This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1005 Dutian Profound Furnace

Xiao Zhi was a little confused.


Could it be that there are Tianxuan Sha Furnaces in all directions? How can this be?

Xiao Zhi felt that this was absurd and unbelievable.

But soon, a possibility came to his mind, and his eyelids twitched wildly!

Could it be that I am now in the furnace of the Tianxuan Fiend Furnace? If it is in the furnace, then this situation can be explained.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help being startled!

This possibility is equally absurd and unbelievable!

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

Thinking of this possibility, Xiao Zhi shouted, "Let's go!"

With a low shout, Xiao Zhi directly radiated the extremely powerful true energy in his body, took control of the flying boat from Li Kuo's hands, and drove the flying boat, carrying everyone, to leave the airspace by Huahong.

However, he drove the flying boat, and only rushed hundreds of feet to one side, and a blue wall suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking the flying boat like a moat!

The flying boat stopped abruptly when it was approaching the blue wall, Xiao Zhi drew his sword and slashed, creating a shadow as thick as ink!

There was a muffled bang.

The Sad Spring Knife in Xiao's hand cut out a series of dazzling sparks on the blue wall.

With Xiao Zhi's current strength, with this knife, there is almost nothing below the gods that cannot be cut! But on this blue wall, there is not even a white mark left!

It's just that when cutting out the fire sparks, one can see that on the blue wall in front of you, there are lines of words like scripts floating out faintly!

"What is this?" Shi Chong exclaimed.

The sky suddenly turned dark.

The blue wall in front of Xiao Zhi's eyes suddenly extended in all directions! In the blink of an eye, everyone on the flying boat was covered in it!

What kind of blue wall is this? This is clearly the inner wall of a furnace!

For a moment, Xiao Zhi's expression turned extremely ugly!

The sky suddenly became dark, without a trace of light.

In this absolutely dark environment, even Nascent Soul cultivators will lose their vision and cannot see.

Shi Chong gave a low shout, his true energy gushed out, and a bright earthy yellow light suddenly burst out from his body, illuminating the darkness in front of him.

Then I saw a figure rising into the sky from below and flying towards the flying boat.

This figure is not someone else, but it is Xiao Zhi.

This is the real Xiao Zhi, who has been hiding in the dark all this time.

Who would have imagined that he also somehow entered the Tianxuan Sha Furnace.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi's expression turned extremely ugly.

They were taken away in one pot!

calm! calm! Be sure to calm down!

After panicking for a moment, Xiao Zhi forced himself to calm down, thinking crazily in his mind, thinking of a way to break the situation.

Not only Xiao Zhi, Venerable Kui and Shi Chong, but also the Nascent Soul monster who lived for countless years, they also quickly calmed down.

Around the flying boat, Shi Chong built layer upon layer of earth walls with the law of earth movement, and firmly protected everyone on the flying boat inside.

Li Kuo, who came back to his senses, used the power of the law of ice and snow to strengthen the layers of earth walls.

Venerable Kui launched his own death domain to explore this confined space.

"Xiao Xu, can you still sense the existence of that Taixuzi?" Xiao Zhi's eyes burst out with a dazzling golden light, scanning in all directions, all he could see was the blue wall, and that Taixuzi didn't know when, Has disappeared without a trace.

"I can't sense his existence anymore." On Yang Xu's pale face, the expression was very ugly.

"I can't summon the ghost gate here, it should be a completely sealed space." Venerable Kui said coldly.

Xiao Zhi's heart moved, and he began to sense his Yuanlong avatar through his consciousness.

Soon, his face became extremely ugly.


He and his Dao Yuanlong clone have completely lost contact.

Before, no matter where he was, even if he was separated by an absolute domain, as long as he wanted, he could successfully establish contact with his Yuanlong avatar. This was the first time this happened.

At this moment, to be honest, Xiao Zhi was a little panicked.

But soon, he suppressed the panic that had just arisen in his heart, and became calm again.

In the next moment, a mist-like pale gold floated out of his body, and in the blink of an eye, it swelled into a terrifying Dharma figure with three heads and eight arms, which was the Dharma figure of Dawei Heavenly King!

Venerable Kui's ghost gate cannot be summoned, but his Dharma image of Dawei Heavenly King can still be summoned smoothly.

Because, Venerable Kui's ghost gate exists in another world, and his Dawei Tianwang Dharma is transformed from his Nascent Soul. Although the two seem to be summons, their natures are completely different. of.

As soon as the hideous and frightening figure of Dawei Tianwang Faxiang emerged, he rushed towards the blue wall not far away, and stabbed fiercely at the blue wall with the black sword in his hand!

Hearing the sound of bang, a group of dazzling flames burst out on the green wall, and at the same time, words like runes emerged.

Under the action of the huge counter-shock force, Dawei Tianwang Faxiang was shaken back several steps!

But when the flame disappeared, the rune-like characters on the green wall disappeared, but the green wall was intact, not even a single white mark appeared.

Ordinary black sword attack is not enough, then five times!

"Increase the power of this sword by five times!" A vast voice sounded.

Faxiang, the king of Dawei, charged towards the green wall in front of him again with his sword.

In Xiao Zhi's hand, several spirit stones quietly appeared, and he grabbed these spirit stones and began to absorb them.

There was another loud bang!

This sound was dozens of times stronger than the previous sound, and with the increase in the confined space, the sound became even more deafening.

At the same time as the loud noise came out, there was also an extremely dazzling light burst out!

A small sword mark appeared at the place stabbed by the black sword, and around the sword mark, densely packed characters like runes emerged!

"Finally left a mark." Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up, and a hint of joy appeared in his heart.

It's just that just as a hint of joy surfaced in his heart, under his gaze, the small sword mark on the green wall healed and disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi's expression sank, and his heart sank directly to the bottom of the water!

‘Five times won’t work, then ten times! ’ Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth.

He heard a vast voice say: "Make this sword's power tenfold!"

This sword with ten times the power is already the strongest blow that Xiao Zhi can make now.

If the power is further increased, the true energy in his body will not be able to support it, and the true energy will be exhausted in an instant, and then squeezed out.

With the blessing of ten times the power, the black sword in the hands of Dawei Tianwang Faxiang is like a black hole, distorting time and space, and there is no light to be seen.

The sword with ten times the power pierced the green wall without making any sound, and it did not burst into dazzling flames like before. On the green wall that the black sword touched, a light suddenly lit up. Large pieces of runes like seal characters!

This black sword was like a knife stuck in butter, causing the green wall in front of him to melt.

However, the speed at which the green wall melts is not fast, but rather a slow process.

However, the true energy in Xiao Zhi's body has plummeted.


When the ten times powerful sword in Dawei Tianwang Faxiang's hand pierced the green wall for more than ten feet, Xiao Zhi stopped shouting.

If he doesn't stop, the true energy in his body will bottom out.

Dawei Heavenly King Dharma Xiang drew his sword and flew back.

Thousands of runes on the green wall were shining together, and the sword mark on the green wall was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then healed.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi felt a little desperate.

Since he entered the world of sentient beings, he has experienced many dangers. He even wandered around the gate of hell several times, but it was the first time he felt so hopeless and powerless.

Fortunately, Xiao Zhi has a characteristic, that is, the more he reaches the moment of life-and-death crisis, the calmer he becomes and the clearer his mind becomes.

While holding several spirit stones in both hands, he was absorbing them crazily, while his eyes glowed with golden light, scanning in all directions, he said in a deep voice, "What should I do?"

Venerable Kui and Shi Chong were also scanning the surroundings. They frowned and remained silent, obviously not finding any way to break the situation.

Yang Xu pretended to be calm, and kept scanning his surroundings.

Although he has already crossed the catastrophe and became a demon venerable, he is still less than twenty years old. At this time, he can barely maintain his composure, which is already very good.

Seeing that no one answered, Xiao Zhi was silent for a while, and then said in a deep voice: "From the moment we entered this ghostly place, until now, five breaths of time have passed, and during this five breaths of time, we can't get out. , but never received any attack. There are two possibilities. The first possibility is that Tai Xuzi wants to use this method to consume our fighting will. After our fighting will is almost exhausted, he Then launch a thunderous strike against us and kill us here!"

"What about the second possibility?" Venerable Kui asked coldly.

Xiao Zhidao: "The second possibility is that this so-called Dutian Xuan Sha Furnace is very effective in trapping enemies, but its attack power is very average. It may consume us to death, but it cannot kill us quickly! "

When Venerable Kui and Shi Chong heard the words, they couldn't help showing a thoughtful expression.

Shi Chong said in a deep voice: "It is very likely that it is the second type, after all... this is the Tianxuan Sha Furnace, from the name it should be just an alchemy furnace of Zhenjun, if it is a pill furnace, it should not be an attack type A powerful magic weapon."

"That makes sense." Venerable Kui nodded and said in a cold voice.

Xiao Zhi nodded when he heard the words. He actually thought so too. This might be an alchemy furnace, and it shouldn't be that kind of powerful attack magic weapon.

"Tai Xuzi! What do you mean? Do you want to trap me and Shi Chong here?" Venerable Kui said in a cold voice.

"Tai Xuzi! Please come out and see me!" Shi Chong also said in a dull voice.

Except for the echo, there was no sound responding to them.

Xiao Zhi didn't say anything, but when he saw his thoughts move, a crystal clear snow lotus petal appeared in front of his eyes out of thin air.

This is the token that Zhen Lan Cannian gave him.

In this absolutely enclosed space, no other means can penetrate the green wall and connect to the outside world. I don't know if Zhenlan Cannian's token is okay.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi felt a little uneasy, and at the same time kept praying in his heart that he must contact Zhen Lan Cannian! Be sure to contact Zhenlan Cannian!

It seems that the prayer in Xiao Zhi's heart played some role. The crystal clear snow lotus petal that Xiao Zhi took out actually began to emit a faint light.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn't help being overjoyed!

It worked! He succeeded!

The token that Zhenlan Cannian gave him can be used even here, it is simply a fetish!

No, 'simply' can be removed, this is a fetish!

The shimmering snow lotus petals began to change drastically, and soon, it turned into a handsome man's face, which was exactly the face that belonged to Zhen Lan Cannian!

This was the first time Xiao Zhi summoned Zhenlan Cannian in front of others.

Whether it was Venerable Kui, Shi Chong, or Yang Xu who had just entered the Yaozun Realm, there was a hint of surprise on their faces.

"What's the matter?" The handsome man's face and eyes rolled, and he glanced at Venerable Kui and the others, and his eyes finally fell on Xiao Zhi. No matter his expression or voice, he seemed a little indifferent.

It can be seen that Zhen Lan can't bear to be surrounded by so many strangers.

Xiao Zhi hurriedly said: "It's like this, Zhen Lan, we are trapped, trapped in a furnace called Dutian Xuansha Furnace, I have already tried to attack by force, but it is useless, we will not escape at all. don't go."

"Dutianxuan Shalu?" The handsome man frowned slightly, showing a thoughtful expression: "I really think this name is familiar, and it seems to have some impression."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help but cheer up, and hurriedly said: "Zhen Lan, think about it, help me think carefully, and see what this thing is, and is there any way to crack it!"

The handsome man frowned and thought for a moment, then said: "I remembered, this is the Tianxuan Fiend Furnace, which is a low-grade alchemy furnace with decent quality. Many gods will use it when making alchemy. In addition to alchemy, it can also be used to smelt spirit treasures and congenital spirit treasures, gods use this Tianxuan Furnace to smelt everything in this world!"

"This Dutianxuan Furnace, even the Xiantian Lingbao, can be smelted..." Yang Xu said with a pale face.

Venerable Kui and Shi Chong standing beside him also had ugly expressions.

But Xiao Zhi said in a deep voice: "Zhen Lan, you said that if the gods use this Tianxuan Furnace, they can melt all things in this world?"

"Not bad." The handsome man said.

Xiao Zhi said in a deep voice: "What if the person who controls this Tianxuan Furnace is not a god, but a monk at the peak of Nascent Soul? Can he rely on this Du Tianxuan Furnace to melt everything in this world?"

Thank you book friend 20200301080444309 for the reward.

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