This Game is Unusual

Chapter 4: Nine Bulls Explosive Strength

On the first day of entering Heping Village, Xiao Zhi spent his time familiarizing himself with the environment. He visited the entire Heping Village, chatting with all the villagers and players he met.

"The World of All Beings" is a little different from other games.

Although the NPCs in other games don't speak much, they usually issue some small tasks to the players, such as sending letters, collecting herbs, finding cats and dogs, and other small tasks. After completing these small tasks, players can not only get upgrades Experience, you can also get some money and props such as weapons and equipment.

And these NPC villagers in Heping Village are really ordinary villagers. Players chat with them, and it’s fine if they can’t receive the task. , what I got was the word 'thank you', other than that, nothing else.

Fortunately, Xiao Zhi did not get nothing. During the chat with Yu Cunzheng, he succeeded in gaining Yu Cunzheng's favor, and Yu Cunzheng gave him an old gray dress and a pair of worn-out straw sandals.

Although the clothes and shoes are not new, they are clean and tidy.

I heard from Yu Cunzheng that these are his son's clothes. His son and his wife moved to the county a few years ago, so these old clothes are left.

After thanking Xiao Zhi repeatedly, he put the clothes on the character's body and put the straw sandals on the feet, and immediately felt much more comfortable.

He grew up in a civilized society since he was a child, and he is very uncomfortable with streaking, and he feels safe only when he is wearing clothes.

Xiao Zhi became the first player to put on clothes in Heping Village, which envied the other players.

These players did the same thing, trying to get clothes from Yu Muramasa and other NPCs by relying on their eloquent tongues. As a result, without exception, all of these players failed.

A grumpy player even wanted to grab it by hand.

As a result, his fate was very tragic. He was smashed in the head with a stick by the patrol team members who drove over, and his body was dragged out of the village. The bloodstain extending outside the village looked shocking, even through the screen, Xiao Zhi felt intrusive.

The villagers here are really...the folk customs are tough, and they will kill people if they disagree with each other.

After this incident, other players no longer have the idea of ​​grabbing it.

One after another, new players came to Heping Village and joined Heping Village.

Obviously, this Heping Village is the legendary Player Novice Village.

On the afternoon of the first day, Xiao Zhi and several other players found Wang Ji, the patrol captain of Heping Village. They wanted to learn from Wang Ji how to break through from ordinary people to warriors.

Wang Ji went to ask Yu Cunzheng for instructions, and after some discussion, Wang Ji walked over again, and he said: "I do have an acquired skill that can allow ordinary people to break through and become warriors, called "Nine Bulls Explosive Power Jue" ", but you are not strong enough to practice my acquired skills."

A line of text floated across the screen like flowing water.

Reminder: ""Nine Bulls Explosive Power Jue" is a strength-type acquired skill, and the cultivation requirement is: the strength attribute reaches 100 points and above."

Tip: "The three major attributes, such as physique, strength, and agility, can all be improved through some basic training. The training method is..."

After such a long time, the system prompt of the game finally appeared for the second time.

Xiao Zhi clicked on his character attribute interface. His strength attribute is only 68 points, which is still a long way from the 100-point strength attribute requirement of the "Nine Bulls Explosive Power Jue".

'It seems that I can only use the training methods just suggested by the system to improve my strength. ’ Xiao Zhi thought silently in his heart.

The "world of living beings" is very real, and the player's character will not only be hungry and thirsty in it, but also need to excrete.

After a day of tossing, another text floated across the screen like flowing water.

Prompt: "You are very thirsty and need a drink."

Prompt: "You are very hungry and need to eat."

Tip: "The character's hunger and thirst are turned on. When your hunger and thirst reach a certain level, your state will become worse. If you continue, you will die."

As these words floated over Xiao Zhi's screen, a faint gray outline appeared around Xiao Zhi's screen.

'Hungry and thirsty, where should I go for food? ’ Xiao Zhi was a little annoyed.

You must know that his game character is now penniless, and there are no relatives here, where can he find food?

The other players obviously also have this concern.

Fortunately, their worries didn't last long. The villager took pity on these poor people who had fled here, and specially cooked a big pot of rice in an open space in the village to entertain them.

Each player was given a bowl of steaming, gray, and paste-like food. Xiao Zhi magnified the contents of the porcelain bowl more than ten times on the screen, but he couldn't distinguish the paste. What is the food like paste.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he can fill his stomach, he is not picky about food.

To be precise, the characters in his game are not picky eaters. After all, it’s just a game. Even if you set him a big table full of Chinese people in the game and let him eat, he won’t be able to taste it through the screen. come.

The characters in the game may be very hungry, but they ate very quickly and deliciously, and even made baji baji sounds.

There is only such a bowl of food, but there is enough water.

After eating this bowl of food, and using a wooden spoon to pour several spoonfuls of water, the game character let out a long sigh of satisfaction.

This night, the players spent the night in this open space in the village. Yu Cunzheng took pity on them homeless people and lit a large bonfire in this open space. The temperature of the bonfire can dispel It's cold at night, sleeping next to this bonfire, you won't feel cold.

The bright moon was in the sky, and it sprinkled the moonlight on the ground. Xiao Zhi deliberately counted. So far, including him, there are 17 players in Heping Village.

Among them, 16 were male players and only 1 was a female player.

Sure enough, as he expected, the treatment of female players is much better than that of male players. Not only do they have a pair of trousers, but also a gray short jacket.

It's just that this female player has a very ordinary appearance and a very ordinary figure. The male players, including Xiao Zhi, just looked at her curiously and then looked away.

Beside the burning bonfire, some players fell asleep, while others gathered together and started chatting.

Xiao Zhi also participated in the chat.

He has always been easy-going and has a good temper. No matter men, women, young or old, he can generally chat well, and he has never been offensive.

The only one who felt that there was nothing to talk about and got stuck while chatting was probably his ex-girlfriend.

Why is this happening?

He has been troubled by this problem for a long time.

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation tickets, ask for investment, ask for various~

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