soon a little light appeared again.

As far as I can see, it is very dim, and I can only vaguely see some nearby scenes.

A line of prompts popped up: "Please point your face at the front camera of your phone."

Xiao Zhiyi pointed his face at the phone camera.

He was curious in his heart. He had played so many games, and there was no game that needed to do this when the game was 'initialized'.

Tip: "After collecting the character information, when you log in to 'World of All Beings' in the future, you can log in to 'World of All Beings' without an account password."

Before Xiao Zhi was surprised, another prompt popped up: "Please enter the name of the game."


Xiao Zhi entered his game name smoothly. The game name 'Xiaozhi' is very similar to his real name. He always used this game name when playing games.

After clicking OK, no other prompts will pop up.

The world in the game was a little dark. Xiao Zhi tried to slide his fingers on the screen a few times. As his fingers slid on the screen, the night scene presented on the screen changed smoothly along with his fingers.

This turned out to be a first-person perspective 3D game!

If you look carefully, you will find that the pictures presented on the screen tend to be realistic, very delicate, very three-dimensional, without any sense of roughness. In terms of pictures alone, in the mobile games that Xiao Zhi has come into contact with, it is absolutely Belongs to the top level!

Not to mention anything else, but the game screen is quite satisfactory.

At least Xiao Zhi is very satisfied with this.

Xiao Zhi immediately regained his spirits. He cheered up and began to adapt to this game.

For a game veteran like Xiao Zhi, it doesn't take too long to adapt to a brand new game.

Soon, Xiao Zhi mastered some of the most basic operations of the game.

This is indeed a first-person perspective 3D game.

At this time, the environment in the game, like in reality, is at night.

A round of full moon hangs high above the sky, spreading bright moonlight to the earth.

The surrounding vegetation is rich, and you can hear the clear sound of insects, as well as the slight rustling of leaves when the evening wind blows.

In front of you, there is a winding country road winding into the distance.

In the distance, there are faintly visible dots of light, which are the lights of thousands of families.

Obviously, in that direction, there is a small human settlement, which should be a village.

Following this forest path, you should be able to go to the village in the distance, right? Xiao Zhi thought silently in his heart.

Under his control, his characters began to walk forward step by step along this narrow forest path.

The picture on the screen began to shake, and at the same time, Xiao Zhi also heard the obvious footsteps made by the characters walking, everything seemed so real.

As the characters walked, raising their feet and shaking their arms, Xiao Zhi saw that his characters were not only unarmed, but also barefoot without shoes.

Walking forward step by step along this path, after walking for about 20 minutes, Xiao Zhi finally approached the place with a little bit of light.

This is indeed a village, and there is an old stone tablet erected at the gate of the village.

On the stele, there are a few words engraved in red paint - Heping Village.

The moonlight in the game is very bright, so Xiao Zhi can clearly see the three characters on the old stone tablet.

Heping Village, Xiao Zhi's previous conjecture was not wrong, this is indeed a village.

Xiao Zhi controlled the character and continued to walk forward.

A piece of text floated across the screen like flowing water:

Prompt: "Successfully entered Heping Village, the character attribute interface is opened."

After this text drifted past, Xiao Zhi found that at the bottom right of his mobile phone screen, where there was nothing, there was a small icon - character attribute.

Xiao Zhi casually clicked the small icon, and immediately, a translucent interface popped up.

On the left side of the interface is a 3D character model that can be rotated left and right. The character model looks lifelike and textured.

This is an empty-handed, barefoot young man wearing only a pair of gray underpants. The young man is thin overall, and his face is almost... exactly the same as Xiao Zhi!

Xiao Zhi couldn't help being startled, he rubbed his eyes with his hands in disbelief, moved a little closer, and continued to look at the phone screen.

This is not an illusion, this face is indeed... exactly the same as his face!

Why is this happening?

Xiao Zhi was shocked at first, but soon he was relieved.

He remembered that before entering the game, the game asked him to point his face at the front camera of the phone, and later there was a prompt like 'character information collection is complete'.

Obviously, his appearance has been collected by the game.

When the game created a character, it created a character for him according to his real appearance.

After he figured this out, the astonishment in Xiao Zhi's heart turned into admiration.

It's incredible...

Is this black technology?

This is much more interesting than pinching your face.

Has the current game developed to this point?

On the left is the 3D character model of the character who looks exactly like Xiao Zhi, and on the right are some basic data of the character:

Name: Xiao Zhi

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Title: None

Strength: ordinary people

Attributes: Constitution 67, Strength 68, Dexterity 74.

Skills: none

Bloodline: None

Note: Physical fitness affects physical fitness, endurance, and resistance to negative states. Strength affects destructive power, explosive power, and instant explosive power. Agility affects speed, reaction speed.

These statistics are normal, compared to similar games, there are no bright spots.

Xiao Zhi was not in a hurry to enter Heping Village, but quit the game and clicked on the app store app that came with the phone.

He was curious as to which game company designed this game.

The graphics are so exquisite and a lot of black technology is used in a game. The game company behind it is by no means a small unknown company, it must be a big company.

However, the game interface of "The World of All Beings" is too simple, even when it is started, there is no information or logo of any game company.

Therefore, Xiao Zhi wanted to find some information about the game "World of All Beings" in the app store app.

After opening the App Store app, "The World of All Beings" still exists on a top recommendation on the home page.

Xiao Zhi tried to click on the promotional image of "The World of All Beings".

A line of prompts popped up: "You have successfully downloaded the game, and there is no need to download it again."

No matter how Xiao Zhi tried, he couldn't enter the game zone of "The World of All Beings".

For the other top games, Xiao Zhi tried them out, and you can enter their game zones through the promotional pictures on the top. In the game zone, you can see the size, version information, game company name, game screenshots, A series of information such as game gift packs and game reviews.

The world of sentient beings cannot do this.

Xiao Zhi changed his method. In the app store, he tried to search for the words "the world of all living beings". To his surprise, he couldn't find the existence of "the world of all living beings"!

A game that is at the top of the homepage can't be searched in the app store. What's going on? Is it a bug?

It should be a BUG.

Although this situation is rare, if it happens, it is not uncommon and there is no need to make a fuss.

Xiao Zhi quit the App Store app with some regrets. He opened the browser that came with his phone and searched for information about the "World of All Beings" on the Internet.

I couldn't find any news about the "World of All Beings" before because it hasn't opened the server yet.

Now, you may be able to find some information about it online.

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