This Game is Unusual

Chapter 3 Heping Village

As Xiao Zhi expected, some information about the "world of sentient beings" did appear on the Internet.

There was even an exclusive forum for the game "The World of All Beings".

Many players are amazed at the delicacy of the "world of living beings" picture.

After the character is created, the character is surprisingly consistent with the real player, whether it is appearance, height, or figure. This has also sparked extensive discussions among players.

Some players think this is very interesting. They think that the characters look exactly like themselves, which can make players feel that they are taking risks and becoming stronger in the game world, which is full of sense of substitution!

Some players don't think so.

They think this function of the game is really interesting, but can the game company be more humane and give players more choices?

What about some players who like men to play women's accounts and women to play men's accounts?

What about some players who like to pinch their faces?

What should some players who like to pursue beauty do?

Life is already so difficult, don't we players even have the qualifications to make ourselves beautiful and handsome in virtual games?

The two parties with different viewpoints started a heated discussion in the exclusive game forum of 'The World of All Beings'. At the beginning, it was okay, both sides were relatively restrained, but later, the 'discussion' became a real fire among the players. , The discussion turned into a scolding war, with each other refusing to give in, full of gunpowder.

Xiao Zhi watched with relish.

He didn't choose to participate, but became a melon eater by the side.

Before I knew it, the night was already deep.

The scolding battle was still going on, but there were only a few unnutritious national curses left, Xiao Zhi, who was a little sleepy, couldn't help yawning.

Forget it, go to sleep.

He turned off his cell phone, lay on the bed, and covered himself with a quilt.

He found that after the attention was diverted, he really didn't miss her that much.

Maybe I can sleep well tonight, and I won't suffer from insomnia like a few days ago.

Just like that, Xiao Zhi fell asleep without knowing it.

He is an internet author, which is a relatively free profession. He just finished writing his last novel not long ago. He originally planned to take a break and go to her city to find her during this time, but, still Before he passed, he had already been broken up.

The next day, just after 6 o'clock, he woke up and couldn't fall asleep. He still felt depressed, uncomfortable, and empty in his heart.

If you really love and want to forget someone, how can it be so easy.

Sitting on the bed, staring blankly for a while, Xiao Zhi picked up the mobile phone he had thrown by the bed, then stretched out his finger, and clicked on the icon of 'The World of All Beings'.

The game starts instantly and is very smooth.

The world in the game, like the real world, has turned into daylight, and the sky has just dawned.

His character sat at the head of Heping Village, and in front of him was a pile of bonfires that hadn't been completely extinguished.

Xiao Zhi remembered that before, his character was standing, and there was no bonfire in front of him.

Xiao Zhi manipulated his character to stand up, bypass the bonfire, and continue walking along the village path.

Xiao Zhi rotated the screen and looked around.

The village is surrounded by a wooden fence as high as a person, and there are several watchtowers inside the fence. On these watchtowers, there are strong villagers in gray cloth clothes standing guard.

Through these wooden fences, Xiao Zhi could see that this was a very ordinary village, not too big, with houses scattered with blue tiles and mud walls on both sides of the stone road in the village.

Xiao Zhi could even faintly hear the crowing of cocks and the barking of dogs.

Xiao Zhi controlled his character and came to the gate of the village.

Before he could make a move, the gate of the village creaked open.

An old man dressed in gray cloth, with a thin body and gray hair, who appeared to be in his 60s or 70s, appeared in front of Xiao Zhi.

The old man looked at Xiao Zhi with some pity, and said, "I am the village official of Heping Village, you can call me Yu Village official, young man, it is not easy to escape here, come in."

Beside the old man, there was a taller man who was taller than the old man by a head. The big man said: "Young man, last night you stood outside the village like a lost soul. Wake you up, if the villager hadn't pityed you and built a bonfire in front of you to drive you away from the cold, you might have suffered from frostbite last night."

This must be the NPC in the village, and the identity arranged for him by the game is a poor man who fled here and was so poor that he only had a pair of underpants left.

Xiao Zhi wanted to communicate with them, but he clicked the screen all over, but he couldn't find a place to input text or voice.

In this way, Xiao Zhi followed Yu Cunzheng and the strong man into the village.

After that, Xiao Zhi spent about an hour getting familiar with the game.

He found that if he wanted to communicate with these NPCs, he didn't need to find a place to input text or voice. He just needed to speak to the screen, and they could hear them.

He found that, unlike other games, the NPCs in other games can only say a few words over and over again, but these NPCs in Heping Village can answer whatever you say.

Could this be a new generation of intelligent NPC?

In addition to these, Xiao Zhi also found out the general situation of Heping Village.

Heping Village is a small village with more than 300 households and a population of more than 1,000. The villager of Heping Village is Yu Cunzheng. The middle-aged strong man who stood next to Yu Cunzheng and was a head taller than Yu Cunzheng was called Wang. Ji is the captain of the Heping Village patrol team.

Wang Ji is a martial artist, a martial artist of the acquired ninth rank.

In the patrol team of Heping Village, besides the captain Wang Ji, there are more than 20 people. These 20 people are all warriors.

As the only armed force in Heping Village, this patrol team is usually responsible for maintaining the law and order of Heping Village, and is responsible for expelling and hunting wild beasts and beasts that dare to approach the village. responsibility of the village.

'It seems that in this game, if you want to 'transfer' from an ordinary person to a warrior, you have to work hard on this patrol team in Heping Village. '

‘Acquired Jiuduan, after acquired warriors should be congenital warriors, this should be a world of martial arts cultivating immortals. ’ Xiao Zhi thought silently in his heart.

He also discovered that he was not the only new player who came to this Heping Village.

In this hour, he has met several players like him in the village.

Neither the villagers nor the players have special markings, but it is actually very easy to distinguish who is a player and who is an NPC villager.

At least now it is easy to distinguish, you can see it at a glance.

Because these rookie players are all like Xiao Zhi, bare-handed and wearing only a pair of simple gray underpants, this characteristic is too obvious.

As for the NPC villagers, although they are simple, they can afford clothes and pants anyway, and they also have shoes.

To Xiao Zhi's regret, the few players he saw were all male players, and there were no female players among them.

If it is a female player, besides the underpants, there should be some other 'equipment' to protect the chest and other vital parts, right?

In the next few days, apart from eating and sleeping, and taking a walk with his father along the river after dinner, Xiao Zhi devoted all his time to this game called 'The World of All Beings'.

Xiao Zhi was obsessed with games. His father, Xiao Yi, and his mother, Hu Lanzhi, all noticed. Although they were worried, they didn't say much about it.

The usual request for collection, recommendation tickets, and various requests, starting today, there will be 2 chapters every day~

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